Stephen Hawking: Humanity Can't Live Thousands of Years

Stephen Hawking: Humanity Can't Live Thousands of Years

Popular British physicist Stephen Hawking made a very controversial statement. He said that, given the current pace of progress, humanity simply will not survive another thousand years on Earth.

The 74-year-old professor revealed this during his talk at Oxford University. His call for a more detailed study of space and travel over long distances evoked special pleasure from the audience and applause.

“Someday we will be able to use gravitational waves and consider the very 'heart' of the Big Bang, '' said the scientist. 'At the moment, many discoveries have been made in space, but this is negligible. The future of humanity provides for its further development. So far, I think that we will simply not be able to live another thousand years on our fragile planet. '

Hawking then described threats that could destroy humanity. He noted that the priority remains the danger of a nuclear war, and only after that he put a genetically modified virus and the evolution of artificial intelligence.

Sources: The Daily Mail

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