What did the hare dream about – interpretation of various dream books

The hare symbolizes indecision. It may seem that he is overly cowardly, he is wary of everything. But at the same time, the animal is able to escape from its pursuers, and therefore the second meaning of the symbol is heightened intuition. And in order to accurately decipher the sign, it is necessary to remember the plot of the dream to the smallest detail.

Why is the hare dreaming

What does the hare dream about: a man, a woman

The interpretation is largely influenced by the sex and age of the dreamer.

  • A married woman dreams of a hare – a replenishment in the family is possible.
  • For an unmarried girl, a dream promises an early acquaintance with a young man, with whom in the future she will be able to create a strong family.
  • A dreaming hare will tell a pregnant woman what gender the baby will be. The female predicts the birth of a girl, a male, respectively, a boy. In addition, labor will be easy and the baby will be in good health.
  • A man dreams of a hare – a dream is evidence of maturity, the ability to independently make the right decisions. Dreams can also indicate the news of the spouse's pregnancy.

Interpretation of sleep in detail

A good omen is a dream in which you saw a cute calm hare. This promises the fulfillment of desires, success. If at the same time you were touched by the animal, then luck will surely accompany you on the way to your dream: obstacles will disappear, circumstances will begin to develop in the most favorable way.

But here it is important to pay attention to the details.

Fur coat color

  1. A hare in a white fur coat dreams of favorable changes in his personal life. He promises a woman a fateful meeting with a worthy man. If at the same time the dreamer was playing with the animal, then the relationship will be strong and lasting. Another interpretation of the image is self-knowledge. It's time for a spiritual renewal. However, you shouldn't break the connection with the outside world.
  2. The gray hare, according to the dream book, symbolizes intuition. You are faced with a choice, trying to find a way out of a difficult situation – stop for a minute and listen to your inner voice. He will tell you the correct answer. Here, it is important not to ignore anxiety – if it is present, be prepared for trouble. Talk to the 'oblique' – enemies and ill-wishers will try to tarnish your name. Seeing a flock of animals catching up with you is a meeting with an influential patron.
  3. The black hare dreams at a time when a person's life is filled with negativity and sorrow. Either the sleeper does not love himself, or is pursuing an erroneous goal, the achievement of which will only bring trouble. Or, there is an ill-wisher in the immediate environment, and thanks to his prompts, the dreamer will fail, financial losses. You need spiritual cleansing; only by freeing your thoughts from all unnecessary, you can correct the course of affairs.
  4. To see a red hare in a dream is disappointing. Take a closer look at the person who is currently busy with your thoughts. Perhaps you shouldn't trust him so much. Or you make too bold plans – achieving the desired goal will not bring happiness, on the contrary, it will lead to trouble.
  5. Animals of strange colors, warn of the possibility of doing something stupid. Think carefully and weigh your decisions, be attentive and responsible.
  6. A hare in a bright fur coat symbolizes deception. For example, spotted fuzzies say that there are two-faced people in your environment who will try to drag you into a risky business.

If the hare changes color, then such a dream is a dream of meeting a person who will bring a lot of grief into your life. By trusting a hypocrite, the dreamer risks losing much of what he now has.

Quantity and size

The size and number of animals are also of great importance in deciphering a dream.

  1. Several birds with one stone are dreaming at once – your mind is filled with many fears that are unfounded. You should not waste energy, otherwise you risk losing both time and energy. Emotional upheavals only bring harm.
  2. Seeing a flock of hares in the forest in a dream is a little trouble. Animals running by indicate the dreamer's pursuit of ghostly targets. Forgetting about important things, you waste energy on unnecessary things, thereby creating a lot of problems for yourself.
  3. Chasing two birds with one stone in a dream – in reality, have unsolved problems.
    One animal indicates your concerns about an important event that is about to happen.
  4. I dreamed of a large hare – the dream indicates the indecision of the sleeper, because of which he can be greatly demoted or completely deprived of his position.
  5. The bunny promises the joy of communicating with children.

Hares in a cage

The dream is quite symbolic and says that you are out of place. It can be about the chosen profession and position, as well as about personal relationships. You are literally living in a cage, captivated by circumstances. Remember that it is never too late to radically change your life, to turn on the right path.

