The interpretation of dreams in which a wedding appears depends on many details. Symbols can be both good signs and harbingers of trouble. We propose to figure out what events to expect for those who dreamed of the wedding of their own or cousin. If in a dream the younger sister is going to get married, and you are taking part in the preparation of the holiday, the dream book interprets this as a harbinger of important news
Why is your sister's wedding dreaming?
Dream Interpretations interpret the dream of a sister's marriage as a symbol of life changes, both for the dreamer herself and for the main character of night vision. The interpretation depends on whether it was an ordinary celebration only in the registry office or a church wedding. The latter is considered a sign promising the fulfillment of the dreamer's cherished desire.
The degree of kinship also matters. A dream about the wedding of a half-sister does not promise anything good. You can expect bad news about friends and loved ones. The dream also promises a sudden illness to one of the dreamer's family members, portends troubles and accidents to distant relatives.
- If the celebration itself did not happen, and only dreamed of pre-wedding chores, it is worth considering whose wedding was being prepared.
- If in a dream the younger sister is going to get married, and you are taking part in the preparation of the holiday, the dream book interprets this as a harbinger of important news.
- If the marriage was to be for an older relative, in real life you can expect good news from your loved ones.
Why is your sister's wedding dreaming?
Dream Interpretations interpret dreams in which a sister gets married, depending on how the celebration proceeded. Here are the most common interpretations:
- the presence of ladies in black dresses at the celebration promises a relative of illness or death of a loved one;
- a large number of guests promise family joys;
- a table free of food marks a streak of bad luck and financial losses;
- a joyful and beautiful celebration promises the fulfillment of hopes;
- a boring event promises the dreamer disappointment in someone or something;
- a sad wedding in a dream in reality will turn into unfulfilled hopes;
- if the celebration ended in a fight, in real life a stormy showdown awaits you.
Unusual events taking place at a wedding in the snow also carry important information to the dreamer regarding his personal life. A dream warns of danger or promises a change if the following occurs in it:
- a former young man appeared without an invitation – the dreamer in reality will have a meeting with
- a person from the past who wants to revive the relationship;
- They tried to kill the dreamer right during the celebration – people from the inner circle wish evil and weave intrigues;
- the groom at the last moment turned his attention from the bride to her sister – the young lady who had a dream was in for a lot of trouble.
If in a dream the husband or the young man of the dreamer was in the place of the groom, you should pay attention to the relationship with your beloved. Chances are good that he is hiding something.
What is the dream of a cousin's wedding?
The Eastern dream book interprets the marriage of a cousin as an omen of a difficult life period. The dreamer will face a series of scandals, family and financial problems.
If a relative is not yet married, troubles in life await the main character of the dream. She may become seriously ill or lose her job. If a girl escaped from under the crown in a dream, in reality she will be able to get around her misfortunes.
A boring event promises a dreamer disappointment
Why dream of the wedding of a sister who is already married?
- According to Pastor Loff's dream book, the wedding of his own sister, who is already married, promises the dreamer success and prosperity.
- The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud was equally optimistic in his forecasts. He believed that a dream with a similar plot suggests that a lonely dreamer in reality will have an early meeting with the chosen one. For a married lady, such a vision, according to Freud, promises pleasant changes in her intimate life, which is now rather boring.
- According to the version of the Lunar Dream Book, the marriage of a sister, who is already tied by marriage, reads the dreamer good luck and luck. Everything will turn out exactly as planned by her. If in real life the heroine of night vision expects to be added to the family, the birth will take place without complications and a healthy baby will be born.
- Not all interpreters put a positive meaning in the dream. If you turn to the dream book authored by Tsvetkova, you will find that the vision of a married sister's wedding is a bad sign, especially if it was a church wedding. The author recommends that the dreamer pay attention to her health, possibly the development of a serious illness.
The marriage of a sister, who is already tied by the knot, read the dreamer good luck and luck
Dreamed of the wedding of an unmarried sister
If in a dream you dreamed of the wedding of a sister who is not married, the dreamer should prepare to replenish the family. For younger relatives, a dream promises the birth of a brother or sister. The dreamer happened to be present in a dream at a wedding in the role of a witness, this is a good sign. Soon she will be able to solve her problems, find a way out of a difficult situation.
When analyzing the meaning of a dream, you need to take into account the relationship with a waking relative. If you and your sister are in a quarrel and have not communicated for a long time, then a dream about her promises trouble, worries, troubles, tears. A dream about a relative living in another city or country marks the receipt of news. If a relative looked great in a dream, the news will be good.