The famous Guinness Book of Records has found the highest minor resident of our planet.
She was a middle school student Zhang Ziyu from Chinese
Shandong Province. In her 11 years old schoolgirl already has a height of 210
centimeters – more than many professional basketball players.
By the way, our heroine plans to become a basketball player. Her
parents are also tall, that is, it’s not about disease, but about heredity.
A resident of Jinan is still growing. She is taller
any of their teachers and is forced to sit in the classroom at a special
school desk “on Kamchatka”, as they say in Russian schools. Above mentioned
father and mother of the girl are professional basketball players,
met because of their general occupation. So
Thus, genetics has played an important role in the life of a young Chinese woman.
The idol of Zhang is American basketball player LeBron James,
however, our heroine outgrew him. James’s height is “Only” 203 centimeters.
Sport is probably the only area where Zia will succeed
to fully realize oneself and take advantage of such
physical data. The girl goes to a sports club and loves
school physical education lessons. Needless to say that the estimates
for this occupation she is always the highest. Besides schoolgirl
demonstrates excellent results in singing and dancing. Mother Zhang
she is her personal trainer, who is intensely preparing her daughter for
the conquest of various sports heights.
Already in the first grade, the growth of a Chinese woman was 160 centimeters.
It is noteworthy that almost all children with unusually tall ridiculed by peers, but Zia avoided
such a fate. Fellow practitioners love their girlfriend very much and consider her height
a huge advantage. Zhang has a good character and never
does not give anyone a grudge against bullies. With such a huge growth, she is without
labor can cope with any bully even much older than her,
not to mention the peers in whose circle she is mostly
rotates …