Getting married is an important event in the life of any woman. It would seem, what could be more pleasant for a girl than to see herself in a dream in a beautiful wedding dress? But as it turns out, night vision like this isn't always positive. Seeing yourself in a white wedding dress is a bad sign, predicting illness for herself or family members
Wedding dress color
Popular dream books agree that seeing a wedding dress on yourself in a dream promises changes in your personal life or career. Whether they are good or bad depends on the details. The first thing to pay attention to is the color of the outfit.
The traditional color of a wedding dress is often endowed with a negative connotation.
- Vanga's dream book claims that for a woman to see herself in a white wedding dress is a bad sign, prophesying illness to herself or to family members.
- Freud's dream book claims that for a woman to see a white wedding dress on herself is a reason to pay attention to her environment. Most likely, there is a person in him who deliberately prevents the implementation of her plans.
- According to Gustav Miller, a white wedding dress that appears in a dream promises the dreamer an insult inflicted by relatives or colleagues. For a married lady, this can be a betrayal of her spouse.
Most of us associate black with mourning, loss, depression and loss of energy. In the interpretation of night visions, a similar interpretation is used.
- The modern dream book assures that seeing yourself in a dream in a black wedding dress is an unkind sign, foreshadowing financial losses.
- Miller's dream book warns of a similar meaning. The author advises you to carefully consider the signing of financial documents, carefully study each item of the papers before assuring it.
- Felomen's dream book has his own wedding, at which a bride in a black dress is interpreted as the approach of trouble. A short outfit means they will be short-lived.
Seeing yourself in a dream in a black wedding dress is an unkind sign, foreshadowing financial losses
The scarlet color is associated with passion and blood. Seeing yourself in a dream in a red wedding dress is a positive sign. This is a clear sign that soon there will be a reason to be proud of your loved ones. You can also expect a whirlwind romance, new passionate relationships that will bring joy.
Gustav Miller believes that the red wedding dress worn by the dreamer in a dream hints that soon the obstacles on the way to the goal will disappear. It is important not to miss the moment and take advantage of the situation. You should pay attention to the cut of the dress, if it is old-fashioned, your own conservatism prevents the achievement of the goal.
For a man to see a bride in a scarlet dress in a dream is a bad omen, promising in reality a collapse of hopes, a deception. The vision can predict the illness of his or his blood relatives. If the outfit is worn on a wife or lover, the couple will soon have a stormy showdown.
The pink shade of the outfit is associated with romantic feelings, youth. Seeing yourself in a dream in a pink wedding dress for a young lady is a good symbol. The vision promises a serious relationship with a young man, which may even end in a wedding. By the way, in the domestic sphere, such a dream promises the fulfillment of an old dream.
Seeing yourself in a pink wedding dress in a dream leads to a serious relationship with a young man that can end in a wedding.
What do the other colors mean?
Modern brides gladly put on extravagant outfits for the celebration. They don't have to be white at all. Our dreams do not lag behind the times, so in night dreams a lady can appear in a dress of any color. Meaning of colors:
- green – soon fulfillment of hopes;
- blue or turquoise – a long road;
- yellow – gossip, envy, intrigue;
- gray – upcoming repairs;
- gold – material assistance;
- motley – fun entertainment with a company of friends;
- purple outfit – you will be saddened by the indifference of loved ones;
- color of chocolate – difficulties, illness, protracted conflict;
- transparent vestments are a waste.
The pale color dress promises rest and relaxation. Tormenting doubts will be released, peace of mind will return.
Interpretation of the symbol depending on the situation
Depending on what situation accompanied the appearance of the symbol in night dreams, its meaning will be interpreted in different ways:
- If the outfit is worn on another woman, then in reality it portends a conflict with a rival.
- A man who sees his beloved or spouse in a wedding dress can expect an improvement in relations.
- If a lady in a dream sews a wedding dress on her own, she thereby postpones the desired event, making it impossible.
- To dress a friend, acquaintance or relative for the crown is a positive sign that promises help from this person in an important matter.
- Seeing yourself in a dream of a pregnant woman in a wedding dress means big life changes, replenishment in the family.
To dress a friend, acquaintance or relative for the crown is a positive sign that promises help from this person in an important matter
Why dream of being a bride in a wedding dress?
Sigmund Freud gives an explanation for such a dream. The psychoanalyst and the author of the dream book claims that seeing herself as a bride in a wedding dress for a girl who has a serious relationship means her desire for marriage. He advises the dreamer to moderate the pressure on her partner a little, then everything will turn out by itself.
Miller's dream book interprets the image of the bride as a promise of a rich inheritance, but only in the case when a woman experiences pleasant emotions in a dream. If a girl feels uncomfortable in a wedding dress, such a dream portends her disappointment in close relationships, heartache or betrayal of her lover.
Dance in a wedding dress
- A single dance in a wedding dress promises trouble for a woman. A long outfit promises condemnation of others, and a short one promises gossip and gossip behind the back.
- For a man, a wedding dance with his beloved in a dream is a warning that soon in reality he will have to show patience and tact in order to maintain a relationship. If you had a chance to waltz paired with a stranger, in reality such a situation promises a lot of pointless spending.
The meaning of sleep is encrypted not only in the symbolism of the wedding dress, but also in the rhythm of the dance:
- A slow, calm waltz promises an interesting journey with your loved one. Your relationship as a couple is quite harmonious and suits both partners.
- Rhythmic dance promises fun, friendships or family parties in real life.
