The images seen at night often warn of life changes in the near future – this makes it possible to think well and prepare for the changes. A pregnant cat has many different interpretations in night visions, which directly depend on the color of the coat or behavior of the animal, as well as on the sex of the dreamer.
Why is a pregnant cat dreaming – general interpretation
General interpretations of a pregnant cat in a dream:
- scratches and bites the dreamer – to problems due to the actions of colleagues;
- looks sickly – family members are in dire need of your attention and support;
- affectionate – to the need to devote more time to your health and rest;
- wild – to problems in the family or at work.
If the animal looks offended in a dream, the dreamer is morally exhausted and in order to improve his life, priorities should be rethought as soon as possible.
Interpretation of a dream depending on the color of the coat:
- red – to betrayal and deception on the part of a loved one;
- white – to achieve your goals, you should be active;
- striped – for a pleasant surprise prepared by family members;
- gray – your colleagues openly flatter you and may soon betray you;
- tricolor – the dreamer is expected to have household chores and workload, but as a result, his efforts will be well rewarded.
A black pregnant cat, actively playing near the dreamer, for men and women symbolizes success in future projects.
A pregnant animal is fed by a girl – this is an omen of a memorable date with a lover or a pleasant pastime with the family. For a man – to promises that he cannot or does not want to fulfill.
In dream books, holding a pregnant cat in your arms and stroking it is to consider your rival a friend, who is trying with all her might to take a loved one behind the dreamer's back.
For a man to caress such an animal in a dream – the beloved behaves insincerely and is capable of betrayal.
Bathing a pregnant cat warns of employee scandals that could damage the sleeping person's reputation.
Why dream of a pregnant cat for a woman, girl, man
For a girl to see how a cat gives birth in a cardboard box – to a change in life priorities. A dream in which a pregnant pet rushes on a dog warns of a meeting with an old friend, which led to many problems.
For a woman in a position, this dream symbolizes easy childbirth and the birth of a healthy child.
The meaning of sleep for members of the opposite sex:
- lose – lack of restraint in communication will cause you to get into an awkward situation;
- save – leadership qualities will help the dreamer earn the respect of the leadership and get the desired position.
Expert Opinion Kanti Gauri Carmologist, parapsychologist A tired pregnant animal symbolizes sexual dissatisfaction for a man, based on hidden complexes and worries about work. To get rid of the existing problem, try to be liberated and be sincere with your partner.
Interpretation of author's dream books
Dream interpretation of Sigmund Freud
A pregnant cat in a dream symbolizes hidden sexual complexes that interfere with the establishment of personal life. Taking childbirth – to settle existing problems with a loved one. Watching a pet walking down the street means meeting a person who will radically change the dreamer's life.
Dream interpretation of Gustav Miller
- A pregnant animal warns of imminent problems in a relationship with a loved one, which can lead to a breakup. Such a dream may indicate an imminent acquaintance and a romance full of emotions and stormy impressions.
- Cannot give birth on her own – this warns of imminent problems at work.
- Sleeping peacefully on the dreamer's bed – to good health and promotion.
- Frolling on a sun-drenched lawn – to good news from distant relatives or friends.
Seeing several pregnant cats in a dream at the same time – for a fleeting, but passionate and memorable novel. If the animal was thrown to your door, and she lamented, expect changes in your personal life soon.
Dream interpretation of Wangi
A cat giving birth in a dream – to imminent troubles or a deterioration in relations with a loved one. A lot of animals in position – to humiliation in public, from which the dreamer will move away for a long time.
Dream interpretation of Nostradamus
A pregnant cat in a dream, according to the astrologer, warns of envious people at work, with friends or relatives. Helping to give birth to kittens – to a deterioration in relations with relatives. If the pet died during childbirth, an expensive but successful purchase awaits you.
Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov
If you dreamed about a pregnant and aggressive cat, your envious and ill-wishers will soon become more active, which will lead to money costs or scandals with loved ones. The animal is in a position and at the same time feeds other people's kittens – to a deterioration in the health of the dreamer or someone from close relatives.
Dream interpretation of Felomen
A pregnant animal symbolizes good health, happy relationships, and success in the workplace. For businessmen, it means concluding a profitable deal and expanding the business.
For single girls, it means a quick meeting with a sincere guy – the relationship with him will be filled with harmony and mutual understanding.
Loff's dream book
For a lonely girl, such a dream symbolizes an early happy marriage and the birth of children. For a married lady, she predicts profitable acquisitions and receiving a significant amount.
Dream interpretation Hasse
A pregnant animal of a red color – to troubles caused by the fault of friends or family members. For a man, it is an omen of the appearance of a deceitful person in the environment, whose actions in the future will cause a series of failures.
Dream Interpretation Mengetti
The image indicates the presence in the dreamer's life of an influential person who is ready for anything to achieve his own goals. For a young guy, it symbolizes a quick marriage with a mature woman who will command the family.
Even if the dream has a negative interpretation, you should not panic, because many dreams do not come true in reality. Often, night visions involving a pregnant cat can indicate subconscious worries about your pet, and do not carry any meaning.