Which finger should you wear the ring on?

Today women, men, and teenagers adorn their fingers. At the same time, the choice of accessories is more than great: from relatively simple, but at the same time bright jewelry, to items made of precious metals. But wearing them is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The qualities of a person's character can be recognized by the finger on which he prefers to wear the ring.

which finger to wear the ring on

What does the ring on the fingers mean?

It is not uncommon to see several rings at once located on different fingers.

  • If they are all on the right hand, then their meaning is as follows: in front of you is a person with great ambitions, an obstinate person, passionate about his work, which is quite difficult to stop.
  • When there are two rings on one finger at once, this indicates that a person is prone to introspection. Such people are critical of themselves and deeply experience their own mistakes. And at the same time, the rings placed on the girl's fingers in this way mean that she is an integral person.
  • If two rings adorn the little finger at once, then this indicates a lack of warm relations, emotional closeness, and it is about female friendship.
  • Women are allowed to wear no more than three rings at a time on one hand. This is the optimal maximum that will not be caricatured.
  • As for men, they should be conservative – one ring on their finger becomes the best option for them, and its meaning depends, of course, on the location.

The finger on which the ring flaunts can tell a lot. Moreover, this principle will be relevant for both men and women.

which finger is the ring on


This finger is under the auspices of Mars. Active and emotional personalities wear jewelry on it. Straightforwardness is inherent in them, they are often stubborn, hot-tempered, aggressive and even belligerent. They are fearless adventurers who are not worth arguing with. In any situation, they stand their ground and are confident in their decision.

A person knows his best sides and is able to recognize his own shortcomings. When communicating with others, he relies on his own intuition, which helps to establish relationships with people. Often, if someone puts a ring on their thumb, then this means that the person wants to assert himself in the eyes of the opposite sex.


Planet – Jupiter. The symbol is power. The person who prefers to wear the ring on the right index finger has a proud, independent disposition and has the ability to control people. If the ring flaunts on the left hand – in front of you is a person prone to sudden mood swings.

Such people love to command, and even if they did not manage to realize themselves in the profession, becoming a boss, the desire to indicate will migrate to everyday life and family life.

These people are powerful and freedom-loving. As a rule, he is busy with big business. Often they are arrogant, arrogant, sometimes proud, but reasonable. They can be entrusted with any work and be sure that they will finish what they started.

If the person is indecisive, then it is recommended for him to start wearing a ring on the index finger. This will allow you to gain confidence in yourself and your abilities, to increase your own self-esteem. And the patron planet will help with this.

Middle finger

A person has a penchant for narcissism, he is confident in his boundless charm and superiority. But at the same time, he is a dreamy person, romantic, sometimes vulnerable.

The fair sex often pretends to be weak, which helps to attract the attention of others and arouse sympathy. But at the same time, they cannot be called hypocritical. Such women are infinitely kind, able to compromise and do not like to conflict.

The larger the piece of jewelry that flaunts on the middle finger, the stronger the above qualities are manifested. And if the ring is with a stone, then this also speaks of belief in karma and a close connection with the wisdom of ancestors. A person believes in his destiny and is able to cope with difficulties. And in this he is helped by the strength of the race.

Do you have constant failures? Put the ring on your middle finger (the finger of Saturn). The patron planet will help you get to other (lighter) life lines, where you will catch luck by the tail.

rings on the fingers meaning in women


The patron planet is the Sun. The symbol is love. For this reason, the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger. This speaks of purity, heartfelt affection, well-being, unity.

It is believed that the vein passing through the ring finger leads to the heart.

It is better to wear gold jewelry on the ring finger, as it is the metal of the Sun and has the ability to strengthen love in marriage.

In addition, a person with a piece of jewelry on their ring finger loves luxury and, in most cases, shows their commitment to art. Often these are artists, actors, in a word, creative people. They are loving, balanced, calm. If the ring is large, then the meaning is the opposite. Such people are prone to passions and can easily break into an opponent in a conversation.

