Why dream of a cow with horns where it attacks and butts

A cow is a positive image in dreams, but not a butting one. An aggressive, attacking animal warns of the appearance in a close environment of an ill-wisher, ready to destroy the calm and peaceful life of the dreamer. A dream, depending on the details, can have different interpretations, therefore, for the correct decoding, it is necessary to remember the details of the plot.

Dream interpretation cow attacks

What is the dream of a cow that butts – a general interpretation

The main interpretation of sleep is that a butting cattle warns of the imminent appearance of an ill-wisher. Also, the image of a cow may mean that among the acquaintances there is already a person who has begun to weighed down contact with the dreamer. Moreover, the reluctance to contact is associated not with boredom, but with black envy.

The ill-wisher is outwardly friendly, but anger and irritation boils in his soul, he constantly thinks about how to annoy the dreamer.

Sometimes a dream in which a cow butts, indicates not the ill-wisher in the environment, but the negative character traits of the sleeping person.

Irritable and unrestrained behavior can lead to the loss of a job or a breakdown in a relationship with a loved one. Sleep hints at the need to control your impulses, restrain yourself in irritating situations, and practice self-soothing methods. This will avoid conflicts at work and in the family.

A cow chasing the dreamer, trying to bite, predicts the arrival of unwanted guests. Most likely, the reason for the visit will be a request to borrow money. Moreover, it is not worth hoping that the guests will repay the debt. Therefore, in the near future, you should not invite anyone to your place.

And if guests arrive without an invitation, then you need to communicate and interact with them carefully so as not to spoil your mood.

A person who runs away from an angry cow in a dream, in reality, in the coming days should not take up any business. It will fail. Sometimes a dream indicates low self-esteem, a willingness to humiliate, and the dreamer's lack of self-esteem.

But if the sleeper manages to escape and hide from the animal, then one can hope for an increase in income or inheritance of large property.

A person who, in a dream, killed an aggressive mad cow with a stone or other heavy object, in reality, will quickly and harshly suppress the attempts of ill-wishers to harm him. After an unexpected counterattack, the enemies will come to their senses for a long time, they will no longer start bad things against the dreamer.

A dream has an extremely negative meaning, in which an aggressive bull appears, ready to attack. You should prepare for serious troubles that can affect business relationships or affect all areas of life.

What is the dream of a cow that butts

A cow with big horns attacks

If the dreamer is struck by the large horns of an attacking cow, then in reality one should prepare for unpleasant events and overcoming difficulties.

The large head of an angry cow with horns warns of poverty. The dreamer will have to work hard, take on any job in order to provide the family with the most necessary things.

If a person in a dream grabs an attacking animal by the horns to stop, then in real life financial difficulties await him. Sometimes a dream warns of a high risk of becoming a victim of robbers.

Expert Opinion Natalia Aleksandrova Numerologist, parapsychologist, tarologist If the attacking cow's horns are smeared with blood, then in reality the dreamer is ready to go ahead, go over his head to achieve his goals.

The interpretation of sleep for a woman, a man

When decoding a dream, the dreamer must take into account his gender:

  1. Aggressive cow for a woman is the image of an enemy. In the life of the dreamer, either a new enemy will appear, or an old ill-wisher will remind of himself, eager for revenge for previous intrigues and conflicts. If the animal catches up with the fleeing dreamer, prepares to thrust the horns into the back, then in reality there is a female person in the environment who is hiding behind a mask of courtesy and benevolence, but in fact is preparing to commit meanness.
  2. Psychologist Freud interpreted the plot differently for a woman; according to his dream book, a cow attacks – this is a transformation of memories of past negative or shameful sexual experiences. The dreamer tries to erase the event from memory, but it is firmly stuck in the memory. If the woman did not encounter intimate shame, then, according to the psychologist, the dream is deciphered differently: the dreamer constantly thinks about diversifying sexual relations, but hesitates to tell her partner about her bold desires.
  3. For a man, a dream in which a calm cowboy suddenly attacks him is a warning about the need to be careful in amorous affairs. Among the women with whom the dreamer had an intimate relationship, there is a seemingly serious and dignified person who can properly spoil life.

A butting cow – interpretation depending on the color of the coat

When deciphering a dream, it is necessary to take into account what color the angry animal was:

  1. The black cow is one of the most mystical and creepy images in interpreters. An animal of this color is a symbol of great trouble, a serious illness that can end in death. The image of a black bull is interpreted in a similar way.
  2. Why dream, a red cow butts – this is a warning about a possible fire. If the sleeping man runs away from the red animal, then in reality he will directly face the elements. Moreover, one can speak of a fire not only literally, but also figuratively. A person who has a dream, for example, can be captured by a flame of love passion, which will be so strong that it will make them commit thoughtless and strange acts.
  3. A butting cow of light color is a symbol of happiness and success. The sleeper expects financial growth. And the bright bulls, grappling with each other, promise the achievement of prosperity and prosperity in an unusually short time. But if a person kills an animal with a light skin, then in reality, through his own stupidity, he will destroy the well-being that he has created long and hard with the help of his family and loved ones. Moreover, the provocateurs of stupid actions will be stinginess and envy.

Animals butt among themselves

Animals attacking each other have a completely different meaning from a cow butting a person. If you dreamed of a herd in which individuals peacefully chewed grass in the pasture, but suddenly began to rush at each other, then one can hope for a quick climb up the career ladder.

But you need to take into account the nuances that can make the meaning of the dream negative. So, if the animals in the course of a fierce struggle caused each other serious physical harm, which led to blood loss or death of one individual or both, then career growth will be undeserved.

To achieve the goals set, the dreamer will go over their heads, act to the detriment of the environment, make loved ones and colleagues upset and worried.

If the attention of the sleeping person is attracted by large bleeding wounds on the body of the animal injured in the struggle, then a relative or one of the dreamer's family members will play a significant role in the events described above. Blood in a dream is an indication of family relationships. Moreover, this can be the role of both the victim of events and the dreamer's assistant in achieving the set goals.

Animals butt among themselves

Interpretation from dream books

Each dream book offers its own interpretation of the dream, in which a butting cow appears.

Miller's transcript

According to the most popular dream book, a cow butts – you shouldn't ask a friend for money. It will not be possible to repay the debt, and good friendship will be destroyed.

Interpretation of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima

The cow butts – learn to control yourself, do not get angry for any reason. A nervous and intolerant personality can ruin a business.

Big dream book

A butting cow is the image of a female competitor preparing to present an unpleasant surprise.

Butcher cow

Velesov dream book

The animal butts – a person with evil thoughts will come to visit. You should keep your ears open, the guest is up to something unkind.

Chinese dream book

The cow butts – to unpleasant household chores, troubles.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

An aggressive cow attacks – someone starts evil against the sleeping person.

Family dream book

The cow butted the sleeping person – to monetary profit or inheritance.

An angry, butting cow is a negative symbol. The dream either warns of an ill-wisher among the people around him, or indicates the unrestrained, angry, intolerant character of the sleeping person himself. In the near future, you should not invite guests to your place, borrow money, get irritated and angry at work and in the family.

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