Why did the little dog dream

Dogs symbolize loyalty, affection and true friendship, but the size of a four-legged friend can drastically change the interpretation of night vision.

In dream books, you can find different meanings of the image of a small dog for men and women. To decipher the dream, you need to pay attention to the sex and actions of the dreamer, as well as the color, behavior or location of the small dog.

Why did the little dog dream

What is the dream of a little dog – general interpretation

Often the image of a little doggie warns the dreamer of false rumors spreading behind his back. However, such a dream can also portend an imminent pleasant surprise from a loved one.

Expert opinion Svetlana Kravchenko Esoteric An emaciated and skinny dog ​​indicates rumors spread that can significantly complicate the dreamer's life. Try to identify the envious person as soon as possible, otherwise his actions may lead to problems at work or in the family.

Breed and number

Interpretation of the breed of a four-legged friend:

  • spaniel – the dreamer should pay more attention to his family, otherwise he runs the risk of alienating loved ones;
  • Pekingese – relations with the second half will worsen, and significant efforts will have to be made to stabilize them;
  • decorative dog – to the appearance of a faithful friend;
  • Great Dane is a good and reliable friend who can support with deeds and advice.

Many thoroughbred, well-groomed and healthy dogs often symbolize:

  • good luck in new business;
  • acquaintance with the second half;
  • fun rest with friends.

A large number of pets of a small size of an uncertain breed warn of imminent problems – they will arise in one of the sleeping people. Timely intervention will help this person avoid financial problems, and in difficult times you can always count on his help.

If you are surrounded by many dogs of various breeds, soon you will have to take part in an event at which you will have overwhelming success.

Good or bad

A small kind dog means that the dreamer is surrounded by caring people who you can always rely on. In all the affairs planned for the near future, the sleeping person will be lucky, so it is recommended to try to bring all your ideas to life.

An evil doggie, on the other hand, warns about the presence of an insincere personality nearby that can harm his career and personal life.

Little kind dog


Choosing a small pet in the market or in a store is to the insincerity of a loved one. In the presence of the dreamer, he says compliments, and spreads false rumors behind his back.

Finding a dog on the street is to make every effort to help a person in serious trouble.

A puppy sleeping in the dreamer's house – to the appearance in the close circle of friends, much younger in age.

Puppy sleeping in the house

Small dog color


A four-legged friend of black color warns that some kind of trouble will happen to people close to you, and it will directly touch the dreamer. Don't worry – the problems will not be serious, and you can get rid of their consequences in a short time.


Gray puppies indicate empty chores. Try not to take to heart the dissatisfaction of friends or co-workers – they are not directly related to you, and soon these people will sincerely regret their behavior.

Gray puppies


A brown pet is an omen of an imminent conflict with a close friend or relative. You will be unreasonably exposed as the culprit of the quarrel, but you should not react too emotionally, otherwise you risk losing communication with your loved one forever.


A white small dog indicates the dreamer's disinterested motives. But you should not unconditionally fulfill the requests of everyone around, otherwise friends and colleagues will begin to use it, which will entail life difficulties.

Also, a white doggie portends a new acquaintance, which can grow into love or true friendship.

White little dog


A red-colored doggie warns of the danger posed by a loved one. Perhaps you inadvertently offended a friend or family member, and he is hatching a plan for revenge. Try to find him and correct your mistake in time – this will help to avoid not only deteriorating relations, but also financial problems.

Dreaming of a girl and a woman

Interpretation for the fairer sex:

  1. A woman dreams of small dogs before meeting an interesting man, which can develop into a long and strong relationship. Open communication and no lying will help bring them to a happy marriage.
  2. For a girl, a small doggie symbolizes strong friendship in the near future. On the path of life, a very sincere and influential person will meet, under whose leadership a lady will be able to reach unprecedented heights.
  3. If a married woman dreams of a red-colored dog, she will have a short romance. To save a marriage, you need to resist the temptation and try to diversify your intimate life with your spouse.
  4. If an unmarried lady dreams of a small dog in her arms, she will start a relationship with a guy, which will grow into strong love.

Receive a little dog as a gift and experience joy at the same time – to meet an interesting man who will become a good friend in the future. Such a dream also symbolizes a harmonious relationship with the second half and in the family circle.

