A four-legged friend symbolizes friendship and sincere relationships, so night visions involving an evil or aggressive dog are of particular interest to most people. In turn, running from this animal in a dream is often an omen of imminent life changes, possible problems or internal anxieties.
For a correct interpretation, you should take into account the sex of the sleeper, and also try to remember the details associated with the dog – appearance, size and behavior.
Why dream of running away from a dog – general interpretation
The attack of the dog often promises a quick fight with a serious enemy, but the dreamer has a great chance to win. To resolve the conflict in your favor, you must show determination and not show your opponent your fear.
The interpretation of a dream may vary depending on the following details:
- The pet attacks you, showing playfulness – to an unexpected but pleasant meeting with old friends. Such a dream may indicate an early settlement of a long-standing conflict or the successful completion of affairs at work.
- Aggressive behavior of the dog warns of the onset of a black line at work or a serious conflict with a loved one. Try to contain negative emotions, otherwise a scandal can cause a breakdown in relations for many years.
- The animal pursues and barks loudly – to gossip that can worsen the dreamer's reputation. It is necessary to calculate the gossips in a timely manner, otherwise you risk losing your job, worsening relations with your soul mate or a close friend.
- The street dog runs after you and asks for a treat – to raise wages or make additional profit. In the near future, it is recommended to boldly take on new projects – your ambitions will be greeted with praise from the management and will lead to well-deserved promotion up the career ladder.
To run away from a yard dog is to make a serious mistake because of your own stupidity. To avoid irreparable consequences, you should seek help from relatives or friends – you will not be able to get out of this situation on your own.
The breed of a four-footed friend, from whom the dreamer runs as fast as he can, will help give a more accurate formulation of night vision:
- lapdog – help will come from close friends;
- greyhound – to a change in the field of activity or an imminent move;
- bulldog – to achieve success and recognition through hard, long work;
- hound – to the attacks of a competitor and a strong resentment towards loved ones;
- dog – to a long-awaited meeting with an old friend;
- pug – to many household chores;
- shepherd dog – to provide protection to the weaker;
- poodle – to meet an influential person.
The appearance and color of a four-legged friend can also change the meaning of night vision:
- The attack of a mad beast – to unfounded accusations of the dreamer for something that he actually did not commit. You should not take what is happening to heart – dear people will not believe rumors and will support you.
- Running around the apartment from your own dog is a strong envy coming from friends. Untimely identification of these people can lead to betrayal, which will knock the dreamer out of his usual rut for a long time, and kill his trust in people.
- An emaciated and dirty dog warns of the need to pay attention to his own health. Soon, the sleeper can get very sick in real life. In addition, during this period there will be a black streak at work, which can cause a demotion or even dismissal.
- Running away from a bloody animal – to a deterioration in the physical and moral condition of the dreamer or one of his relatives. Also, such a dream warns of the risk of an accident, so travel or extreme recreation should be avoided.
- A large dog symbolizes a quick acquaintance with an influential patron who can significantly improve the life of a sleeping person in all areas of life.
- A well-groomed and thoroughbred dog promises the onset of the white stripe and success in all endeavors. If you are planning to start your own business, find another job or offer your superiors developments aimed at increasing the company's income – feel free to get down to business.
- A black pet warns of betrayal of a friend or disappointment in one of the relatives. Take a closer look at the people around you – one of them was unreasonably offended by you.
- An animal with white fur indicates life difficulties that a loved one will help to cope with.
- The ginger dog predicts the beginning of a stormy, but short-lived romance. If you are currently in a relationship, try to avoid temptation – in the future, you may regret the choice you made.
If in a dream you drove the beast away from yourself and did not receive any wounds, you will be able to cope with the difficulties that have arisen without much effort and the help of other people.
To feel a sharp pain after being bitten by an attacking animal is a conflict associated with a money issue. This scandal can become the reason for the end of friendship – in order to avoid such an outcome, one should show restraint and sanity.
If the dog has bitten your skin to the point of blood, problems will appear in life due to the fault of family members. Try to find a solution without showing aggression and accusations in their direction, because they made a mistake due to rash actions and repent of their misconduct.
