Vivid dreams involving a large number of animals are most often well remembered and carry a mysterious meaning for the dreamer. To understand what a herd of bulls or cows dreamed of, it is important to take into account the sex of the sleeping person, the behavior of animals and other details of night vision.
Why do many cows dream
To see a herd obeying the strongest bull is a sign of cardinal life changes provoked by outbursts of passion and an overabundance of feelings.
If among the many cows there is an animal with a star-shaped mark on the forehead, the dreamer will soon receive good news or spend time in pleasant company.
Expert Opinion Yuna Khatun A divine fortune teller A fairytale dream in which a herd of cows flies in the air predicts the achievement of goals with the help of close friends.
What is the dream of a herd of cows – general interpretation
In dream books, seeing many cows has a different interpretation, which differs based on the appearance and color of animals:
- Emaciated animals warn of possible health problems. It is recommended not to take possible failures to heart and to be examined by a specialist.
- A herd of white animals indicates that someone from relatives or close friends needs the support of the dreamer. You also need to spend more time with family members, otherwise there is a high risk of deteriorating relationships.
- A herd of black-colored cows and bulls symbolizes the imminent onset of a black stripe – there may be problems at work, in relations with a loved one or with health. There is a great risk that difficulties will arise due to the active actions of envious people.
- To dream of a herd of white cows, among which one animal has a gray color – to receive recommendations from an influential person who can radically change the dreamer's future life.
- Red cows about an imminent meeting with distant relatives.
- Many spotted cows most often dream of minor household problems or minor troubles at work. Do not worry about this, as all difficulties will be resolved quickly and without problems.
- Bulls and cows with branchy horns warn that the excessive stubbornness of a sleeping person can cause great problems in all areas of life.
Watching a lot of newborn calves is in reality very worrying about recent events or problems at work.
Why dream of a herd of cows for a woman, a man
Decoding for ladies:
- For a lonely girl, a dream involving many bulls means new and interesting acquaintances. With one of the newly minted fans, a stormy and passionate romance is possible, the duration of which depends on the actions of the dreamer. Young calves in a dream warn about the presence of rivals and envious women in the close environment.
- To a woman in a dream how bulls cover cows – to an early pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.
- For a married lady, the herd predicts a quick solution to all family problems and an improvement in relations with her husband.
If a woman in a dream scaredly runs away from a herd of bulls, due to excessive shyness, she cannot start a relationship with a guy in reality. Watching a large number of animals being slaughtered – in reality, you need to protect your health and avoid extreme rest.
The meaning of sleep for the stronger sex:
- for lonely guys, images of healthy bulls indicate excessive attention from women;
- a quietly grazing herd for a family person means a happy and rich life with a faithful spouse;
- a herd of cows in a stall for adult males is a symbol of costly acquisition.
If a man in a relationship sees in a dream a herd led by a bull, he can have an affair on the side, which will lead to a break in the existing relationship.
Seeing a lot of dead cows in a dream for men is in reality to get away from the influence of negative people.
Sleep details
Herd of cows in the meadow
In dream books, the interpretation of night vision with a herd of cows differs depending on the behavior of the dreamer and animals:
- If the animals in a green meadow behave noisily, soon the sleeping person will meet a representative of the opposite sex, and this relationship will develop into a strong union for a long time.
- Seeing in a dream a lot of peacefully grazing cows – to replenishment in the family or the quick fulfillment of the most intimate desire.
- A herd of animals aggressively opposed to the dreamer – in reality, someone seeks to involve you in an adventurous business that can only bring disappointment. In addition, ill-wishers will try with all their might to blacken the name of the sleeping person in the eyes of people close to him.
If some of the animals in the herd are butting with each other, this indicates an unexpected profit.
Graze a herd of cows
Grazing peaceful cows in a dream – to the end of the black streak in life. To drive animals into the barn – soon there will be an opportunity to change housing for a more equipped one.
If animals run away from the shepherd in a dream – to a deterioration in relations with family members and problems in the team.
Fight off a predator who attacked the herd – a traitor will appear in an approximate environment who will try to interfere with the dreamer's success.
Running herd of cows
The rapidly fleeing herd of bulls symbolizes experiences, problems and disappointments.
Watching the herd run in your direction is to experience the betrayal of a very close person, which can knock you out of your usual rut for a long time.
Interpretation of various dream books
Decoding a dream from famous interpreters:
- Miller. For a careerist, a herd of cows means successful progress towards the goal. Watching running animals from the side – in life, become the initiator of a scandal that can worsen the dreamer's life. The presence of the same number of white and black animals in the herd warns of a difficult decision, on which a lot will depend.
- Wang. Many bulls symbolize the achievement of success through hard work. Aggressive beasts predict meeting someone who admires your leadership skills.
- Freud. Bulls symbolize self-confidence. At the same time, sleeping with a herd of cows often means promiscuity in sexual partners, which can lead to serious problems.
- Hasse. Well-fed, peacefully-minded bulls indicate the receipt of the desired position in the near future. It is not recommended to relax, as this can turn your luck away from your person.
- Longo. To see a herd of cows means to figure out the person, because of whose actions the dreamer's life was made difficult. Do not rip off the negative on this person – he acted not out of malicious intent, but by coincidence. Seeing yourself as a shepherd and experiencing negative emotions – to meet in real life with people experiencing acute envy of you. Try to avoid communication in their circle – this can provoke unwanted conflicts.
- Tsvetkov. Old bulls in a herd – to stress and poor health. Calmly grazing herd – for a pleasant outdoor recreation with close friends.
- Nostradamus. Many cows awaiting offspring – to unexpected profits.
Seeing more bulls or cows in a dream, try to show your leadership qualities and other strengths of character – this will help you achieve the desired tasks. But do not forget to pay attention to loved ones, otherwise at the right time they will not provide you with the necessary support.