The horse appears in a dream as a symbol of freedom, rebellious disposition, striving forward. For both men and women, a noble animal promises a rise in the career ladder, a manifestation of abilities in the business sphere. Most often, a brown horse dreams of the fairer sex, reflects their desire for self-development, leadership, strengthening not only family, but also business status.
General interpretation
For almost every dream book, a brown horse is an auspicious symbol. The main meaning of sleep is acquaintance with a person who can significantly change the dreamer's life. But the changes will be positive or negative, depending on the details of the dream.
The first thing you should pay attention to when decoding night vision is the external state of the horse:
- A healthy brown horse is dreaming, with shiny coat, beautiful mane and plump sides – the dreamer can have no doubt that his health is in perfect order. If there are minor pathologies, it will soon be possible to get rid of them. And even a serious illness, by making efforts, will be able to win.
- A sick brown horse is dreaming, with wounds on the body or ribs protruding from hunger – the dreamer should carefully monitor his health, since the likelihood of a serious illness is high. The dream prompts that it is worth visiting the hospital, undergoing a medical examination.
- An unkempt, dirty, unpleasant smelling horse indicates that the sleeper, trying to achieve his goal, commits rash actions, thereby harming the people around him. Moreover, the dreamer does not act on purpose, does not understand that people are suffering because of him.
- A well-groomed, clean animal dreams of the successful completion of the business started.
The horse rears up in front of the sleeping person – in reality, one should expect intrigues at work or a treacherous act on the part of a loved one. The horse beats the sleeping man with his hooves, knocks him to the ground – there is a risk of dismissal due to the intrigues of someone from the team.
Expert opinion Svetlana Kravchenko Esotericist The dreamer takes care of the horse, cleans it, washes it, shoots it, and combs the mane – it's time to think carefully about your actions. Perhaps it's time to change your current life priorities.
Why does a brown horse dream for a woman – general interpretation
For a woman, a brown horse predicts improvements in her personal life. It may be possible to create a stable relationship with the opposite sex, get married.
However, when decoding a dream, the details should be considered:
- A girl who saw in a dream how she rides on a brown stallion, strokes him, in reality she is looking forward to marriage. And her dream will soon come true.
- A brown mare is a reflection of a woman's desire to have a child as soon as possible. Such a dream also promises an early realization of a dream.
- Treating a horse with bread or other delicacy is a quick entry into a marriage union.
- A pregnant mare is a harbinger of a dreamer's pregnancy. Another dream may mean that a woman pays little attention to family members.
- Seeing a brown horse giving birth in a dream – to replenishment in the family.
- A woman in a dream is caring for a brown foal, feeding it, cleaning it – a child who has already been born or will be born will be happy.
- A girl saddles a horse – career growth is ahead, work will become a way of self-realization. But if the animal kicks, does not allow to sit in the saddle, tries to throw off the rider, then the career path will be thorny, and the intrigues of colleagues will be to blame.
- The dreamer, who in a dream rides in a cart pulled by several brown horses, will miss the chance to safely complete the business she has begun, which will negatively affect her fate.
- A woman sees in a dream a herd of brown stallions – in reality, she will have to choose between a poor, but loved and wealthy, or unloved man.
- A herd running or frolicking in the wild promises the dreamer an acquaintance with a man for whom a strong sexual desire arises. However, a dream warns that it is necessary to restrain oneself, exercise caution, otherwise there is a risk of making a big mistake.
- A woman rides a horse harnessed to a cart with people – in real life, the dreamer takes on too many worries and other people's problems. The dream hints that it is time to unload yourself, distribute responsibilities between family members, ask for help from a loved one.
- The girl roped and saddled a brown stallion among the herd – she will soon be able to show business skills. The main thing is that they are directed in the right direction.
- The dreamer kills a beautiful brown stallion with her own hands – in reality, she will destroy the love affair due to erroneous actions.
Why does a brown horse dream of a man – general interpretation
A man dreams of a brown horse as a reflection of his love for freedom, the desire to control all aspects of his life, to achieve his goals.
In order to correctly decipher the dream, the dreamer must remember its details:
- Horses frolicking in the wild are a reflection of confidence, determination, independent and high status of a man.
- A horse on a leash – the dreamer is dependent on someone else's opinion, feels insecure, which is why the implementation of plans is in jeopardy. Also, a dream can indicate a low self-esteem of the sleeper, his fears of the future.
- The horse nibbles the grass in the pasture – a man will be able to show talents, realize ideas, cope with difficulties. You just need to pull yourself together and act.
- A man in a dream runs after the herd, tries to stop him – in reality there is a risk of worsening financial situation, loss of his job and social status.
- The dreamer saddled a brown stallion, let him go at a gallop – circumstances will soon arise that will lead to an improvement in the financial situation. Most likely, the old debtor will return the money or will be given a bonus at work.
- A man buys a horse – in reality he will conclude a profitable contract or buy a valuable thing.
- A few horses in a clean and spacious stable – it's time to implement the idea. Moreover, you can safely take on a task that the dreamer used to consider impracticable.
- A brown horse bites the dreamer – to career growth and financial improvement.
Interpretations of various dream books
Each dream book offers its own interpretation of a dream in which a horse appears.
Miller's interpretation
According to the most popular dream book, a brown horse is a symbol of a stable position and well-being. There has been no luck in life for a long time, but thanks to organization and perseverance, the dreamer will be able to return the lost joy and pleasure.
Freud's explanation
The famous psychologist considered a brown horse a clue for a sleeping person: it's time to open up, to start looking for life paths. There is stagnation in life, and it is associated with the fact that the dreamer does not go his own way, but imitates those around him.
Interpretation of Wanga
The clairvoyant considered the horse an unkind sign. The man, whom the animal beats with a hoof in a dream, has grown too high, has forgotten his former place. The dream warns that you cannot put yourself above others, otherwise there is a great risk of getting into trouble.
Modern dream book
A brown horse in a dream is a reflection of a joyful and adventurous life. You should not strive for the best, overexert yourself: all the best has already been achieved.
Eastern dream book
A brown horse either promises acquaintance with a soul mate, or indicates that the dreamer will be able to overcome irresponsibility and low self-esteem in himself.
Dream interpretation of Veles
A brown horse is a dream of a person who happens to act as a conciliatory side in a conflict between loved ones. The problem can be solved with little blood, it will not lead to the destruction of friendly relations.
The brown horse is a predominantly auspicious symbol, meaning love of freedom, rapid movement forward, a manifestation of the best business qualities.
The sleeper is full of strength, calmness, confidence, ready to act and improve. Sleep is especially favorable for women, it promises them a marriage union and replenishment in the family. Only the image of a sick, emaciated, dirty horse is interpreted negatively.