Alive, dead, plush bunny

  • A live hare desperately trying to get out of the net is a dangerous signal – the enemies weave intrigues, slander you behind your back.
  • A plush toy in the shape of a bunny, presented as a gift to a sleeping person, dreams of delays in current affairs. If the toy looked untidy, old and dirty – get ready for sad news.
  • If the hare died a natural death, it promises the sleeping one a loss.

The dreamer's actions

The meaning of the dream will change depending on what the sleeper was doing.


Dreaming about how you feed the animal – a dream promises a prosperous ending. It can be a successful completion of current affairs, and a wedding. At the same time, serious financial expenses are not excluded.

Why is the hare dreaming


Caressing an animal, stroking its soft fur coat and at the same time feeling joy – a dream says that you are surrounded by good people. Sometimes the same dream indicates a deterioration in health. However, it will be short-lived, the disease will not bring any complications.


Dreaming of how you play with a hare – preparations are to be made for a magnificent, solemn event. It is possible to receive an invitation to an anniversary or a wedding ceremony.

To catch

Chasing an animal and eventually overtaking it – to happy changes in your personal life. You will receive a marriage proposal, announce your engagement to your significant other, or enter into a legal marriage.

Expert Opinion Ilmira Derbentseva Parapsychologist If you dream that you have caught a hare with the help of a lasso, luck will accompany you in all matters. Problems will be solved by themselves, obstacles will disappear, troubles will recede. A white streak will begin in life – do not miss your chance!


To see a dead animal, hurt by your own hands – very soon you will act as a liar, deceiving loved ones. This threatens with serious confusion, and a strong-willed decision will have to be made to solve the existing problems.

Eating the meat of a dead hare or skinning the carcass – you will show unacceptable weakness, which will cause you to fall heavily in the eyes of others. The situation will be so stupid that it will take a long time for you to recover.

Interpretation of this dream in various dream books

It is worth paying attention to the opinion of popular interpreters of night dreams.

  1. Miller promises the fulfillment of desires if the hare walked peacefully, and you did not try to harm him. The running animal symbolizes happiness and financial well-being. To follow a hare in a dream is to get a very pleasant present.
  2. Wanga says that the hare dreams when a person is at the mercy of his fears. The dreamer is by nature a meek, gentle person, and therefore is often afraid to take decisive action. On the other hand, night dreams can indicate uncertainty when it is impossible to pull yourself together and make the final choice.
  3. Freud promises early financial improvement. Revenues will increase so much that they will fully cover the costs. And a hare in a white fur coat, according to the dream book, is a symbol of loyalty.
  4. Dream Interpretation Maya defines the image of a hare as an early addition to the family. But at the same time, the sleeping animal becomes a symbol of imminent separation, parting with a partner.
  5. The gypsy dream book says that a calmly sitting hare dreams of prosperity, an improvement in the financial situation. It is especially good if the animal was in a cage – serious profit awaits you. But a black 'slanting' is a bad sign, which indicates a high risk, which can lead to bankruptcy.
  6. Shuvalova considers the image of a hare as the desire of a sleeping person to have children of his own. A man dreams of a certain woman caring for a fluffy animal – in reality, this person is very attracted to him, there is a need to possess her.
  7. The French dream book claims that a white hare or rabbit will bring success, and a black animal – troubles and quarrels. To kill him – to suffer losses, to skin and eat – to gain good health.
  8. The Italian dream book Menenghetti interprets the image of a hare from a negative side. Now the sleeper depreciates his own importance, since there is stagnation in his affairs. At the same time, a person can feel quite comfortable.
  9. A hare is dreaming – Hasse's dream book warns of deception. It is worth revising your immediate environment and identifying ill-wishers – they may be people whom you previously unconditionally trusted. The hare was white – you will get out of the situation with dignity, black – the events will end very sadly.

It is not so easy to get an accurate and complete interpretation of a dream, the protagonist of which was a hare. To find and add the missing touches to the interpretation, remember in what mood you woke up – everything will immediately fall into place, and you will receive a truthful transcript.

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