Why does a white tiger dream in a dream for a woman

Tigers in nature have strictly built hierarchical relationships, the leader is the strongest and most ferocious animal, therefore, in dreams, a predator with a white skin symbolizes energy, positively directed aggression, inner strength, the desire to dominate and win.

A person who sees a white tiger in a dream is expected to climb the career ladder, success in the business and public spheres, and an increase in financial well-being.

Why is the white tiger dreaming

Tiger image

The white color of a tiger's skin means that a person is endowed with the qualities necessary to achieve success and material independence: assertiveness, confidence, activity, initiative.

Sleep means that a favorable period of life has come, when the described personal qualities will help achieve your goals. You need to seize the moment, luck is just waiting to be used.

A dream in which a white tiger appears often indicates the presence of an authoritative personality in a close environment, with her support it will be possible to realize goals. An exotic beast can be dreamed of by a creative person who will be lucky in the embodiment of ideas.


I dreamed of a large white tiger – an interesting vacancy will soon turn up, you will be able to get a decent job. For a business person, a dream promises the receipt of a large sum of money as a result of a successfully completed transaction or participation in an important business meeting.

Dreamed of a large white tiger


A dream in which a white beast appears aggressive predicts a direct conflict with a competitor. If the dreamer is not associated with business, then such an image warns of the presence of envious people in the environment, weaving intrigues.


A calm, good-natured, affectionate beast promises a great climb up the career ladder. Perhaps an authoritative, powerful person from the environment will contribute to career success. This person will not only help to advance in work, but will also become a reliable patron for many years.

Sometimes a non-aggressive white tiger is seen in a dream by a person who seeks to pacify negative character traits, get rid of vices and passions. Ahead is the period when the dreamer will direct the accumulated energy in a positive direction.

Affectionate beast


If you dreamed of not just a white beast, but an albino tiger, whose stripes are almost invisible, and whose eyes are painted red, then you should prepare for turmoil and trouble.

Moreover, the dreamer will not be to blame for the current situation, the person from the environment will be the creator of the problems. But every cloud has a silver lining: faced with difficulties and troubles, the dreamer will learn to make the right decisions, which will ultimately lead to an increase in well-being.

Tiger location

When decoding a dream, one must take into account not only the image of the animal itself, but also the surrounding environment:

  1. The tiger is in the zoo – someone will reassure the dreamer, promise a promotion, but the promise is unlikely to keep. And this man should not be blamed: he sincerely tried to help, but faced opposition from persons standing higher in office.
  2. An animal in a familiar natural environment – the sleeping person is jealous of his friends, because they managed to achieve more in life. However, you should not distance yourself from close people: perhaps they will help you get a prestigious job, improve your life.
  3. White tiger in the apartment – in reality, a strong competitor has appeared. If the animal is furious, destroying everything in the home, then you will have to conflict about the inheritance. For a woman, the image of a white beast in the house is a prediction of a love affair with a rich man, for a girl – a marriage union with an elderly man.
  4. A tiger locked in a cage means that the enemies have surrendered, no one else will interfere with the progress of affairs.
  5. White tigers in the circus arena dream of achieving their goals. A businessman's dream warns that a mistake has been made in the conduct of business, but it will not harm if it is noticed and eliminated in time.

The dreamer's actions

When deciphering sleep, it is important to consider your own behavior in relation to a wild animal. This will allow you to anticipate upcoming events regarding working relationships and business areas.


If the sleeping person just looks at the white tiger, then he should note how the animal behaves: calm – to a pleasant event, showing aggression, grinning – to unexpected problems.

Expert opinion Svetlana Kravchenko Esoteric Seeing a white tiger is an unfinished business. It must be completed, otherwise further progress will be impossible.

To see a tiger carrying prey in its teeth – the boss will soon praise, give a bonus. Watching the beast eat the victim – in reality, acquire a new competitor.

The tiger is sleeping – things will not go as planned.

The sleeper hears the tiger's roar, but does not notice the animal itself – there is an envious and greedy person around. You need to identify him as soon as possible to avoid trouble.

Kill to survive

To run away from an angry beast – to stagnation in business associated with the intrigues of competitors. To hunt a tiger – to reveal the insidious plans of enemies, to win the competition, showing cunning and ingenuity.

