Why did a lot of cats dream

Cats are the personification of cunning, the ability to transform, quick wit. Animals characterize the dreamer's enemies, endow ill-wishers with the above qualities. On the one hand, they symbolize female anger and wisdom, on the other, male malice and the desire for independence.

Why do many cats dream

Why do many cats dream – general interpretation

It is often difficult to interpret the symbolism of cats seen in a dream, moreover, such night dreams will never be one-sided. Let's try to describe the general meaning.

  1. Seeing cats and feeling tenderness – to positive changes. In case of danger, you can count on the help of loved ones.
  2. A large number of animals of both sexes are dreaming – be vigilant, as enemies will strike a painful blow in the back at the first opportunity.
  3. They behave aggressively, attack, bite, scratch – problems will come unexpectedly, they cannot be avoided. New enemies will appear. The situation will be very tense, the actions of ill-wishers will lead to conflicts, numerous quarrels with loved ones.
  4. Cats, cats and kittens simultaneously dream of numerous troubles of a different nature. Some problems will turn out to be insignificant, and they can be quickly resolved, while overcoming others will require a lot of effort.
  5. Animals wash together – long-awaited guests will soon appear on the doorstep of your house. These can be distant relatives with whom you have long dreamed of seeing, or loyal friends.
  6. Fluffy pets play fun – beware of betrayal from loved ones. Some of the relatives have conceived something unkind, a conspiracy is possible.
  7. Dreaming of cats starting a fight – a difficult decision to make. Pondering the current situation, the dreamer will spend a lot of mental strength, plunge into experiences, and suffer.
  8. Animals meow loudly – there are hypocritical people in your environment who, hiding under the guise of friends, have long been intriguing. They are next to you exclusively for selfish motives.
  9. Shaggy hunters are engaged in catching mice – to get a very good profit. If the cats are left with nothing, your efforts will not bring results, financial well-being will not be achieved.
  10. Cats shit around you – to numerous troubles that will happen over a long time.
  11. She dreams that animals are chasing, looking into the eyes, but at the same time they do not allow themselves to be stroked – you are in serious danger. If in a 'shaggy' environment you feel quite comfortable – a very good sign. A bright streak has come, you are full of energy and will be able to give a worthy rebuff to anyone.

Why do many cats dream of a woman, a man

The sex of the dreamer largely influences the interpretation of sleep.


  • A large number of cats dream – to a pleasant pastime surrounded by men. The dream promises the dreamer a large army of fans and admirers.
  • A young lady saw a dream – to betrayal. Perhaps a rival has appeared who is trying with all her might to take away her loved one, and she does it well.
  • Dreams of cats meowing loudly under the window – to scandals in the family. If a cat's scream interferes with falling asleep, in reality, such a dream promises obsessive boyfriends, whose attention will only be a burden.
  • To see animals of white color – beware of the intrigues of enemies. They set up an insidious trap, falling into which it is very difficult to get out.
  • Dreaming of beautiful, well-groomed pets – to small, but numerous troubles that will cause irritation. Often a dream promises envy on the part of others, streams of negative energy.
  • A woman fed cats in a dream – to disagreements with a partner, troubles in relationships.
  • She dreams of how the mustachioed have surrounded and directed their claws at you – beware of deceitful friends. Their benevolence is temporary – they will soon show their true colors.

Why did a lot of cats dream


  • For the stronger sex, a dream involving cats promises attention from women.
  • For a bachelor, a dream promises a meeting with a girl. A young passion in the future will have a strong influence on the dreamer.
  • Affectionate cats dream of a young man in a relationship – to numerous acquaintances with girls, an increase in his own magnetism, self-confidence.
  • She dreams of how representatives of the feline world are fighting for the attention of a sleeping person – to the rivalry between several girls in reality. Each one will try to win your favor.
  • Seeing in a dream many ginger cats showing friendliness is a sign of getting the desired profession. The dreamer will be able to show his abilities to the fullest, receiving in return a very good profit.
  • Black mustache warns of emerging evil. The sleeper's life is filled with intrigue and trouble. People in the immediate environment act secretly and try to harm.
  • To disperse cats is to get rid of temptations, to refuse a dubious offer, to protect yourself from a lot of troubles, to learn to distinguish between bad and good and pay attention to the main thing.
  • To feed many shabby animals in a dream – to exacerbate relations in the family. Relatives will begin to set harsh conditions, to limit the dreamer's actions.
  • Seeing sick cats that cause disgust is a deterioration in financial situation and quarrels due to the current situation.
  • To pet the representatives of the feline world – to meet or get in touch with a windy person of the opposite sex.

There are many cats of a dark color – the conditions that a woman will put in front of you will turn out to be impracticable, animals with light wool predict endless claims and discontent.

Kick out of the house

One of the interpretations connects such a plot with a speedy recovery. We can talk about both the dreamer himself and his closest relative, who is currently experiencing serious health problems.

