Why did you dream of a wedding: your own, someone else's, preparation for the celebration?

A church wedding is an important ceremony in which two loving souls unite in the face of God. Therefore, even a dream about this event leaves a special impression. But in order to find out how a wedding is interpreted by a dream book, when decoding a dream, it is very important to concentrate on every detail. why is the wedding dreaming When in a dream you are married to your husband in the temple, this may indicate emotional dependence.

Why dream of a wedding with her husband?

If you are already married, and in a dream you see yourself in church next to your spouse, then the dream book interprets such a wedding as follows:

  1. Higher powers approve of your choice, and you can be completely confident in your partner. Vanga's dream book says that your spiritual union is very strong: peace and mutual understanding reign in the family, you know how to listen and hear each other, and therefore you will survive even the most difficult situations together.
  2. When in a dream you are married to your husband in the temple, this may indicate emotional dependence. Someone from the couple experiences a strong fear of losing their soul mate, and therefore tightly controls the partner and overly protective.
  3. If during the ceremony you kiss with your husband, this is a good sign. Your relationship promises to be durable, and the union is strong and harmonious.
  4. According to another interpretation, kissing your spouse at your own wedding is a surprise. You may feel that your partner is hiding something or deceiving you. Remain calm and be patient. Trust me, everything he does is for the good of the relationship. Your expectations will be fully met.

Dream Interpretations advise to weaken control, as this can lead to the collapse of the relationship: your chosen one / darling will simply get tired of such a life.

Wedding with a stranger

Seeing in a dream your own wedding with an unfamiliar man – the dream book promises the dreamer that he will soon meet true love. But this interpretation will only be relevant for those who are not currently in a relationship. If your heart is busy, then such a dream promises happiness and a long, strong union.

If during a church wedding you are kissing a stranger, then such a dream indicates a change. It is quite possible that very soon you will walk the road of life not alone, but hand in hand with your loved one.

dream book wedding Kissing your spouse at your own wedding is a surprise

Wedding with a loved one

The interpretation of sleep in this case may be different:

  • I dreamed of a wedding with my beloved man – interpreters of dreams associate such a dream with your desire to enter into a legal marriage. In real life, you dream of marriage and you are completely satisfied with your partner. And most likely, your wish will come true.
  • However, if the ceremony was performed in secret from everyone, then in reality there is a high probability of breaking off relations. There will be a misunderstanding between the lovers, which will lead to quarrels, and, possibly, to parting.
  • In your nightly dreams, you saw a picture where you stand in front of the altar in a luxurious white dress next to your chosen one – rejoice, as this is a very good sign. All your business plans promise to come true. The bosses see your efforts and efforts, and therefore very soon you will have a chance to show all your professionalism.

A failed wedding

Having opened the dream books, you can get the following interpretations:

  1. A dream in which events take place in this way suggests that the dreamer does not trust his partner. Perhaps you agreed too quickly to get married, and now you are experiencing serious doubts.
  2. If you dream of a failed wedding, which was disrupted due to the fact that you were simply late for it, then here the dream books tend to a positive interpretation. Such a dream indicates your desire to create a strong family and does not bode well in your relationship with your future husband. The marriage promises to be lasting and happy.
  3. In a dream, the ceremony was canceled – difficulties in the business sphere are possible. On your way, you will encounter numerous obstacles that you can overcome only if you make some effort.
  4. Winter's Dream Interpretation interprets a failed wedding as follows: soon you will be overcome by a desire to completely change your way of life. Perhaps you want to make a dramatic change in your work, and you decide to quit your boring office and start developing creativity. However, there is no need to rush. Remember that hasty decisions can be fatal, and therefore start small, embellishing the gray everyday life with small bright spots (meeting with friends, pleasant shopping for yourself, etc.). After a while, you will see that in fact you do not need changes, and happiness is just around the corner.

If during this period you are busy preparing for your own wedding, then a dream about a failed wedding can only indicate emotional fatigue, moral exhaustion. In this case, you should not pay special attention to it.

Preparing for the wedding

If the dream is not the wedding itself in the church, but only the preparation for the celebration, then in this case the dream books give only one interpretation. Gathering for the ceremony symbolizes a meeting with a large number of people. Here we can talk about both speaking to the audience and talking with friends.

If in a dream the girl was satisfied with her appearance, then this suggests that in reality she believes in her own strength and the performance in front of the audience will pass without a hitch, but if the dress was uncomfortable or the hairstyle was ugly, you should prepare more carefully.

Someone else's wedding

If one of your friends or acquaintances got married in a dream, then this promises the dreamer great success. At the moment, the state of affairs is developing for you in a favorable way, and luck is accompanied literally at every step. Soon you will have a chance to change your life for the better. Don't miss it!

Another meaning of such a dream is that a person close to you is experiencing difficulties and is not able to unleash problems without your participation.

When at the wedding ceremony you see people you don't know, expect a change. Moreover, they will certainly be good and have a positive effect on different areas of life. You will be able to realize your plans.

why is the wedding in the church dreaming If the ceremony was performed in secret from everyone, then in reality there is a high probability of breaking off relations.

If the crowning couple was beautiful and looked harmonious, then such a dream, according to Freud's dream book, promises a renewal of past relationships. Your feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, and you will again feel the desire to be close to this person.

At the same time, Miller's dream book interprets this dream in a different way. The source says that sleep promises to be burdened with other people's affairs.

If in a dream you happened to be present at the wedding of your younger sister or brother, you should reconsider your attitude towards your own children. You are too intrusive and do not allow them to show independence. It's time to let your child go and give him the opportunity to make important decisions without your participation.

Wedding without your consent

Seeing your own wedding and at the same time understanding that it is happening against your will – soon you may find yourself in a non-standard situation that will require you to show strength of character. It is possible that you have to become a leader, taking control of everything.

If you are not at a loss and are able to quickly resolve a number of important issues, the reward is provided: in this case, you will get career advancement, financial stability and the opportunity to further develop your skills.

why dream of a wedding with her husband If in a dream you happened to be present at the wedding of your younger sister or brother, you should reconsider your attitude towards your own children

Other wedding dreams

The plots of a wedding dream can be very diverse, and dream books are able to reveal the symbolism of almost each of them.

  • At the ceremony, you personally married a young couple – numerous troubles await you. A black streak will come in life, full of shocks, and, quite possibly, because of a loved one. The psychological dream book advises not to interfere with the course of events: everything will be resolved by itself.
  • You have been invited to a wedding – wait for an invitation to visit. The feast will be very noisy and cheerful, and therefore will leave a lot of positive emotions.
  • If an unmarried man dreamed about a kiss at a wedding, then many new acquaintances await him in life. It is possible that you will change your place of work and find yourself in a new team. Don't worry, you will quickly become your own in this company.
  • In a dream, on the proposal to get married, you answered with consent – good changes are expected, and the people whom you have dedicated to your plans will justify your hopes.
  • Being among the guests and standing at the wedding in white clothes – you will make a discovery that will please you very much. If you are wearing black clothes and at the same time perform the functions of service personnel, concentrate, first of all, on yourself and your life.

Whatever information you receive, remember that dream books after a wedding dream advise you to pay special attention to your own feelings.

You feel warm and in general you are in a good mood – this dream will not bring trouble, but if you are sad or anxious – be on the lookout and try not to commit rash acts, as they may well entail negative events.

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