The beast growls and grins, protecting the cub – in reality it will have to fight for its principles with the authorities.

To kill the attacking fierce tiger – in reality, you will be able to easily defeat competitors.

The predator runs away from the sleeping one – to career success or a transition to a new promising position.

The tiger rushes at the dreamer, digs in with its claws and fangs, but there is neither horror nor pain – in reality, in order to defeat competitors, you will have to overcome many difficulties.

Safe contact

The sleeping man sits astride a white tiger – in reality he will be able to cope with the problems.

The beast entered the dwelling – to fulfill the desire soon.

The white tigress is playing with the cubs – acquaintances with children will come to visit.

Stroking a tiger – you will be able to pacify your vices and negative inclinations, which will result in a better life. To feed – an authoritative person will help, thanks to which it will be possible to survive a difficult life period. Playing with a white beast – there is a deceitful person surrounded by a friend who can cause great harm. To catch a tiger is to surprise, spontaneous acquaintance with an interesting person.

The sleeper sees himself as a trainer, performs in a circus with white predators – in reality, he risks being in trouble, since he agreed to participate in a dubious enterprise.

Why does a white tiger dream about a woman, a girl

  1. A white tiger promises a woman an acquaintance with a man endowed with self-confidence, fortitude, and lust for power. The new gentleman, due to his interesting, extraordinary character, will seem interesting and attractive to the dreamer, but you should not rush to develop love relationships. It is highly likely that the man he meets has no idea about romance and tenderness, but he likes to set conditions, dictate his own rules.
  2. A married woman dreamed of white tiger cubs – in reality she will have to fight for family interests. And an adult in a dream predicts a conflict with her husband.
    A pregnant woman dreamed of a white beast – a born child will have a stubborn, persistent and independent character.
  3. A dream promises a young girl an acquaintance with a self-confident, narcissistic, but wealthy guy. I dreamed of a beautiful white tigress – one should not doubt the sincerity and decency of a close friend, you should not push her away from yourself.
  4. The girl saw an aggressive predator – a deterioration in reputation is possible, so you need to seriously think about the behavior.

Why does a man dream

For a man, a white tiger is most often an image of a competitor, not only putting a spoke in the wheel in business, but also trying to suppress confidence, deprive him of fortitude. You can defeat the enemy, the main thing is not to give up, be careful, keep emotions under control.

Interpretations of famous dream books

Each interpreter provides its own interpretation of the dream, in which a white predator appears.

Miller's dream book

According to the most popular dream book, the white tiger is the image of the enemy, a warning about the need to act carefully. The predator attacks – things will go hard. The dreamer fought off the attacking beast – in reality, he will be able to defeat competitors, realize his goals.

The tiger is locked in a cage – the enemies are preparing to harm. Runs away from the sleeper – in reality you will be able to win the competition. Killing an animal – the dreamer has advantages over competitors. The tiger drags the prey – the boss will appreciate the work done.

White tiger

Interpretation of Wanga

Sleep means that the dreamer has an angry and intolerant character. Such a person stubbornly moves towards the set goals, destroys all obstacles, and getting in his way is more dear to himself.

Tamed Circus Tiger – Holding back your emotions will help you succeed. A kind, calm predator dreams of an unexpected event.

Seeing a tiger hunting – in reality you will be able to achieve a business victory, the path to which was very long.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Sleep warns of the appearance of envious, unfriendly people in the environment. They are unhappy with the dreamer's business success.

White cubs in a dream warn that the enemies are preparing to strike.

Stroking a predator – your goals will be achieved.

A ferocious beast attacks – this is a warning of danger. Enemies will be active soon.

Dreamed of a white tiger

Esoteric dream book

The white tiger symbolizes power and strength. Stroking the beast – get a reprimand from the boss. Seeing an aggressive predator means losing your bonus.

Modern dream book

A white tigress with cubs promises to be highly appreciated by her boss. One can hope for a prize.

The tiger kills the victim – it will happen to be an eyewitness how the boss scolds colleagues for poorly performed work.

The beast bites the sleeping person – in reality you have to be falsely accused.

The white tiger is, in general, a positive image, promising success in the business sphere, climbing the career ladder, and the kind attitude of the bosses. For women, sleep promises a wealthy gentleman with a difficult character. A dream has a negative meaning in which the tiger shows aggression, attacks.

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