A bull seen in a dream can be a symbol of both feminine and masculine principles. In the first case, the animal personifies strength, power, rebirth, adherence to principles, in the second – wisdom, fertility, earth.
Why does a woman dream of a bull
Dreams reveal secret dreams, cherished desires. Freud also connects the dream of a bull with sexual potential, which the dreamer restrains and does not allow to surface.
Other interpreters advise paying attention to the storyline, since it is in it that the decoding consists.
- The bull wants to attack – surrounded by a hypocrite, who spreads rumors behind his back. When you meet, this person lies and tries to please.
- The beast is calm – the current situation is under the full control of the dreamer.
- The attack ended with a blow – do not lose your common sense. Now instincts have taken over, actions are performed based on feelings, and this can end very badly.
- Skinny animal – problems at work. From the side of management comes a threat, possibly demotion or dismissal.
- The horned bull dreams of a scandal in the family. Soon there will be a break in relations, and the dreamer herself will not be to blame for this.
- A large horned beast looks directly at you – to a meeting with an influential person. Thanks to acquaintance, it will be possible to enter high society and win financially.
- Women often dream of an animal during a period of deterioration or rupture of personal relationships. The dream book recommends not to withdraw into oneself, to trust others more, not to stop communicating with representatives of the opposite sex.
- For married ladies, a bull that appeared in a dream promises a quick profit, financial well-being. Looks ferocious, dangerous – your partner is a reliable protector and in any case will take control of the situation.
- Seeing an animal in a dream during pregnancy is a strong worries about your condition and the health of the child. The fears are in vain, since sleep promises the newborn health, that he will be strong and strong 'like a bull'.
Why does a man dream of a bull
A bull for a man is a symbol of a powerful business acumen. Large horns indicate the ability to make volitional decisions, make the right choice in difficult situations. Thanks to these qualities, a person achieves his goals, follows a certain life path.
The bull is dreaming – new opportunities open up for the dreamer. He will be able to solve many important tasks in a relatively short period, although earlier they seemed insane, impracticable. It's time to make your dreams come true, act boldly, and you will definitely succeed.
The animal looks sickly, powerless – give up adventures. Care won't hurt now.
For an unmarried man, a bull dreams of meeting a pleasant young lady. Relationships will give true love and financial stability, as the girl's family will be very wealthy.
Why dream of a bull with and without horns
Remember what kind of horns the animal had: large, small, or none at all.
- A bull with horns, according to the dream book, testifies to the economy of the sleeper, wisdom, and the ability to streamline work in the best possible way. Sometimes such a dream becomes a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy.
- The horned beast brings good news. Often, after a dream with his participation, it is possible to win in a difficult matter. You will be given a chance to get out of a difficult situation with dignity – do not miss it.
- A fight between two horned animals – problems will be resolved forcibly. Everything will go quickly, but it will take a lot of effort. At the same time, do not try to take on other people's obligations, since such a decision will turn into trouble.
- Huge horns are the personification of leadership qualities. You have to prove yourself, people see in you a strong personality, a talented leader, a wise leader.
- A thoroughbred bull, whose head is crowned with horns, promises a woman an early entry into a legal marriage. The stars promise a wealthy spouse with an enviable position in society.
- A young goby with small horns dreams of unexpected profits. It is likely that the financial situation will improve thanks to the inheritance.
- An animal with only one horn symbolizes a pleasant event. And the lighter the coat, the more joy the surprise will bring. A bull with one horn and brown hair is a harbinger of new love.
- A hornless beast is a good sign. Enemies will be defeated, the dreamer will emerge victorious from the situation.
Why is the big bull dreaming
I dreamed of a large bull – strong emotional upheavals are expected. They will be positive or bring sadness, depending on the behavior of the animal in a dream.
- Running away from a big bull in fear – the dream book predicts disappointment, an unpleasant shock. In the immediate environment, an ill-wisher will be identified, who will turn out to be a very influential person. The hypocrite will strike at the first opportunity.
- The animal is calm – the quality of life will soon improve markedly. The dreamer will earn the respect of others, it will be possible to increase social status.
- A fat bull is dreaming – there will be a chance to solve old cases. Problems that were postponed and made it possible to develop further will be eliminated.
- A large animal peacefully drinks from a reservoir – to an acquaintance, which will be very beneficial for the dreamer. For girls, a dream promises a successful marriage.
- Dreams of how you kill a huge bull – in life you risk losing a loved one, perhaps we are talking about your best friend.
- To win the battle is to run away from real danger in reality.
- To buy a big bull means to be drawn into a conflict situation.
- The large animal had a red hair color – a quarrel or dispute is possible, in which the dreamer will win. The bull attacks – to financial losses.
Animal color
I dreamed about a bull – the meaning and interpretation of the dream will change depending on its color.
Why is the red bull dreaming
Red symbolizes a passionate relationship. Soon, you should expect to meet a person who will change your outlook on love, show that the relationship between a man and a woman can proceed in a completely different direction. However, do not make too bold plans, as the connection may be short-lived.
In another interpretation, the red bull is dreamed of as a symbol of selfishness. The dreamer has recently been behaving in an inappropriate manner, forgetting about the opinions and feelings of others. This behavior is fraught with serious trouble.
Dreamed of a black bull
The black bull is a contradictory and versatile sign.
- The animal is dreaming of an unexpected proposal. It will be very difficult for the sleeper to refuse. We can talk about personal life or relate to the business sphere. Having accepted the proposal, you will have to change your life, rethink values and pay attention to really important things.
- Vanga associates the dream with great success. According to the famous seer, the black bull symbolizes services to society, thanks to which the dreamer will gain respect and special status. It is especially good if the animal butts, and the shiny, beautiful coat indicates serious financial profit.
