To dream of a cheetah for a woman or a man

The cheetah in the wild is an agile and powerful predator that knows no pity. But meeting in dreams with this representative of the cat family is considered a kind of sign.

Why is the cheetah dreaming

Interpretation of different dream books

Different dream books explain in completely different ways what a fierce cheetah is dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of sexual dreams

A wild animal symbolizes not physical strength, but sexual strength. To contemplate it in a dream means in reality to pay excessive attention to the sexual issue. This most likely interferes with building normal relationships with the opposite sex.

Dream Interpretation Maya

If you dream of a spotted cat, it means that an implacable enemy is very close, who wants to harm the sleeping person. You have to keep your ears on top.

Why is the cheetah dreaming

Dream interpretation of the seasons

According to the dream book of the seasons, the meaning of the vision of a spotted mammal in humans depends on the month in which they were born.

  • It's winter time. The person will find a friend with whom it will be easy to do business.
  • Spring. The cheetah will become a harbinger of the need to solve pressing matters for which the dreamer does not have enough strength.
  • Summer. In reality, the sleeper is waiting for a meeting with his soul mate.
  • Autumn. The predator symbolizes the dreamer's dissatisfaction with the relationship with his superiors. We need to solve this problem!


Seeing yourself in the image of a fierce beast means that a person considers himself an extraordinary person, likes to act differently from others. This position is not always correct.

Miller's dream book

The great fortuneteller believed that the appearance of the beast is of great importance.

An emaciated individual with sunken sides promises a deterioration in financial situation, and a well-fed one with a shiny coat – an improvement.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

A dreamed cheetah portends great grief. To run away from a wild animal – the dreamer does not solve problems, but tries not to notice them.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

The meaning of the dream depends on what color of the fur the ferocious beast had:

  • yellow with black spots – a kaleidoscope of good and bad events will soon spin with unusual force;
  • white – a light stripe comes;
  • redhead – it is worth waiting for an affair with an extraordinary personality;
  • wayward – the dreamer wants changes in his life, but cannot find ways to implement his plan.

A completely black specimen indicates that the sleeping person has been under stress for a long time. If something is not changed, then depression cannot be avoided.

Dream interpretation of Sigmund Freud

A well-known master of psychological analysis suggested that sleeping with a feline personifies the sexual behavior of the sleeper. If the animal is aggressive, then the person who sees it is rude to his partner. Two wild animals at play show that the dreamer respects and accepts the feelings of the one next to him.

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

The spotted cat symbolizes the carelessness of the sleeper. He does not perform important actions for him. Soon, inaction will end with the collapse of the projects started.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Through the dream book, a cheetah in a person's dreams acquires an ominous meaning.

Expert Opinion Yuna Khatun A divine fortune teller The Predator points out problems in the intimate sphere. The dreamer wants to diversify her, but the partner interferes with this desire. This confrontation can lead to a break in relations.

Aesop's dream book

The interpreter of night visions interprets the dream into which a merciless predator burst into, as a harbinger of major financial problems. Their decision in reality will require a lot of time and moral strength of the sleeper.

Rommel's dream book

If you dreamed of a lot of wild animals, then you should expect that the financial situation will either stabilize or worsen sharply. The dreamer must anticipate such instability and take some action.

Why is the cheetah dreaming

Depending on gender

The interpretation of the dream depends on the sex of the person.

A woman who sees a spotted cat can wait for a marriage proposal from her chosen one. And a man – an increase in income.

What was the cheetah and what he did

The meaning of a dream also depends on the appearance of a wild animal and its movements.

  1. One running adult cheetah in a dream becomes a sign of sexual dissatisfaction. The sleeper needs to seriously think about how to solve this problem. Otherwise, it will lead to serious illness.
  2. A calm spotted cat lying under a tree indicates that a person expects to meet people who can make the dreamer's life better in many ways.
  3. Stroking a fat mammal is a sign of the dreamer's timidity. You need to take courage and tell your companion about all your desires. Understatement only spoils the relationship.

The cheetah in dreams becomes an ambiguous vision. Some interpreters argue that the beast is associated with sexual energy, and some with money. Only the person himself can deal with the vision, if he considers several factors.

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