A single dance in a wedding dress promises trouble for a woman
Walk in a wedding dress
Walking in a wedding dress, according to Freud's interpretation, suggests that the dreamer does not place romance in real life, but in a relationship of sensuality. Other activities in a wedding dress:
- fall asleep in a dress – there are many people around you who are ready to help you;
- kissing in a wedding dress – to receive a marriage proposal;
- get wet in the rain in a dream – be deceived by loved ones in reality.
A dream with bathing in a wedding dress speaks of disappointment in the chosen one.
Measure a wedding dress
This action can have both positive and negative meanings. Much depends on the state of the wedding dress. If the dress is torn or stained, trying it on in a waking dream promises the dreamer of gossip and slander, undermining her reputation. According to Miller's dream book, when a lady puts on a smaller wedding dress, she expects a frustration in business, the planned will not come true.
Dream Interpretation Kananita claims that trying on a wedding dress in a dream before the upcoming wedding means that the celebration will be great. If the creation of a family is not planned, you will be offered to participate in social activities, and the offer should be accepted.
If in a dream you happened to try on someone else's dress, then the meaning of the vision is interpreted depending on who it belonged to:
- mom – soon will have to turn to loved ones for help;
- sister or friend – your own envy bothers you;
- to the ill-wisher – soon fate will punish your enemy.
Trying on someone else's dress and getting it dirty – in reality, you value very little what you have.
Buying a wedding dress by yourself is a sign that promises reconciliation with a loved one, the renewal of a broken relationship
Why dream of buying a wedding dress?
- A chic wedding dress, which you admire through a display glass, promises in reality a rich inheritance or large profits.
- Buying a wedding dress by yourself is also a good sign that promises reconciliation with your loved one, the renewal of a broken relationship.
- Acquisition of a wedding suit in a dream instead of a dress promises dramatic changes, disappointment in relationships, and the collapse of immediate plans.
If the outfit is modest, inexpensive, in reality difficulties of a material nature appear, you will urgently need to borrow money. It is also possible that the person to whom you lent will not be able to repay it on time.
See yourself in a wedding dress in the mirror
When two symbols are present in a dream, it is necessary to consider them together. Reflection in the mirror symbolizes your second self, and a wedding dress in a dream promises a change. What they will be depends on the 'image quality'. Seeing yourself clearly, in all colors, means that the changes will be beneficial. The hazy image warns that you need to be careful with anything new.
What does it mean to see yourself in a dress at someone else's wedding?
The dream of being present at someone else's celebration has an ambiguous interpretation. If a daughter, sister or close friend gets married, then the meaning of the vision is positive. When your rival goes down the aisle in a dream, this is an unkind sign, promising in reality the loss of a lover, quarrels, jealousy.
When your rival goes down the aisle in a dream, then this is an unkind sign that in reality promises the loss of a lover, quarrels, jealousy
Why dream of seeing yourself in a wedding dress unmarried?
For an unmarried girl, seeing herself in a dream in a wedding dress means a change for the better. With a high probability, she will meet a gentleman, whose intentions will be serious. It is possible that the young lady will receive a marriage proposal from her lover.
If a widow happened to see herself in a dream in a wedding dress, it means that in life she would like to receive more attention from friends and relatives. Trying on a dress in night dreams reflects the woman's anxiety that she is too deeply immersed in her experiences, forgetting about the joys of life.
For a divorced woman, a dreaming wedding dress promises an unpleasant meeting with a rival who once crossed her path.
What does sleep mean for a married woman?
For a lady who is already married, dreams involving a wedding dress have a positive meaning. The symbol is interpreted as the renewal of a romantic period in a relationship with a spouse, the emergence of new opportunities both in personal and business spheres.
Freud's dream book gives a slightly different meaning to the image, interpreting a wedding dress as a signal that a woman lacks intimacy, affection and warmth in a relationship. A modest outfit indicates a lack of funds. If a married lady is in a position, a dream portends an early resolution from the burden, fun, family celebration.
For a lady who is already married, the dream is interpreted as the renewal of a romantic period in a relationship with a spouse.
Wedding dress with or without veil
- If the future bride on the eve of the celebration happened to see herself in a dream in a wedding dress and veil, their union with the chosen one will be long and happy.
- An outfit dreamed without a veil symbolizes the frivolity of a relationship with an existing partner. Soon the couple will have problems associated with misunderstanding, betrayal.
- For girls who are not yet going to get married, the dream has a different meaning. If an unmarried girl has a dream in which she buys herself a wedding dress without a veil, the dreamer will not hurt to become more relaxed and sociable.
- The vision, when an unmarried girl buys herself a veil without a wedding dress, the explanation is interpreted as the lack of sufficient experience for the young lady to create a serious relationship. Perhaps this is due to age or psychological immaturity.
As usual, when interpreting the meaning of a symbol, you should pay attention to small details, such as the color of the accessory, the length or condition of the fabric:
- A dirty veil warns that in real life you have ill-wishers plotting.
- A veil that suddenly flares up symbolizes gossip and gossip behind the back.
- In a dream, your veil turned out to be full of holes – take a closer look at the gentleman, perhaps he is cheating or has a vested interest.
- A short veil promises deception and betrayal from a man, a long one, on the contrary, promises strong feelings.
- A white veil promises a meeting with a person who will change your view of the world. If the accessory is colored, you are too dependent on the opinions of others.
- A black veil in combination with the same dress is a bad sign that promises a break in relations with a loved one through the fault of a third party.
Dreams in which a wedding dress appears are often associated with a relationship in a couple. Whether to believe their warnings is a personal matter. However, you should not frankly ignore the signs sent by the subconscious if dreams with a similar meaning are obsessively repeated or leave behind a feeling of anxiety.