The cat gave birth to kittens – interpretation of famous dream books

Watching the birth of a fluffy pet in a dream or participating in the process of the birth of a new life yourself is an exciting event that, upon awakening, can raise many questions. To obtain the most accurate interpretation of such a night vision, one should take into account the number of kittens born, the appearance and behavior of the cat, the place of birth, as well as the sex of the dreamer.

The cat gave birth to kittens - interpretation of famous dream books

Why dream of a giving birth cat

In popular dream books, you can find the following decoding of the birth of kittens:

  1. Wang. The birth of a pet warns of imminent difficulties. Due to your own inattention, you will overlook a small problem, which can cause irreversible, negative consequences. At work, you should be careful, as envious colleagues can become more active, which will lead to dismissals or lower wages.
  2. Loff. A giving birth cat symbolizes problems in relationships with a soul mate. Try to show more trust and attention towards your loved one – this will help avoid separation. Such a dream may indicate the appearance of a rival or rival – in order to keep a soul mate next to you, diversify your intimate life and expand the circle of common interests.
  3. Miller. To give birth to a cat – to a deterioration in the well-being of the dreamer or one of the relatives. A lambing pet may indicate unpleasant actions that will subsequently harm only a sleeping person.

A sphinx cat in labor indicates a balance between the physical and psychological state of a sleeping person.

To kill a pregnant cat in a dream is to successfully cope with all difficulties without visible losses. Seeing a cat lambing is a recipe for bad news.

Why dream that the cat gave birth to kittens

In many dream books, a cat giving birth or has already given birth symbolizes an early solution to existing problems, but for a more detailed decoding, a number of factors are taken into account. A difficult cat birth indicates false gossip spread behind the back of a sleeping person.

Cat's appearance

The color of the cat determines the interpretation of night vision:

  • black – to the betrayal of a loved one;
  • white – to sudden mood swings that can lead to problems with leadership or prolonged conflict with a friend;
  • tricolor – to distance from family people due to workload, which will cause hidden grievances;
  • gray – to resolve problems on the love front;
  • striped – to mutual understanding with family members and comfort in the house;
  • redhead – ill-wishers will try to ruin the reputation of a sleeping person.

The cat of an unusual color symbolizes positive changes and an unforgettable vacation surrounded by the most dear people.

The appearance of kittens

Interpretation by color:

  • redheads – financial well-being;
  • black – successful completion of long-standing affairs;
  • white – good luck in all areas of life.

Seeing in a dream the birth of suited kittens, such as the mother, is to identify and eliminate the source of possible troubles in time. If the pet gave birth to offspring with a different color, new problems will soon arise in addition to the existing ones, and it will be quite difficult to cope with them.

Number of kittens

Seeing the birth of a large number of kittens and feeling anxiety – to demotion at work, conflict with management or the loss of a friend. If the process evokes joyful emotions, soon the sleeping person will receive good news and achieve his goal without outside help.

In most dream books, a cat who has given birth to one kitten means the successful completion of a work project. The appearance of dead kittens warns that it will take a lot of strength to solve new problems.

Cat behavior towards kittens

If you dream of a lambing domestic cat that licks its newborn offspring, soon a black streak will end in the life of a sleeping person. The mother eats with appetite – to solve the problem, the dreamer will choose the wrong path, which will cause the situation to worsen.

The pet playing with kittens symbolizes the support of relatives and close friends in all endeavors. If the cat ate the kitten, stop traveling anytime soon.

Place and time of action

Interpretation by time of day:

  • at night – to solve the problem by means of significant monetary costs;
  • in the morning – to move up the career ladder;
  • in the afternoon – to a pleasant rest with your loved one.

The cat gave birth at home – in the near future you can safely carry out your plans – everything will work out without difficulty. The animal lambed on the street – to strong experiences. Don't worry – everything will turn out in your favor.

Why dream of giving birth to a cat

To give birth to a cat in a dream is to take an active part in solving the problems of a loved one. If the process causes joy, in the future the dreamer will be lucky, and negative emotions warn of serious difficulties. Catching a newborn kitten is a positive change in life.

Why dream of the birth of kittens in a cat for a woman, a girl

In dream books for the fairer sex, the image of a lambing cat has the following meanings:

  1. Someone else's pet warns the lady about the deterioration of family relations due to the fault of the ill-wisher. Try to identify the envious person and exclude him from the close environment – this will help to avoid conflicts with loved ones.
  2. Watching from the sidelines how a street cat gives birth to kittens – to the appearance of a rival. In order not to be left alone, try to diversify your relationship with your partner, take time to develop your personality, since the lack of common interests can also play into the hands of a lovemaker.
  3. The lambing pet warns the girl of intrigues lingering behind her back, the guy's infidelity or false gossip being spread. Ignoring what is happening will lead to a deterioration in reputation, isolation or long-term depression.

Expert Opinion Yuna Khatun A divine fortune teller To drive away a giving birth animal or douse it with water – to avoid many problems in reality. If you yourself gave birth to kittens in a dream, this hints at a subconscious desire to have a baby.

Man dreams

The significance of the birth of a cat in night vision for the stronger sex:

  1. For an adult man, the image of an animal means the presence of a lady surrounded by her, through whose fault many troubles arise in his life. It is necessary to identify this person and stop any communication – this will make it possible to meet love and solve the accumulated problems.
  2. For a guy in a long-term relationship, the birth of kittens means insincerity on the part of the second half. This girl is in a relationship with the dreamer, pursuing selfish goals.
  3. For a married man, such a dream predicts scandals with his wife that can lead to divorce. Try to find a stumbling block, pay attention to the qualities that you value in the chosen one – this will help preserve the marriage.

If there are no problems in the relationship with the second half, then a cat with newborn kittens in a dream may indicate a negligent performance of official duties. If a sleeping person does not change his attitude to work, he will face not only a decrease in income, but also problems with the law.

Even if night vision has a negative interpretation, do not worry – many dreams arise as a result of internal unrest and may not make any sense. Try to be less nervous and give importance to trifles, concentrate on family and loved ones.

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