Most of the signs that explain why the head itches promise quarrels and swearing. Pay attention to the intensity of the itching – the stronger, the larger the squabbles will be. However, do not be upset – not all beliefs promise trouble. There are other definitions that depend on which part of the head itches.
Why does the head itch
- A common omen says that the head itches to strife. Moreover, the abuse will begin out of the blue – one wrong word or the slightest reason will serve as the reason. Therefore, if you want to prevent such events, control yourself and try to control your emotions.
- An itchy head may also indicate buying new jewelry or over-the-head clothing.
- When your head itches, deal with those things that you put off. This must be done in any case, regardless of whether there is a desire or not. Otherwise, the problems will grow like a snowball, and after that it will be much more difficult to cope with them.
- It is believed that itching occurs while you think. Remember, many witches often scratch their heads. It helps to put thoughts in order and you will gain the ability to generate new ideas.
- If your head itches, you will be scolded, as they say, a headwash is expected. Remember, perhaps there are unfinished business or you know where you were guilty. Correct the situation immediately, and then troubles can be avoided.
Whiskey itching
If whiskey itches, then the signs in this case promise disappointment. The work that has been worked on or on which great hopes have been laid will not live up to expectations. In addition, itching in this area indicates a problem that will take effort to resolve.
Beliefs say that sometimes whiskey itches for a conflict that will begin over a trifle. Perhaps you will hear unpleasant words in your address or a review that seems unfair. There is one advice – try to translate the whole joke and avoid a quarrel.
Another sign says that in work it is worth listening exclusively to common sense and not allowing emotions to take over. Otherwise, you will become vulnerable to ill-wishers.
For girls, the itch of the temples promises a meeting with a loved one. And if a feast is planned, you should be careful, as there is a possibility that you will not hold back before an abundance of alcoholic beverages. Observe the measure, and the rest will leave only positive memories behind.
Itching at the temples also symbolizes the need to meet with an influential person. Soon you will turn to such a person for help, and if the left temple itches, then you will ask for protection from a woman, and the right from a man.
There is also a sign that explains in a different way what the whiskey is scratching for: right – they are waiting for advice from you, left – you yourself need it and will certainly get it. In the latter case, it is advisable to analyze the current situation and try to understand what caused it. Only in this way will the advice help to resolve the situation in the best possible way.
In addition, a temple itching on the left by omen means an unpleasant conversation, and it will be a conversation with friends or relatives.
The top of the head itches
If you pay attention to the interpretations of superstitions, which say what the crown of the head itches for, then signs promise news or changes in the financial sector.
- Itching arose in the morning – a pleasant surprise will overtake. This will be a salary increase or a bonus.
- The top of the head combed during the day – prepare for bad news, which will be related to either school or work.
- Felt itching in the evening – they expect trouble at work or disappointment due to the fact that you cannot realize yourself in creativity.
- At night, the crown itches for news from relatives who are far away. Most likely, the news will be related to health problems.
There is another sign that tells what the crown of the head itches for – she advises to prepare for an important conversation. If itching on the right – wait for pleasant events, on the left – you will be reproached for working too long on the assigned case. But at the same time, the latter interpretation does not have serious consequences – it will be more a reminder than a threat that promises problems.
Why does the head itch in the back of the head
If the back of the head itches, a sign predicts long thoughts, doubts and difficulties in making a decision. At the same time, another belief promises a quick visit from a person who misses your company.
Sometimes the back of the head itches to meet with relatives. You will come together and can finally chat, discuss problems and express your thoughts.
And also itching in the back of the head – a warning that you are surrounded by ill-wishers who spread gossip in order to denigrate your person. Perhaps one of your colleagues is trying to take your place, or scammers are developing a scheme that will help get to your finances.
At the same time, this may speak of an innocent prank by friends. It is difficult to formulate an exact interpretation, but at the same time, a sign suggests that someone's thoughts are occupied by you and have a negative connotation.
If you are far from your home or have not visited your parents for a long time, then the back of your head itches due to melancholy. If you miss, visit your parents. Such a visit would not hurt.
The head in the back of the head itches and to the problems that arose against the background of misunderstanding in the family. It is important to pull yourself together and not become the instigator of a quarrel. Otherwise, putting things in order in the relationship and making peace will not be easy.
There is another interpretation that explains the itching in the back of the head as the presence of a ghost. Now he is behind. There is no need to panic, since we are talking about a loving soul that has come to deliver the news. And they are not always bad.
What will help neutralize a bad omen
If a sign promises sad events, then to prevent them – wash your hair. Water will smooth out the negative nature of the impending situation or carry it away along with the consequences.
And remember, whatever the coloring of the interpretation, there is no need to worry.
The sign gives a chance to prepare for a particular event, which means that there is an opportunity to get around sharp corners. And if you tune in to the positive, then even a bad omen will turn into good luck.