Having stumbled on level ground, almost each of us will simply smile and go on about our business. But if you turn to popular beliefs, you can find out that this small incident is able to predict certain events.
And if you happen to stumble on your right or left foot, the signs will provide a detailed explanation of what to expect in the near future.
You stumble with your right foot – the guardian angel tries to warn of failure
Stumble on your right leg
The right side of the body symbolizes truth and is considered safe. However, if something unpleasant happens to her, then the meaning of the signs associated with her will be similar. This is how the belief appeared: to stumble on the right leg – to plunge into problems.
- When a person stumbles on his right leg, this indicates that evil spirits are sending him troubles, various obstacles. Superstitious people are always baptized after such an incident – it is believed that this helps prevent trouble.
- Stumbling with your right foot – this is the guardian angel trying to warn you of the possibility of failure. The intended business is likely to fail, so it is better to postpone it or completely refuse to implement it.
- The most ancient omen says this: this situation should be viewed as a sign from above – you have chosen the wrong path in life, and therefore it is necessary to revise the values as soon as possible and turn onto the right road.
- Stumbling on the right leg, according to another sign, is a failure on the way. And in order to neutralize troubles, it is advisable to return home, look at yourself in the mirror and comb your hair.
- Popular beliefs in such a situation are advised to pay attention to your birthday. If a stumbling person was born on an even day of the month, this promises him success, on an odd day – negative events.
On the left leg
The left side has always been associated with evil insidious forces. And if a person accidentally stumbled on his left leg, then the omen promised him joy and happiness.
- According to one of the beliefs, this incident indicated that the guardian angel protects a person, protects him from everything bad.
- Stumbled on your left foot, pay attention to the number of your birth: an odd one promises good luck, an even one – on the contrary, portends various troubles.
- Another sign suggests that, having stumbled on your left foot, you can expect a well-deserved reward for your work.
- In ancient times, a belief was formed, according to which such a situation meant that a series of successful victories would soon follow.
You will be collected, you will be able to organize your thoughts, and a very successful idea will appear in your head, which will bring real success.
If you stumble on your left foot, you can expect a well-deserved reward for your work.
The meaning of the stumbling point
Of no small importance in the interpretation of the omen is the place in which a person had a chance to stumble with his left or right foot.
- If this happened while leaving the house, and you stumbled over the threshold, the day will be unlucky.
- Stumbled on the road – again, pay attention to your date of birth. Even numbers promise good luck and vice versa. And if you received a negative interpretation, then the signs are advised to change your route.
- Stumbled on your left foot while climbing the stairs – get ready to meet your main enemy, on your right – you will have a great time in the company of your best friend.
- If you happen to stumble on your left foot, going downstairs – a romantic date awaits you, a love meeting, on your right – beware, as today you will be haunted by failures.
- When you stumble heavily on the stairs and fall – a sign predicts a positive outcome of any of your undertakings. Whatever you undertake, everything will succeed and give the expected result.
Stumbled on your left foot while climbing the stairs – to a meeting with the enemy, on your right – have a great time with your best friend
Interpretation by day of the week
Consider the day of the week stumbling, whether you stumbled on your right or left foot.
- If it happened on Monday, expect trouble. Moreover, events can be so negative that as a result it will lead to long tears.
- To stumble on Tuesday is to find true love. The relationship will be passionate, and the bond between lovers is very strong.
- If you stumble on Wednesday – beware of envious people and ill-wishers, as they will try to give you a lot of trouble. This sign has another interpretation: soon you will learn about a serious illness that will fall on a person from your immediate environment.
- Stumbled on Thursday – expect trouble. Another superstition is that you will be praised.
- According to the stumble, such an event on Friday predicts an unexpected meeting, which will be very important for you.
- Stumbled on your foot on Saturday – beware of betrayal, treason.
- If this happened on Sunday, a sign promises a letter, news.
If you have received an unpleasant prediction, do not be very upset. Make it a rule to think only about the good, and then troubles will be perceived much easier. And, perhaps, they can be avoided altogether.