Man dreams

Decryptions for the stronger sex:

  1. For an adult man, a puppy or little dog predicts a reliable partnership or strong friendship.
  2. If a guy saw a small red dog in a dream, he will have a profitable project with a partner who can deceive and deprive him of profit. It is recommended to abandon new deals for a while and work with trusted people.
  3. For a married man, the image of a small dog warns of the need to pay more attention to his wife, otherwise there is a risk of deteriorating family relations.

A cheerful and well-groomed dog indicates success in work or with the opposite sex, which the dreamer will receive without much effort.

The image and actions of a small dog


A sick four-legged friend symbolizes imminent troubles for the dreamer or one of his close people. To get rid of the difficulties that have arisen, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort, as well as enlist the support of loved ones, since you cannot make the right decision alone.


An aggressive dog warns of a conflict with a blood relative or soul mate. You should suppress your anger so as not to spoil your relationship with someone you love for a long time.


A talking dog predicts future changes, so it is important to try to remember exactly what the animal said.

I dreamed of a little dog


If a little dog rushes to the defense, in real life you will find success at work, meeting an influential person, or solving long-standing financial problems.


A small dog caressing your feet indicates an imminent romance. If the dog is smeared with mud, in the near future the dreamer will find out about the problems of a loved one and help him find a positive solution.


If a little dog bites, in real life you will find out in time that your loved one is plotting against you, and you will be able to resist him. If the bite site bleeds, then problems should be expected from a blood relative.

If the animal tore the skin with its teeth, and you felt severe pain, you will soon end a relationship that lasted a long time. The dreamer will experience this loss for a very long time, which can negatively affect the state of health.


Several small dogs are fighting among themselves – they will deliberately spread false rumors about the sleeping person in order to deprive him of his job or ruin his relationship with his soul mate.


A drowned dog indicates a friend who needs your support. Surround him with care and help solve the problems that have arisen, because alone he will bring himself to bankruptcy or serious health problems.

Drowned dog

The dog is hit by a car

A dog hit by a car indicates that you are not properly evaluating the attention of a loved one. This behavior can lead to long-term, hidden resentment, so try to pay more attention to your surroundings.

The dreamer's actions

Night vision values ​​depending on the sleeping behavior.

  1. Running away from a small dog – in real life, consciously avoid serious relationships. The reason for this behavior often lies in the betrayal of a loved one, which the dreamer still cannot survive. Running away from a large number of doggies – to face problems at work due to the intrigues of employees. To maintain your reputation and position, you will have to give your best and spend a lot of time.
  2. Treating a small pet – trying to correct your own mistake made in relation to a partner at work or a close friend.
  3. Feeding a four-legged friend – make a lot of effort to establish relationships with a partner or relative, and achieve success in this. Giving food to a homeless dog – to find out that communication with a certain person causes disapproval of the people around.
  4. To bathe a dog is to sacrifice one's own interests or a significant amount for the sake of a loved one.
  5. Petting a pet – forging a relationship with an old friend or meeting a soul mate.
  6. Taking a rash act towards a friend or family member, which will lead to negative consequences. Also, such a dream warns that you can lose control of yourself and do stupidity, which will be very difficult to correct.
  7. If you killed the dog in self-defense, soon you will find a fake friend who is plotting behind your back. Morally, you can easily endure the breakdown of this relationship, and soon, perhaps, you will meet a reliable person.
  8. To shoot a four-legged friend is to behave categorically towards others. You should reconsider your behavior, otherwise in the near future you will lose real friends.

Interpretation of famous dream books

Deciphering the image of a small dog from popular interpreters:

  1. Longo. An animal licking a hand – for career advancement or getting the desired position.
  2. Meneghetti. A small dog symbolizes dependence on a more influential person – this prevents you from realizing your plans. Learning to act in accordance with your personal interests will help you advance at work and lead to higher wages.
  3. Nostradamus. Many small dogs warn of imminent financial problems. Moderate your spending and plan a budget for the near future – this will help you get through a difficult life period.
  4. Tsvetkov. The four-legged little friend indicates the onset of the white stripe – the dreamer will easily achieve success in new affairs.
  5. Freud. A small pet warns of a quarrel with someone close – the outcome of the conflict will depend on your behavior.
  6. Loff. Yard puppies symbolize a long-term deterioration in relationships with loved ones.

Small dogs in night vision can symbolize both positive and negative events in the coming future, but you should not attach special importance to the interpretation of the image seen.

It is important not to forget that events in life are directly dependent on our actions, so take the meaning of sleep as a hint for further action that can help prevent negative consequences.

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