Why does the index finger of the right or left hand itch?

Why does the index finger of the right or left hand itch?

Of the observations and events determined over the centuries, the most interesting are those that relate to different parts of the hands. Often, signs have different meanings depending on where the hand, palm or fingers itch. Itching of the index finger of the right hand is a very auspicious and promising sign of fate.

Itches on the right hand

If the index finger of the right hand itches, expect an interesting proposal from the management in the near future. Frequent itching means career success.

Following another sign, the index finger of the right hand itches for a quick fight for the leading place. For example, in a sports competition or you have to prove your case in a dispute, professionalism when looking for a job.

Ancient omens say that the index finger of the right hand often itches in strong-willed people. Moreover, the more often itching is felt, the faster the fateful event in life will occur.

Itches on the left hand

Itching on the index finger of the left hand means that you have to fight for the leading place. The success of the event will not come immediately, be prepared for envious gossip behind your back. The stronger the sensations, the more likely problems are on the way to the goal.

The value of itching in different zones

  1. The tip itches – expect to meet a good person who will become a great friend.
  2. A pillow – for good news or a letter.
  3. Between the fingers – today you are lucky in everything.
  4. Closer to the base – a romantic date awaits.

Explanation of itching depending on the time of day

To find out more precisely about the near future, it is important to pay attention to the time of the onset of unpleasant sensations:

  • morning – get ready for the hectic work, a lot of things will have to be solved quickly;
  • lunch – give up the road, cancel work trips. It is possible that travel today is extremely dangerous;
  • evening – you missed an important detail.

Interpreting the itching of other fingers

  1. Thumb. If it itches on your right hand, luck has turned to you. Expect to receive a large amount in the form of an unexpected gain or inheritance from distant relatives. On the left hand – you will soon receive a small gift. Read more here.
  2. Middle. The middle phalanx of the right hand itches to a quick material enrichment with further prospects. On the left hand – forgotten money will return. For example, old debt or find a stash.
  3. Nameless. On the right hand – expect a promotion with a significant increase in material wealth. On the left hand – to a small expense or a pleasant company with a good friend. For single people, the itch of the ring finger means a fateful meeting with a loved one. Learn more about the interpretation of the ring finger itch in the article —Why does the ring finger on the right hand itch?
  4. Little finger. On the right hand – to short-term trouble. On the left hand – troubles will haunt for a long time, it is worth postponing the decision of the most important matters and issues for this period. If the little finger is combed on Wednesday or Friday, the belief has a good sign and is interpreted as a quick pleasant rest in the company of kind people.

See itching as life-changing clues. And if they are negative, don't despair. After all, only knowing what lies ahead does a person have time to prepare.

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