Why dream about the death of your own or someone else's dog

A dog is a loyal friend and reliable protector for most people, therefore, its death in a dream becomes the cause of mental suffering – most often such an image is considered a bad omen. For the most accurate interpretation, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances of night vision – the sex of the sleeping person, the cause of death, the breed or color of the four-legged friend.

Why dream of the death of your own or someone else's dog

The death of a dog – a common interpretation of a dream

The death of your pet in a dream is often a warning for the future – a lack of vigilance can cause deterioration at work or problems in personal spheres. To avoid serious losses, it is necessary to devote maximum time to completing existing cases and not to undertake new large projects in the near future.

Seeing your old and dead dog is a positive change in life that will happen without your participation. A dying puppy indicates that the sleeping puppy will be able to get rid of old illusions, identify traitors and complete long-standing deeds. This will help you start a new stage in life, redefine your environment or take up your favorite hobby.

If the pet died a peaceful death, problems in life will be resolved quickly and without much loss. If the four-legged friend, before death, wriggled in agony or whined loudly in pain, one of the relatives will become very sick or even die.

Pulling a dead pet on a leash means spending most of your energy on unnecessary things.

Dog image

In dream books, the meaning of a dog's death differs depending on the color of the animal:

  1. A pet with red hair indicates a desire to get rid of constraining circumstances – the dreamer subconsciously wants to change his life. To avoid feelings of dissatisfaction and fulfill your potential, it is recommended that you change jobs, travel, or end a relationship that is no longer enjoyable.
  2. A black dog warns of a conflict situation with a friend – this person will substitute you for his own benefit. Due to the end of a long friendship, suffering and a lack of faith in people await him for a long time.
  3. A dog with a white color symbolizes the refusal of the sleeping person from love or friendship for reasons known only to him. It is recommended to take your time and think about the situation well – perhaps, due to far-fetched fears, the dreamer will make a terrible mistake, and then he will be very sorry for his actions.

To dream of a dying dog of an unnatural color – to the alternation of white and black stripes in life. In the near future, it is necessary to avoid adventurous transactions, rash cash investments or extreme recreation.

A dead dog of a huge size dreams of big problems, the solution of which will help to find an experienced and wise person who came to the rescue in time.

If an image of a small pet arose in a dream, this indicates a lack of self-confidence. To achieve your goals, you need to learn how to be assertive and overcome your complexes.

Why dies

The cause of death of the dog also affects the interpretation of night vision:

  1. A pet was hit and killed by a car – there will be problems with the law. If at the time of the dream the dreamer is involved in some kind of court proceedings, the decision will not be made in his favor.
  2. A barely living dog on the bed is dreaming – a bad sign indicating an imminent divorce, as well as the division of property between former spouses or relatives. At the end of the dispute, the dreamer will receive practically nothing.
  3. An animal that dies of illness in the hands of its owner dreams of severe suffering due to the loss of a loved one. It is recommended to survive the loss with friends and family members, otherwise there is a high risk of prolonged depression and deterioration of well-being.
  4. To strangle a pet is a dream – in reality, to commit an unpleasant act that the people around will condemn. The dreamer can be the subject of ridicule or condemnation from other people for a long time.
  5. To inflict a fatal wound on a dog with a pistol – to disregard moral principles in order to achieve the goal. This will help the sleeper achieve what he wants, however, it will cause a deterioration in relationships with family members.
  6. A drowned pet dreams of a worsening of things at work due to the rash actions of partners. Businessmen are advised to intervene in the final decision of the transaction – this will help avoid large losses and even complete ruin.
  7. A pet who died due to a serious illness prophesies that it is not necessary to take on new projects in the near future – they will not bring profit or recognition. This time should be spent on friends and relatives – due to excessive employment at work, you risk moving away from loved ones.

A dog dying from beatings dreams of serious problems at work due to the dreamer's oversight. Such an offense can put a fat point on further career growth.

The revived dog symbolizes the solution of other people's problems, on which the dreamer will spend a lot of time and effort, but will not receive due gratitude. If a reborn animal pounces on the sleeping person and tries to bite him, an envious person will appear in the approximate environment, capable of creating a lot of problems.

Familiar dog

To see a dead familiar dog on the doorstep of your house means that its owner in real life is in a difficult situation and needs your help. By helping this person, you will forever find in his person a faithful and devoted comrade.

