Why dreamed of riding a horse

The horse is a noble and devoted animal, and its image in a dream symbolizes wisdom and promises change. The significance of riding this animal in night vision depends on the appearance of the horse, the emotions or gender of the dreamer, and the terrain around.

Why dream of riding a horse

Why dream of riding a horse

In dream books, the meaning of riding a horse differs depending on the environment and the state of the animal:

  • dreaming of a painfully thin horse – to bad news or a meaningless expensive purchase;
  • a calm and healthy horse – to harmony in relations with family members;
  • pedigree animal – to changes for the better in personal life and at work;
  • ride a grounded horse – to the successful and quick completion of all new projects;
  • go around obstacles on horseback – to failures and a great risk of accidents;
  • riding on a flat road – to good news and a quick solution to existing problems;
  • not coping – in life to become a participant in very interesting, but dangerous events;
  • dreaming of galloping across a deserted area – to the absence of friends in the dreamer's life due to his dissolute behavior and incontinence;
  • to cross a stream on horseback – to translate into reality the most intimate desires;
  • dream of riding a horse along a winding and uneven road – to life's difficulties, while solving them in your favor will only work with the help of loved ones.

If you dream of riding a horse in a pleasant company, in reality you are the soul of the company and are rarely alone. Riding a pony – to active actions against the dreamer on the part of envious and ill-wishers.

She dreams that you are watching the rider's ride from the side – to imminent life changes.

In many dream books, riding a two-legged horse is a promotion of the career ladder and trust from the management.

Animal color

The interpretation of the dream depends on the color of the horse:

  • white – to success in new projects and a pleasant pastime with loved ones;
  • chestnut – to a series of white and black stripes in all spheres of life;
  • black – to problems in the workplace and scandals with family members;
  • bright red – to fulfill a cherished dream or improve financial well-being.

If you dream that you are sitting on a horse covered with a snow-white veil in a dream, try to pay more attention to your health, since there is a high risk of a serious illness.

Horse behavior

The meaning of sleep, taking into account the behavior of the animal:

  • tries to throw off the rider – to difficulties due to the actions of competitors;
  • kicks – to a deterioration in well-being or a strong emotional shake;
  • hobble – bring the ill-wisher out of the close environment to the clean water;
  • stumbled and fell – to bankruptcy or dismissal.

Expert Opinion Ilmira Derbentseva Parapsychologist Dreaming of riding a saddled horse, which brings a lot of pleasure – to get to know your soulmate and a happy life in marriage. Riding a dirty horse without a saddle is a problem that arose through the fault of the dreamer.

Dreamer gender

In the dream book, the meaning of riding a horse depends on the rider's gender:

  • a girl dreams – to a quick, happy marriage;
  • an adult woman – to an unsuccessful and short romance, problems at work due to her own inattention;
  • a pregnant lady – to unexpected, but good news;
  • a guy dreams about big profits and normalization of the financial situation for a long time.

If an adult man in a dream jumps at high speed from pursuers – to problems that have arisen through the fault of family members or close friends. For a girl to see in a night vision how her boyfriend rides a horse – to his betrayal.

Dreams involving a horse often indicate rapid life changes. It is recommended that you approach new business deliberately and not lose control over what is happening in both your personal and work spheres.

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