A woman, a man dreams of running away from a dog
If a girl runs away from the dog in a dream, and he catches up with her and bites, she will soon get married and be happy in marriage.
An adult woman is judged by good news or a new affair with an influential man. The duration of the relationship and the behavior of the chosen one in relation to her will depend on the behavior of the dreamer.
If a small dog is chasing a lady, a very gallant and attractive man will appear on the horizon, but the relationship with him will not differ in reliability and duration.
Interpretations for the stronger sex:
- A dog running at him warns a young guy that he will soon have to make every effort to defend his rights. Perhaps at work there will be problems with management due to intrigues on the part of colleagues or the other half will unreasonably accuse you of treason.
- For a businessman, running away from a four-legged friend is a profitable purchase of real estate, getting a long-awaited job or career growth.
- For an adult man to run away as fast as possible from a dog infected with rabies – to losses, loss of work or betrayal of partners. Employees may spread gossip about the dreamer, which will lead to conflict with management.
For both men and women, a dream in which they run away from the dog, and the owner restrains him on a leash, means that you can uncover the evil intent of ill-wishers in time. This will help you avoid problems at work, money losses and scandals with loved ones.
Expert Opinion Yuna Khatun If the owner runs after the dog that has gotten off the leash, the dreamer will have good luck in new projects and improve his material well-being.
The dog that died during the chase warns that in the near future intuition can let the dreamer fail, and this will lead to negative consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid transactions with unverified partners, large investments or gambling.
Decryption by day of the week
The value of night vision, in which you run away from a four-legged friend, directly depends on the day of the week:
- from Monday to Tuesday – for marriage with a mercantile woman or a very greedy man;
- from Tuesday to Wednesday – to a meeting with friends and an unforgettable pastime;
- on the night from Wednesday to Thursday – to the beginning of a long relationship with a rich adult woman or to the appearance on the horizon of a generous admirer;
- on Friday morning – to create a family with a kind and caring lady, or a patient and attentive man;
- from Friday to Saturday – to an interesting hobby or additional income;
- a dream from Saturday to Sunday – to financial independence from relatives and loved ones;
- on Monday night – to meet a person capable of betrayal and deception.
Dreams with a pet running at you on the full moon often predict changes for the better, while dreams on the waning moon can warn of failures in the near future.
Interpretation in popular dream books
Consider what it means to run away from a dog in some dream books of famous predictors:
- Miller. The chase of the bloodhound warns of a deterioration in relations or loss of reputation due to rash actions or momentary temptation. To run away and feel a strong fear of a large dog – for a long time to feel internal dissatisfaction from communication with people around. It is recommended that you find a way to solve this problem as soon as possible, otherwise you risk being left alone and making many enemies.
- Wang. To run away from an attacking dog is to face the manifestation of black magic in real life. If you succeed in repelling the attack of the dog, you will be able to cope with the negative effect of the conspiracy or damage. Running away and killing the beast is bad news, losing an important dispute, or losing money.
- Aesop. A dog running at you, which is trying to bite you with all its might, symbolizes the presence of problems in communicating with people from the close environment. Perhaps there is an ill-wisher among friends, and he spreads false rumors about the dreamer. A dog bite indicates a quick revenge of a person, knowingly or unintentionally offended by the dreamer in the past.
- Hasse. The dreamer is attacked by a dog sitting on a chain – surrounded by several enemies lurking, which can significantly complicate the life of the sleeping person. Running away from a dog on a leash in fear is a strong workload that will make you give up vacation. Try to unload your work routine – constant stress and inadequate sleep are likely to lead to poor health, and can cause deterioration in relationships with loved ones.
- Loff. A dog running at you indicates a hidden danger – soon the dreamer may lose a large amount due to his own shortsightedness and frivolity. Also, the sleeper may, out of his own stupidity, refuse to help, which will lead to the aggravation of existing problems.
Running away from a four-legged pet in night vision often warns of imminent life changes, so try to avoid adventurous affairs or communication with unreliable people. At the same time, the fear of a dog attack can indicate real fears manifested in a dream – such a dream most often does not carry important meaning for real life.