If you dreamed that you lost your wedding ring, interpreters of dreams strongly recommend not to ignore such a night vision. It is especially important to pay attention to details such as the floor of the sleeper, his actual marital status and the material from which the ring is made. All these nuances will help to form the most accurate sleep value. For a married woman, the loss of a ring in a dream often indicates difficulties in the relationship with her spouse.
Why dream of losing a wedding ring?
Dream Interpretations offer the following interpretations of the loss of a wedding ring:
- deterioration in financial well-being, senseless spending, loss of valuable things in reality;
- loss of trust in a friendly or family environment;
- the beginning of an unfavorable life period: quarrels with relatives, troubles and conflicts at work;
- final separation, discord in relations with a partner, disappointment in the chosen person, treason.
The loss of a wedding ring in a dream, which a person does not have in real life, indicates the presence of unfulfilled desires.
Jewelry making material
For decoding a dream, the material from which the decoration is made, as well as the presence of precious stones in it, is also important:
- Gold wedding ring. For a single person, this is an omen of an imminent wedding. A similar symbol can also indicate the imminent wedding of one of your close friends or relatives.
- Gold-colored alloy ring. In life, a situation will arise in which it will be difficult to recognize which of the people around you is a friend and who is an enemy.
- Silver ring. Unpleasant events will happen in your life soon. Divorced people can predict a quick reunion with each other or the preservation of friendly relations after separation.
- Copper decoration. A good sign indicating the completion of all matters in the near future.
- Ring decorated with precious stones. A fateful meeting awaits you, possibly the renewal of old relationships.
Family status
For a more accurate interpretation, the marital status of the sleeping person plays an important role:
- For a married woman, the loss of a ring in a dream often indicates difficulties in the relationship with her spouse, which can destroy the marriage. To save the family, you will need to fight for your man, and be ready for drastic changes.
- For an unmarried lady, such a loss promises an early betrayal of her friend, the disclosure of important secrets. The loss of the wedding ring, given by parents living separately from their child, hints at their desire to see their daughter as soon as possible.
- For a divorced girl, the loss of a ring often indicates that she remains on friendly terms with her ex-spouse, and this communication can have a positive effect on your life.
- For a married representative of the stronger sex, such a dream indicates a possible betrayal of his wife or her imprudent behavior with the surrounding men.
- For bachelors, the loss of the ring hints at serious financial waste and a break with his girlfriend.
If in a dream you were able to find a loss – this is a good sign, meaning that in the future you will be accompanied by good luck in all your endeavors, new useful acquaintances will appear, and relations with friends or relatives will improve. For the fairer sex, such a find signals success in men.
The absence of negative emotions associated with the loss, often indicates the imminent disposal of ill-wishers or unnecessary things.
After seeing the loss of the ring in a dream, you do not need to fall into depression and subconsciously prepare for negative events. Initially, you should calmly analyze what is happening in life, try to improve relations with your loved one, or decide on drastic changes.