Why does the right or left shoulder itch

Why does the right or left shoulder itch

Many people know perfectly well what the left or right hand itches for, but not everyone knows what the right shoulder itches for. According to legend, a guardian angel accompanies a person on the right side. There is a demon constantly walking on the left side.

The right shoulder itches – signs

Folk legends say that the right shoulder is considered friendly or working. Therefore, if it suddenly combed, it is worth waiting for the arrival of guests, or you will have to work. Right shoulder itches badly:

  1. to a love adventure that will end in a favorable outcome;
  2. to work in the country or in the garden, where you have to work hard with your hands;
  3. it means that the person is generous and wasteful (perhaps, there will be a revelry at his expense);
  4. to unexpected financial income, perhaps a person will inherit or hit the jackpot in the lottery.

On such a day, try to make the most of your luck: take on things that previously seemed risky (they will end in a happy way), do not give up romantic meetings, make purchases, conclude business contracts. Any undertakings on this day will only bring positive.

Left shoulder itches – signs

If the left shoulder itches or itches, the predictions are not so joyful and optimistic. This means that a person is in for trouble, anxiety, worries, bad news, or unforeseen expenses.

The deceived husband will understand why his left shoulder itches when he finds his wife on the 'hot'. After all, the omen says that the left shoulder itches to treason, deception, resentment and tears.

If a person works as a judge, then the omens that decipher the sign of itching sensations differ significantly from people of other professions. It is believed that the judge on this day will deliver a fair verdict and successfully complete the initiated cases.

It is better not to plan any activities on this day. It is worth postponing the planned trip and not entering into conversations on sensitive topics with colleagues, friends or strangers in order to avoid serious conflicts.

Left shoulder itches - signs

Both shoulders itch – signs

If the shoulders itch at the same time, then it's time for a person to get ready for the trip. The sign is interpreted depending on the time of day:

  • A morning scratch predicts a little journey.
  • Daytime marked scratching on both sides indicates a two- or three-day journey.
  • If itching appears in the evening, then a long journey lies ahead. Perhaps it will be associated with work or leisure.

The interpretation of the signs is influenced by the time of itching sensations and the gender of the 'victim':

  • Irritation on the skin of the girls' shoulders speaks of a pleasant 'surprise' that awaits them soon. It will be a long-awaited gift, an invitation to a concert of your favorite artist or a romantic dinner with rose petals and candles. In any case, a fan or lover will take the initiative.
  • For business men (lawyers, financiers, entrepreneurs), an itchy sensation promises a successful end to recently started or unfinished business.
  • If a woman's shoulders itch, then she will have to work overtime or she will meet with girlfriends, acquaintances or friends.

Signs are advised to spit three times over the left shoulder or throw a pinch of salt in order to avoid the evil eye and neutralize the wiles of the demon behind the back on the left side. It is not recommended to spit through the right side – you can incur trouble and trouble.

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