- The black bull behaves aggressively, quickly attacks, tries to crush – beware, as there is a great risk of getting into a dangerous situation, and in a very unexpected place.
- The dark-colored animal warns of possible losses. Special care must be taken in financial matters, and therefore carefully weigh all the pros and cons before making a large investment. One stupid act can cause a crash.
- She dreams of a black beast walking majestically – very soon the sleeping one will win an unconditional victory over the enemies. A dream with an opposite plot has a reverse interpretation, when the beast rushes towards the dreamer with an angry look.
Dreamed of a white bull
I dreamed about a white bull – a dream promises well-being, success, harmonious relationships. After such a dream, luck will accompany all your endeavors. Starting a new business – it will be profitable, meeting an interesting person – communication will bring a lot of pleasure.
Sleep for free girls is a good sign. A dreamed white animal will give true love, and, quite possibly, a strong family.
Angry or calm bull
A calm animal that calmly grazes in the meadow and looks peaceful will bring the dreamer a meeting. Perhaps the sleeper will find himself in the company of new interesting people or meet old friends whom he has not seen for a long time. In any case, the time will be spent with benefit and pleasure.
An angry bull in most cases promises trouble.
- Several aggressive animals are dreaming at once – to trouble at work. Colleagues weave intrigues, and gossip will soon reach the authorities. The management will not like what they hear, the information will cause anger.
- For a woman, such a dream promises attacks from a partner, accusations of treason, and a situation will happen due to the fault of envious friends.
- To see an evil bull in a dream – he warns of a serious illness that will be found in one of the dreamer's relatives.
- Dream Interpretations consider an angry bull as a symbol of reckoning. Perhaps not so long ago you committed a rash act, made a mistake, offended someone – it's time to pay for your actions.
- Freud says that the threat from a huge animal is interpreted as passion. In reality, a new partner will appear who will become a protector for the family, a strong and self-confident leader.
- The woman dreams of how she tries to calm the angry beast – to a new admirer who will persistently seek her location. If the bull, on the contrary, was affectionate, the dreamer will have to make an effort so that the young man she likes draws attention to her.
- The gypsy dream book describes in a slightly different way what the bull is dreaming of – a terrible, aggressive animal is a harbinger of great wealth. Grabbing him by the tail – to success in the work field. But in order for things to go uphill, you will have to make a lot of efforts, show patience and perseverance.
- A furious thoroughbred bull dreams of successful business development. If you carefully weigh your every decision and do not forget about the little things, your business is secured a very good investment. But when the animal rushes at the dreamer, special care should be taken, since the business is in danger of collapse.
- Dreams of how you kill an angry bull – suddenly a solution to all problems will be found, the enemies will go out of the way.
- Seeing an aggressive animal in the corral trying to hit you with horns – beware of envious people. A hypocritical person is trying to take your place. Be extremely careful when drafting and completing documents in the workplace.
See a herd of bulls in a dream
The herd is dreaming – a change awaits the dreamer. And in order to understand which sphere they will touch, one should recall the mood and behavior of animals.
- To see a herd of bulls is to confront a serious enemy. The rivalry between you is very long and is nearing its logical conclusion.
- Buying animals means changing your place of residence. Perhaps we are talking about purchasing a new home. For girls, a dream promises a move to your partner and the beginning of family life.
- Selling a herd – try not to make large financial transactions, as there is a high risk of losing your deposit. Postpone a large purchase for a more favorable period.
- According to Freud's dream book, a herd of bulls is dreamed of as a harbinger of sexual problems. It says that the dreamer should be guided by the mind and not let instincts take over.
- To see how the herd rushes right at you – soon you will receive news that will bring grief.
Fighting the bull in the arena
If you want to know why the fight with the bull is dreaming – here the meaning of the dream depends on the position of the sleeping person.
- There is a dream in which the dreamer acts as a courageous tamer – in reality, he has great potential. You may not be aware of your abilities, but they actually far exceed those of your opponents. Be sure – the strength of the spirit is present in you, and it will definitely bring victory.
- To be afraid of the enemy is to nagging from the leadership. The accusations will be groundless and will fall on you because of a simple situation – you will stand up for a colleague and remain, as they say, extreme.
- Dreams that in the arena you experience panic fear – a dream promises a sudden illness. Despite your condition, you have won a victory over an angry animal – to new allies in current affairs, to find reliable business partners, to participate in an event, thanks to which you will be able to strengthen your position in business.
Run away from a bull in a dream
You run away from the bull – because of excessive emotionality you will be punished. Try not to commit rash acts, watch your words and actions. The persecutor looks aggressive – you may have crossed the path of a person who is higher in status than you. Or you have made your patron very angry.
Seeing a bull chasing in a dream becomes a warning of betrayal. A person from the inner circle tries to provoke you and at the same time waits for the moment to strike. Pay attention to your friends – there is a hypocrite among them.
The expert's opinion We can talk about an old large debt that will suddenly be returned to you in full, an inheritance, a promotion and, accordingly, an increase in wages.
An aggressive stalker can indicate a serious blunder. The dreamer misses his happiness, makes the wrong decisions and turns off the right path. Be careful, otherwise you will have to regret a lot later. To be very scared of a running bull is the beginning of a tough confrontation. Be fully armed, otherwise the enemies will quickly overcome you.
The bull is dreaming – the dream book is able to give a decryption, but remember that its accuracy depends on how well you remember the plot of the dream. And even after receiving an unpleasant description, you should not be upset, since you have a rough idea of the upcoming events, and accordingly, you will have time to prepare for them.