Why do ponies dream – interpretation of various dream books

The image of a pony symbolizes modesty and hard work. In most cases, such a dream is a good sign and indicates minor but positive life changes.

In order to determine with greater accuracy what the small horse dreamed of, you must try to remember the maximum number of details of the dream: the color of the coat, its behavior, your reaction to the animal.

 Why do ponies dream

Why do ponies dream

General interpretations involving a horse:

  • harnessed to a cart – a person close to you may soon become seriously ill;
  • plow the field with a pony – in a new business you can achieve success without much effort;
  • ride – soon you will receive a tempting offer related to work or vacation, which you need to agree to;
  • give sugar – in reality, you will experience health problems, the risk of developing diabetes is high;
  • to buy – in reality to receive good news;
  • sell – to win the lottery or any other gambling game.

Expert opinion Svetlana Kravchenko Esoteric For men and women, the image of a little horse indicates a worthy assessment of your work by employees and loved ones – this will significantly increase your self-esteem and authority in the environment.

Dreaming that you are harnessing a pony is a conflict with a loved one, which can contribute to a break in relations. Unharnessing the animal – for a long time you will be oppressed by an uncertain work or marital status. You should not take what is happening to heart – in the end, everything will have a positive outcome.

The meaning of sleep also differs depending on the field of activity.


Interpretations for work:

  • to dream about how you ride a pony – the need to develop and strive for promotion at work, since you have already outgrown your position;
  • dream that while riding a horse, you feel uncomfortable – because of modesty, you belittle your talents and abilities, so the manager cannot appreciate your work;
  • enjoy the ride – in the near future you will find a great offer from business partners;
  • skating for a long time is a signal that you need to pay attention to self-development;
  • a tired animal dreams – a difficult project awaits you at work, but its completion promises great profits;
  • frolicking pony – a quick promotion at work, recognition in the team and the leader;
  • loaded animal – ill-wishers will interfere with you on the way to achieving your goal;
    fall from a pony – to monetary losses;
  • try to shoe – get a reward for your work, much less than expected;
  • an animal bite – a slight increase or new job responsibilities, thanks to which you can prove yourself;
  • brushing wool – a subconscious desire to change the usual field of activity;
  • feed – to take up the acquisition of new knowledge, which in the future will contribute to the long-awaited promotion or transfer to the desired position.

If you dream that the horse kicked you, the luxury surrounding you will negatively affect your character, and this can lead to the loss of friends and a deterioration in relations with your family.

Family relationships

The meaning of a dream for relationships with loved ones:

  • rejoicing at the sight of a pony running around the field – solving personal problems and relaxing in nature with family or friends;
  • pour animal food – in a difficult moment a friend will be next to you and help you solve the issues that have arisen;
  • dreaming about a pony bite – a betrayal of a loved one, which led to a deterioration in health;
  • hand feeding – a quick acquaintance with a person who is very close to you in spirit, who will become your close friend;
  • to ride a child on a horse – to experience the joy of spending time with your family.

For a young unmarried girl, a dream in which she rides a baby on a pony symbolizes an early desired pregnancy or a meeting with her soul mate. If the pony is attracted to you, it signals the need to spend more time with family and friends – they lack your care and attention.

Pony color

Of no small importance in the interpretation of night vision is the color of the animal's coat:

  • gray – building relationships with relatives or significant other, career growth;
  • white – improving the financial situation, effective negotiations with new partners;
  • spotted – a new offer from partners will bring a lot of profit;
  • brown – getting a high position, which will require more attention to work;
  • black – empowerment that can turn your head and lead to negative consequences;
  • red – you will be a guest of honor at a big celebration;
  • purple – some of your plans will not come true;
  • purple – a slight deterioration in health in a short time, which is why it is recommended to get rid of bad habits and undergo an examination.

If a girl dreams of a lot of ponies of various colors, this means that during the next event she will amaze everyone with her unusual and bright attire.

Interpretation of different dream books

Dream interpretation of pony meanings from famous personalities:

  • Miller. A pony is a symbol of the sleeping man's happy family life. No difficulties can worsen his relationship with his family. When you dream about a dirty horse, this is a warning that there are envious people in your environment who will try to spoil the opinion of you in the work collective.
  • Melnikov. The horse's aggressive behavior warns that with your careless behavior you can scare off luck and lose a significant amount.
  • Felomena. The small horse symbolizes the dreamer's satisfaction in all areas of life at the present moment in time. A pony seen in a dream indicates an activity that brings you pleasure and normalizes your psychological state.
  • Carats. If you dream of riding a pony, you will soon realize one of your childhood desires, which will bring many positive emotions.
  • Stepanov. For people born in winter and spring – to betrayal from a person whom you have trusted for many years. For those born in summer and autumn, this dream predicts a quick pleasant meeting with friends and an unexpected surprise from relatives.
  • Oracle. Pony in dreams indicates wealth, success in all matters, inner harmony and satisfaction with the current state of affairs.

Dreaming with ponies most often means good luck in business and personal life. Therefore, feel free to take on new projects or take a vacation and spend it with your closest people.

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