For a long time, the image of a dog has been associated with loyalty and friendship for many people, so a sick animal seen in a dream often warns of problems in various fields of activity. In order to understand what a sick dog of your own or someone else's dreamed of, in addition to the sex of the sleeping person, it is necessary to take into account the color of the animal's fur, its behavior and the dreamer's reaction to the animal he saw.
What is the dream of a sick dog – a general interpretation of a dream
The most common meanings of a sick pet seen in a dream:
- A sick-looking dog often points to a friend in dire need of the dreamer's help. The dreamer's support will help not only strengthen your relationship, but also save a loved one from serious problems.
- An unhealthy dog of a familiar person in night vision warns that he will get into an unpleasant situation. Your support will help you get out of this situation with minimal losses.
- A cured animal symbolizes the solution to existing problems and the onset of a white streak in life. You can safely take on new projects – your efforts will be crowned with success and lead to recognition from the management or partners.
- A sick, emaciated and old dog indicates serious breakdowns in the house. For the fairer sex, such a dream means a deterioration in relations with a lover, due to refusal to perform household duties. For businessmen, the image of an emaciated beast warns of problems at work – new deals will not bring the expected income.
- A sick and thin dog of large size – to serious health problems of someone close to you, which can lead to death.
- A small sick dog promises disappointment and serious problems in achieving their goals.
If in night vision you observed your sick pet, which in real life has health problems, it means that soon the condition of the animal will improve. If the dog is healthy in life, take your pet to a specialist for examination.
Animal color
The color of the dog also affects the interpretation of night vision:
- black – deterioration of the state of mind due to the betrayal of a loved one;
- white – a friend needs moral support, since he was accused of unpleasant actions of another person;
- multi-colored – in a team or a circle of close people spread false rumors about the dreamer;
- redhead – friends are preparing a surprise for you that can cause negative emotions;
- brown – close people face serious problems;
- black and white – soon the dreamer will find out about the betrayal of a friend and will forever break off relations with him;
- gray – a very shy person who is embarrassed to say this directly needs your help.
For business people, the image of a black, sick dog warns of intrigues on the part of colleagues or partners, which can cause significant financial losses or even lead to bankruptcy. For people in a relationship, a dark, sick dog can mean a deterioration in relations with a soul mate due to a lack of understanding or lies.
Dog actions
Interpretation of night vision depending on the behavior of a sick animal:
- the dog hardly gets up on its paws – one of the relatives did not complete an important matter, and the dreamer will have to do it for him;
- the dog cannot stand up – to an exacerbation of a chronic illness or a deterioration in well-being in general;
- a sick animal constantly barks – a sleeping person will be let down by a loved one or he will hear unpleasant things about himself;
- a dog flies to a sleeping person – one of the friends is plotting meanness against you;
- the beast grins at the dreamer – you will have to deal with the difficulties of a friend on your own;
- the dog bit the leg – to significant financial losses and prolonged difficulties.
Expert opinion Ilmira Derbentseva Parapsychologist If in a night vision a sick animal attacks and tries to bite the dreamer, an envious person is hiding in the approximate circle, who will soon try to ruin your life and turn friends against you.
The dreamer's reactions and sensations
Decoding a dream depending on the behavior of a sleeping person:
- To feed a sick dog is to get into an unpleasant situation through your own fault. To avoid this, try not to take on the work of colleagues – your help will turn against you.
- If in a dream you constantly feed your animal, in reality you can be relied on in any business. Most importantly, do not let people abuse their help, otherwise they will shift all the problems onto your shoulders.
- To protect a weakened dog from other people or animals – to positive changes in life and the onset of a streak of success in all endeavors.
If a thin and shabby dog seen in a dream is disgusting, your indifference can cause a deterioration in relations with family or friends. If in the future you ignore loved ones, at the moment when you need their help, you will be left alone.
A sick dog evokes pity and compassion – colleagues use your responsiveness to their own advantage. Do not be afraid to refuse help and try to pay more attention to your own work – reliability can lead to demotion or dismissal.
Meaning for a woman, a man
Sleep values for the fairer sex:
- a sick animal warns of the risk of monetary losses in new transactions;
- to feed a street, sick dog – to appear in an unpleasant light in front of friends or employees;
- feed and pet a sick pet, while seeing an improvement in his condition – to meet true love or to meet a person who can become a close friend in the future.
For a lonely girl, a dream in which she cares for a sick dog, and he is recovering, predicts a short, but very vivid romance.
For a married woman, a dream involving a recovering animal foreshadows a long-awaited journey or a fun pastime with her closest friends.
For a man, to see in night vision how a sick pet is burying its nose in his clothes or hiding behind the owner's back means betraying a loved one for the sake of gaining benefits. To avoid financial problems, it is recommended to take a closer look at your surroundings and try to identify the traitor in a timely manner.
If a guy strokes a homeless, sick dog – in life he will do an act based not on his ideas, but on the opinion of the public – this will lead to prolonged depression, monetary losses or a deterioration in relationships among friends.
Interpretations of famous dream books
In dream books from famous interpreters, a sick dog has the following meanings:
- Freud. The image of an emaciated dog symbolizes a meeting with an old friend or receiving good news.
- Miller. A sick dog indicates imminent anxiety due to personal problems or inappropriate behavior in society, which can cause prolonged gossip behind the back. Also, such a dream warns that the dreamer, due to his own indecision, will not be able to receive the recognition of colleagues and the desired position for a long time. If the animal was white, the dreamer will be able to achieve his goals and increase his social status.
- Nostradamus. A wounded and sick dog means quick advancement in the career ladder thanks to recommendations from an influential person or your own success. The new position will lead to a significant improvement in financial well-being.
- Hasse. A mangy and weakened animal dreams of a meeting with an old acquaintance, which will only bring disappointment. To escape from a sick animal is in reality to make a long-awaited trip and get a lot of positive emotions from it.
- Wang. If a representative of the weaker sex saw a sick dog, in life another person will receive what the dreamer has dreamed of for a long time. This can lead to an open display of rage, and a deterioration in relations with loved ones. A sick white animal warns that in a difficult situation you will have to rely only on your own strength, since friends will be busy with their problems.
- Loff. A wild sick dog warns of a conflict situation due to the fault of a person whom the dreamer has long considered a true friend. In order not to aggravate your financial situation, it is recommended that you keep your work plans secret from everyone except family members.
- Tsvetkov. The image of a sick dog indicates a betrayal of a loved one or failure at work, which can lead to the loss of money or influential partners.
Dreams involving a sick pet can occur due to anxiety due to problems with friends or relatives. However, often such dreams do not carry any hidden meaning, and may appear in connection with a hidden concern about the health of your pet.