Kicking cats out of your own home is actually making an effort to solve a difficult problem. And if in a dream you managed to get rid of the unpleasant society of animals, then in life you will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Chase away a lot of wild cats – the dream book promises to get rid of rivals. If at the same time you wielded a broom, in reality you will expose deceiving friends. The animals had black fur – now there is no need to tell everyone about their successes, achievements and current affairs. Ill-wishers will try to use the information they receive against you.

Expert opinion Marina Gonchar Healer, clairvoyant A woman dreams of how she kicks cats out of her house – to solve problems in the personal sphere. Rivals will be neutralized, relations with a partner will improve. For a man, such a dream promises unexpected news – it turns out that there is a selfish girl nearby who claims to be the dreamer's money.

Interpretation depending on the details

Many cats dream – try to remember the details of the dream. The storyline will help shape the correct interpretation.

The dreamer's actions

Your actions in a dream will indicate upcoming events in real life.

  1. Trying to catch cats – the one who is dreaming is unable to make the final choice. A person has sympathy for several members of the opposite sex and cannot part with the rest in favor of one.
  2. Kill several adults – win an unconditional victory over enemies. But if the kittens turned out to be defeated in a dream, you will miss your chance to emerge victorious in the battle with ill-wishers.
  3. Talking to animals and hearing human speech in response is not worth believing rumors. Gossipers try to denigrate the identity of people you love – do not let them ruin your relationship with loved ones.
  4. Keeping furry pets in your arms, stroking them – a dream indicates your distrust of others. Try to reduce the level of doubt.
  5. Playing with cats means treason on the part of the sleeping person. If the current relationship is strong and trusting, then a dream indicates the appearance in your life of a temptation, which will be very difficult to resist.
  6. Hurt animals, beat them – be in debt to friends or relatives, act dishonestly and secretly from them, hide important information. It is worth reconsidering your behavior, otherwise there is a risk of being left alone.
  7. Fighting off cats – there is a high probability of losing a close friend or loved one. The dream also indicates the possibility of identifying a traitor, a vain person, communication with whom until that time looked very sweet.
  8. Rescuing mustachioed representatives of the feline world is an opportunity to show leadership qualities. These inclinations will help the dreamer achieve his goals, earn the respect of others, and make a profit.

Why do two cats dream

In night dreams they saw two cats – dream books say that the sleeper is trying in vain to find inner harmony. A person has long been tormented by global issues, he is afraid of the future and it seems that there is no way out. However, you should not worry, since in general the events will develop in a favorable way.

Two cats are fighting – be careful. You can be dragged into a dangerous adventure, deceived, betrayed. At first glance, the fraudulent proposal will look quite attractive, but do not fall for persuasion, carefully check the information and only then make a choice.

In a fight, one of the cats was left without a tail – you risk becoming dependent on another person, completely losing independence in solving financial issues. To see one of the participants in the fight bleeding is to receive bad news from a relative. You will have to come to the aid of a loved one, put him on his feet after the intrigues of ill-wishers.

Why do many cats dream

I dreamed of many cats of different colors

I dreamed of many different-colored cats – a dream indicates the presence of enemies. Soon they will decide to take active actions against your person, they will act together and secretly. Beware and try to prepare well. Problems cannot be avoided, but it is always useful to identify ill-wishers in time and disclose their plans.

Location of animals

The interpretation of a dream is largely influenced by the place in which you saw cats.

  1. In your own apartment, in your home – ill-wishers are in your immediate environment. Try not to spread information about yourself, otherwise there will be many problems, plans will be disrupted.
  2. In the attic – a dream indicates an internal conflict. Now is not the best period, the dreamer is engaged in self-flagellation, scolds himself for his weaknesses, seeks strength to withstand the hardships that have fallen on him. As they say, cats scratch their souls.
  3. In someone else's house, apartment – the owners of this living space will cause a lot of pain to the sleeping person, bring trouble.
  4. In the room – the person living in it will become seriously ill. Sitting on furniture – relatives are deceived. The groom dreams of cats in his own room – the marriage will not work out in the best way, the relationship will soon collapse.
  5. On the street, the dreamer offended a close friend with his behavior. The conflict will be long-lasting, no truce is expected, which is why the perpetrator of the quarrel will have to regret his deed.
  6. Seeing fluffy cats in your home is a sign of boredom, sadness, disappointment. The sleeper reproaches himself for his arrogance – there was a victory in the plans, but the person overestimated his strength and was left with nothing.

If in a dream you do not know the location of cats, but clearly hear their meowing, it seems to you that they are calling for help, and you are trying to find fluffy pets – be vigilant, as you will soon be dealing with an experienced manipulator.

Once in the power of this person, you will begin to fulfill his requirements with the confidence that the decisions were made on your own. Now you shouldn't make money investments, spend large sums on what you think are important things. Even if your friends suddenly ask you for help, refuse. As a result, you will be the winner.

Dreams about cats in large numbers only become auspicious when the animals are friendly. However, even here the details are important. In addition, in order to get a correct interpretation, it is important to compare current events with the details of the dream.

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