The largest meteorites fallen to Earth

The largest meteorites fallen to EarthPhotos from open sources of

As one amateur astronomer said, seriously to reflect what threat to the Earth are numerous meteorites, fireballs, comets and asteroids, you can just go crazy, because our planet is a moving target in the middle space training ground. After all, hundreds fall on her daily tons of space bodies. Fortunately, they are all quite small, and therefore burn out in the upper atmosphere. And even if they fall, then more often total in the vast expanses of the oceans without causing people any harm.

However, we are not safe from serious disasters, in at best, modern services are able to warn about imminent threat. Technology to intercept and destroy dangerous for Earth, cosmic bodies are still being developed. Good although very large meteorites do not fall so often on The earth.

The five largest meteorites

In recent days, the most noticeable such “visitor” can be called South Atlantic race car that entered Earth’s atmosphere on February 6 this year. Presumably, its diameter was about five meters. Not reaching the water of the southern Atlantic Ocean, a meteorite exploded at an altitude of twenty to thirty kilometers. Force this explosion can be compared with the power of an atomic bomb dropped in its time to Hiroshima. Surprisingly, no one this meteor even noticed and didn’t see, scientists learned about it only thanks modern equipment.

Chelyabinsk meteorite

But the most noticeable “guest” of our time can be called Chelyabinsk meteorite, who visited the planet on February 15, 2013, which not only scared many residents of the Urals and Kazakhstan, but almost fell to Chelyabinsk. The experts determined that the diameter of this cosmic body was not less than twenty meters, passing in Earth’s atmosphere, he released energy equal to five hundred thousand tons TNT. It is no coincidence that this explosion in many houses of the city glass flew out, and several hundred people were seriously injured. Fragments of the Chelyabinsk meteorite were discovered in eighty kilometers from the city in the region of Lake Chebarkul.

Meteorite flying over Sudan

A little earlier, that is, on October 7, 2008, the Earth met one space “visitor”, later called “2008 TC3”, which flew in the sky over the north of Sudan. The power of his explosion amounted to only a thousand tons of TNT. But noteworthy this “guest” was the fact that scientists managed it to foresee, and then trace to complete “landing.”

Tunguska meteorite

And of course, the most destructive for modern civilization became the Tunguska meteorite, which collapsed in the taiga on June 30, 1908 Eastern Siberia, thereby not causing people much harm, although presumably the diameter of this body reached two hundred meters, and even his explosion at an altitude of ten kilometers produced a certain disaster for the Earth, causing atmospheric and seismic disturbances in Asia and Europe. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

You can also recall that more than flown to Earth destructive meteorite that was about the same size, like Tunguska, and it flew to the surface – from he still has the famous Barringer crater. You can only suggest what catastrophes this meteorite caused throughout America, and the planet as a whole. It’s good that it happened fifty thousand years ago when the Earth didn’t live in this region more people.

A photo from open sources

Who protects us from uninvited “guests”

But here is what surprises: why is the Tunguska meteorite, which, as scientists say, flew straight to Petersburg, suddenly changed the trajectory and went to Siberia, besides not reaching the surface, exploded in the air. Roughly the same thing happens with Chelyabinsk meteorite. Moreover, this time on video the fall of the cosmic body is clearly noticeable, as attached to it alien ship, after which the meteorite changes the trajectory of the fall and explodes.

On close monitoring of the “guests” from aliens ufologists have been talking for a long time, since evidence of this a lot has accumulated. There is even an assumption that on our planet aliens installed a special tracking and interception system large asteroids. See documentary for more details. movies from this collection.

Time Siberia Chelyabinsk

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