Dreaming of fame and recognition? Wear jewelry made of precious metals around your ring finger. The sun will give you a boost of energy that promotes self-expression and will help you achieve wealth.

Little finger

Finger of Mercury. A ring on the little finger will give flexibility of mind and help to formulate speech beautifully. Therefore, it is recommended to wear a ring on this finger for politicians, businessmen, orators and creative personalities.

People who wear a ring on their little finger are distinguished by their ability to establish contact with almost anyone. They are excellent diplomats, dexterous, always ready for trouble and calmly take the antics of ill-wishers. They are often called sneaky.

Such a person is easy-going and has a cheerful disposition. He radiates positivity and rarely indulges in despondency. A woman who wears a ring on her little finger is flirtatious, loves to flirt, sometimes fickle.

rings on the fingers meaning

Which finger shouldn't be wearing rings?

If we talk about which fingers it is better not to wear rings, then in order to get an answer, it is worth turning to superstition. For example, those who are not legally married are highly discouraged from wearing a ring on the ring finger of their left hand. Otherwise, fate can play a cruel joke with you. Such an arrangement gives a person a bad energy – a widow's.

Also, don't wear two pieces of jewelry on your index finger at once. One ring can give you self-confidence, but if there are more of them, it will take a lot of energy.

Which fingers are best to wear rings?

The rules are simple.

  • The engagement ring should be worn on the ring finger of the right hand. Moreover, it does not have to be gold at all. In this case, the ring can be simple, so feel free to choose silver. And after the wedding, they already change it for a more expensive and solid product.
  • To attract good luck, women and men wear rings on their little fingers, while it is on the phalanges of the fingers.
  • Material profit comes from wearing a ring on the phalanx of the index finger of the left hand.
  • A man, as mentioned above, is recommended to wear only one ring. Which finger to choose at the same time will decide what information you are willing to provide about yourself to others.

on which fingers are rings

How to wear amulet rings on your fingers?

The amulet ring is capable of warding off illness, evil eye, poverty and other troubles from the owner. Moreover, each such ring performs a specific function. The main condition in this case is that the ring should be in close contact with the body.


An amulet ring with the inscription 'Save and Preserve' provides protection to those who believe in its power. It has a strong energetic effect and is comparable in its potential to the holy icon and the cross. The church ring is recommended to be worn on the right hand. Finger – thumb, forefinger, or middle.


The wedding ring is put on the ring finger of the right hand. In this case, it is mandatory at the end of the wedding ceremony. At this time, there should be no other rings on the hand. The wedding ring is a talisman. In terms of strength, it is considered more powerful than a wedding ring.

With runes and esoteric signs

Such rings should be purchased only in special stores, where the seller can explain the meaning of this or that symbol. Otherwise, you risk bringing trouble into your life.

You can wear such a ring on any finger, but before putting it on, you should perform a ritual:

  1. heat the ring over a lighted candle;
  2. rub with salt;
  3. rinse in water;
  4. smoke incense.

With stone

Gemstone jewelry has different strengths. And it depends on the type of pebble.

  • Carnelian prevents adultery.
  • Emerald protects from grief and eliminates sorrow.
  • Ruby protects from unrequited love.
  • Agate and amber will protect you from the evil eye and ward off disease.
  • Sardonyx will not allow deceitful, unfaithful people into life.

on which finger are the rings meaning

How do widows or widowers wear rings?

There are several unspoken rules regarding wearing a wedding ring after the death of a spouse.

  • Since gold rings have the ability to accumulate bad energy, giving them is highly discouraged. And it can be inherited to children only after a certain ritual, the so-called energy ritual of purification.
  • If you keep the memory of your deceased husband / wife, then it is better to leave the wedding ring on your right hand.
  • And also people are advised to hang the ring on a chain and wear it as a pendant.
  • For male widowers, you can melt a spouse's ring by making a signet out of it. In this case, it is advisable to apply the initials of the departed wife.

Remember that the above rules are not canons. But if a person constantly wears a ring on the same finger, then in this case you can find out something about his character. This helps you understand who is in front of you. In general, this is convenient – isn't it?

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