Why does the black cow dream – interpretation for women, men

The image of a cow for most people is associated with homeliness, economy, wealth and well-being. However, a black animal is often a bad sign warning of imminent problems.

To understand the interpretation of a dream involving a black cow, one must not only take into account the sex of the dreamer, but also try to remember the behavior, appearance or number of animals.

Why is the black cow dreaming

What is the dream of a black cow – general interpretation

The general meaning of a black cow seen in a dream:

  • healthy animal – the onset of the white stripe;
  • milking a black cow – to good health;
  • an emaciated and sick animal – to bad news, crop failure or monetary losses;
  • a friendly cow – an alliance with an influential person will help in the fight against ill-wishers;
  • an escaping animal – to a deterioration in relations with a loved one;
  • drive out of the yard – soon find a solution to most problems;
  • buy – to a secretly conducted profitable deal or the appearance of serious competitors at work;
  • sell – to failures in professional activity;
  • the beast eats food from the table – to acquaintance with a very unpleasant and greedy person.

If you dreamed of a black cow that gave birth to a healthy calf, soon the dreamer expects to receive a significant profit.

To see in a dream an animal of a dark color, which rests its horns against the wall of the barn and does not want to go out into the yard – to quarrels with family members, which caused the dreamer to feel worse.

If in a dream a cow butts and injures a sleeping person – this is a warning of imminent difficulties that you cannot cope with on your own.

An animal, quietly nibbling the grass and not paying attention to your presence, dreams of ignoring the dreamer's opinion by his environment when making some important decision.

Keeping a toy in the form of a black cow in a dream means serious conversations that will cause unpleasant events in the near future.

Meaning for a woman

Decoding the image of a black cow for the fairer sex:

  • dreaming of an animal lying on the road – stagnation in business due to the laziness of the dreamer;
  • running away from a cow – to an unpleasant conversation with a soul mate because of his insincerity;
  • an emaciated animal dreams of a deterioration in health or problems arising from a rival;
  • a cow brought her calf into the house – to scandals with relatives or long-term problems at work.

Often, the image symbolizes a strong desire to get married on a subconscious level or lack of confidence in one's own attractiveness. If a lonely lady dreamed of a healthy and beautiful animal, she will meet an influential person and get married quickly. However, family life with this person will be filled with scandals and misunderstandings.

A black animal dreams of a girl in a relationship with a married man – to the disclosure of lies by the legal wife and serious troubles in the dreamer's life because of this novel.

If in a dream a lady with children is blocked by a cow with offspring, she will face problems due to the misdeeds of her child.

For a married woman, sleep can mean cooling feelings on the part of the spouse. To keep the marriage alive, you should diversify your family life and pay more attention to your appearance.

Why is the black cow dreaming

Meaning for a man

Interpretation of night visions involving a black cow for the stronger sex:

  • dreaming of an animal in the house – cooling of feelings in relation to his wife or lover, deterioration of relations with the mother or mother-in-law;
  • a cow at work – to the emergence of a conflict situation in the team;
  • an animal with a black calf – a former beloved will appear in the dreamer's life and will try to manipulate him with the help of children or secrets she knows;
  • trying to drive away the beast – to the revitalization of the former lover, which can lead to a break with a loved one.

Expert opinion Svetlana Kravchenko Esoteric A black cow in night vision can indicate to a man an imminent acquaintance with a homely and beautiful lady who will strive to cement the relationship by marriage, thereby causing the dreamer a lot of trouble.

If a man in a dream milks a cow under duress, in reality he will have to agree to a low-paid position.

Big black cow dreaming

In many dream books, a large black cow symbolizes failure in all endeavors, receiving unpleasant news or the news of the death of someone close to you.

A large horned black animal is dreaming, lonely grazing in a meadow, which causes positive emotions – to complete harmony of the dreamer with himself and the inner world. This appeasement will help to achieve a positive outcome in all difficult matters.

Many cows dream

The herd warns of gossip behind the dreamer's back and intrigues built against his personality. To avoid conflicts and losses, you need to try to timely identify envious people in the close and working environment.

In the near future, it is recommended to abandon cash loans, concluding deals with unverified partners, business trips and long trips.

Why is the black cow dreaming

If animals graze peacefully in the meadow, harmony will reign in relationships with loved ones. Seeing many cows and hearing their loud mooing is a great chagrin and bitter tears.

Being a shepherd and gathering animals into a herd – loved ones are in dire need of your support. Try to do your best to solve their problems, and they will come to the rescue when urgently needed.

If there is only one black cow in the herd, take a close look at the people around you, since there is a traitor among them.

Seeing a black cow in a dream, try to pay more attention to your family and close circle – perhaps your excessive employment at work has caused their hidden grievances.

If the dream is negative, do not panic – such images may arise due to excessive stress. Spending more time with your loved ones will help strengthen your relationship and encourage you to work more actively.

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