Losing a friend's dog, which will later die, is a dream of serious disagreements in reality, which arose due to the wrong interpretation of the dreamer's actions. Probably, you groundlessly accuse a close friend of betrayal or a soul mate of infidelity.

Expert opinion Svetlana Kravchenko Esoteric Dreams that the pet is bleeding, and the sleeping person makes every effort to help the animal, but does not achieve the desired result – a relative or friend will hurt the dreamer very much. Relationships will be spoiled for many years.

Stranger dog

If you dream of an unfamiliar dog dying because you did not feed him, in reality you will reject someone in dire need of support. Your behavior can significantly worsen his morale, and in his person you will acquire the worst enemy.

A stranger dog who died near your house with his own death predicts an imminent break in relations or a serious conflict with one of your friends. You can lose loved ones because of your own stupidity, and soon you will greatly regret your deed.

The death of someone else's pet often dreams of significant expenses that the dreamer will incur due to the excessive trust of the wrong person.

To knock down someone else's dog with a car yourself – to lose a real friend due to unreasonable ambitions and arrogance.

Death of your own or someone else's dog

Dog breed

To decipher night vision, it is also recommended to pay attention to the breed of the deceased dog:

  • greyhound – soon troubles at work or in personal life;
  • a rottweiler or pitbull – to monetary losses, a deterioration in the well-being of both the dreamer himself and one of his loved ones;
  • boxer – timely seeking help from friends or relatives will help to avoid huge troubles;
  • dog – it will be possible to achieve the set goal only by making maximum efforts, and without being distracted by trifles.

If you dream that a well-groomed animal has died, the dreamer expects success in all endeavors and a prosperous life. If an emaciated dog died, you should expect serious trouble in the near future.

Dreamer sensations

Losing a young pet in a dream, and experiencing acute disappointment in a dream about acquiring something important in real life.

If the loss of a pet has led to conflicting emotions, the dreamer will soon break off relations with a blood relative, and will take this loss very painfully.

Why does the death of a dog dream


If a representative of the stronger sex dreams of the image of a dying dog, this may mean:

  • betrayal by a loved one;
  • intrigue among colleagues;
  • betrayal of a beloved;
  • an attempt by business partners to involve the dreamer in an adventurous business.

The image of a dog who died a violent death of a young man warns of the presence of people in the inner circle who impose their opinions on him. If a guy does not learn to defend his own beliefs, then he will remain someone else's puppet for life.


For the fairer sex, dreams with a deceased pet have the following meanings:

  1. For a lonely girl, a dream predicts the imminent onset of a white stripe and the fulfillment of cherished desires.
    For a girl in a relationship, such a night vision dreams of a spat with her soul mate. If in night vision it turned out to bring the animal back to life, there is a great chance of reuniting with a loved one.
  2. For an adult woman, the image of a deceased pet predicts a deterioration in relations with a spouse or beloved man due to his betrayal or constant lies. Careless behavior of the chosen one can lead to a breakup and cause long-term mistrust of the opposite sex.
  3. After such a dream, a pregnant lady should not worry about the health of the baby or the upcoming birth – the image that has arisen indicates a lack of positive emotions and care from loved ones.

If in a dream a girl walks down the street and notices a dying dog, in life she has to deal with an uncultured and rude person who can ruin her more than one working day.

Interpretations of famous dream books

In dream books from famous interpreters, you can find the following interpretations of the image of a dying dog:

  1. Miller. To dream in a dream killing your dog with your own hand, which is alive in reality – to a deterioration in relations with family members or friends due to aggressive behavior towards them. The image of a dead dog warns of the betrayal of a close friend or one of the family members.
  2. Wang. An animal that has died a natural death of old age dreams of stability in work and the solution of old conflicts with loved ones. In the near future, the dreamer will face a white streak, so it is recommended to try to take a break from the daily hustle and bustle.
  3. Nostradamus. A large number of dead dogs warn of large financial losses. A dead dog also predicts an imminent groundless spat in the family circle, which will drag on for a long time.
  4. Freud. Trying to resurrect a pet is subconsciously afraid of change and holding on to the past.
  5. Tsvetkov. A killed dog indicates a hidden resentment of someone from the environment in relation to your person. It is recommended to try to avoid conflict situations – they can lead to the loss of a loved one.

Dreams are quite often a clue for further action or warn of possible mistakes in real life, thereby giving a chance to prevent them. However, if the dreamer actually has more of a pet, you should not pay attention to such a night vision – it can arise as a result of serious experiences.

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