In almost all cultures of the world, regardless of the level of development and religion, the right side of the body is endowed with positive force, the left – negative. All our ancestors have long known what the right or left wrist itches for, what signs they want to tell us.
What the side of the body says
In the ideas of the Slavs, behind our right shoulder there is a bright angel who tells us the right desires, encourages us to do good deeds. Therefore, if the wrist of the right hand itches, you will have a meeting with a family member or just a good person, debt repayment, monetary gain, and other events that bring joy.
Behind the left shoulder is our personal demon, pushing us to stupid acts, bringing all kinds of troubles to our heads. Therefore, the wrist of the left hand will itch if we are faced with temptation, trouble, or we are moving in the wrong direction in life.
Day of week
Find out what to expect in the near future, depending on the side of the body on which your wrist itches.
- Monday. The right wrist itches – this promises three pleasant things: a meeting with a person you like, but not a relative; profit from where they did not expect; the day that you will be lucky in everything. The left wrist itches for obviously less pleasant things. This promises a reprimand from the authorities, and if you are in any way connected with criminals or illegal business, this can predict arrest and imprisonment. Be careful!
- Tuesday. On the right – new events: an interesting job, a business trip, a trip to a pleasant place with interesting people. A visit from an old friend is possible. On the left – pressure and restriction of freedom (not necessarily arrest). This can be a ban on visiting some places, for certain activities, insurmountable obstacles in business. Or you yourself, voluntarily and without coercion, make an expensive gift to a loved one. And you will not regret it!
- Wednesday. An itch in the right wrist promises romantic adventures for bachelors and a flash of feelings for couples who have been together for a long time. But if romance is not a priority, there may be a sudden return of debt that you no longer hoped for. The left hand itches on Wednesday to a mistake, a wrong act and self-flagellation about this. And also – to great disappointment in the person you trusted. He can set you up, 'throw' you for a large sum or commit another unseemly act towards you.
- Thursday is deservedly considered the day of wins and prizes. The wrist of the right hand is itching – you can safely go to the boss for an increase or increase. You can also go on the offensive on the love front, your half will be supportive to you. But if it itches on the left, do not count on romance, it promises quarrels and conflicts with loved ones. Try not to be naive, they will try to deceive you in a big way.
- Friday. Itching in the right wrist joint promises success at work, promotion, receiving cash rewards for your success. At the same time, it can portend a visit from relatives who are disposed to lend you money, if there is such a need. But the left side below the palm promises conflicts at work with colleagues, dissatisfaction with the boss, and even deprivation of bonuses. Also, when the left wrist itches, it can be a warning about possible theft. Keep your wallet with you, and don't wear valuable jewelry.
- Saturday. Itching, 'restless' and long-lasting scratching in the right hand is a sign of tenderness, love and gifts. And the longer the itch does not calm down, the more expensive gift you can count on. But not only materially, but also spiritually. For a girl, for example, this may be a sign that a guy will invite him to marry, for a married lady – that her husband will give a vacation ticket, and other pleasant surprises. An itchy left hand promises the opposite: a great loss of material wealth, money, or parting with a loved one, a breakdown in relationships, a catastrophic quarrel with parents or adult children. Are you planning a scam? Do not get involved in this business – and you yourself will be a loser, and you will lose the respect of your friends.
- Sunday. The right hand itches – this promises to meet a high-ranking person who, in the near future, will play a positive role in your career advancement, business, and legal transactions that make a profit. In addition, on Sunday you will have a chance to profitably sell something you don't need. As for the scratching in the left wrist, then the omen is not so deplorable – you have a short rest, try to spend it calmly, without loss. You can also spend a decent amount on entertainment, but you won't regret it, it's worth it.
Link to immediate events
You are expecting something pleasant: a dream is about to come true, a new prestigious job is about to come true, a red diploma of graduation from a university, the birth of a child, but you never know something great can take place, and at the same time your right wrist itches – to be a holiday and awards ! Also, a sign says that when your right wrist itches, you will be lucky not only in relationships, but also in business: everything will go like clockwork, and all undertakings will be crowned with success.
Suppose you have an important meeting, negotiations on which a lot depends: profit or loss, poverty or wealth, health or a terrible diagnosis. You think about it all the time, scroll through the options, ask for help from higher powers. And just before the meeting, you feel that the wrist of your left hand is unbearably itching. What does this sign mean? And the reason is obvious: you are now feeling angry and dissatisfied with yourself, you are going to do wrong.
If both wrists itch at once, then you have a great perspective, but be careful in your words and actions, as you can ruin everything.
Rites for good prospects
Find out what to do to prevent your worst expectations from fulfilling if your left hand itches:
- Scratching the itchy area towards you (whether it is on the left hand or on the right). This way you will attract both luck and money.
- Kiss your wrist and then scratch upwards on your chin.
- Clench your hand into a fist and kiss him, then scratch your wrist on a tree (there are options – about a pocket or a red thing) also – towards yourself.
- Wanting to lure money, scratch your itchy wrist with a four-fold bill – to yourself, to yourself! And also, so that money does not leave your home, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the publication – 'Why in the evening in no case should you give money in hand?
- If your left wrist is itching, just 'change the poles' by saying, 'Right is raunchy, left is queen,' and luck will find its way to you!
If you force yourself to think and act positively, luck will be on your side, no matter which wrist itches.
Nuances of interpretation
Also remember that brushing your brushes only indicates events in the very near future, and not a distant perspective.
In addition, there is another interpretation according to which the right hand in men itches for profit, the left one for spending. And for women, the opposite is true: through the left hand (palm and wrist) benefits come to them, and through the right, they give them – in the form of gifts to themselves and loved ones.
But is this so, and whether the signs about which wrist you itched – left, right, or even both – come true, only you can check. Follow the events, your feelings, and then any omen will only be favorable for you.
The main thing is that you perceive them as traffic signals. The green light turned on (the right wrist was combed) – forward, to victories and triumphs. A red flare up (itching in the left) – slow down, wait for a more favorable moment, why go on a rampage and get a 'slap on the head' from fate (in the image of the authorities or others). Yellow can indicate irresistible itching in both wrists at once.
Prepare to act intelligently and resist pressure on you. It will depend on your well-considered decisions – it will light up after yellow red, or a cheerful green will play cheerfully. Good luck with everything! And remember: it depends only on you whether you can lure her!