Why eyes can itch: interpretation for every day of the week

The resulting itching in the eyes can be interpreted not only from a medical point of view. There are many popular beliefs and signs that explain why the eyes itch.

Itchy eyes

Why does the left eye itch

If it was combed on the left side, the signs explain this event as follows:

  • to a quarrel with family or household members;
  • tears, troubles both at work and in personal life;
  • receiving unexpected but pleasant news;
  • incredible luck;
  • unplanned cash flow.

Different peoples have different interpretations:

  1. To scratch the named eye immediately after awakening – the dreamed visions will turn out to be prophetic.
  2. Scratching the specified eye sometimes means the emergence of difficulties in a career plan. Perhaps management will throw up paperwork or increase the number of job responsibilities.
  3. If the eyelid itches, this can be interpreted as a quick romantic date, establishing relationships with a loved one.
  4. According to another interpretation, one should expect meanness, evil or betrayal from others.
  5. In the East, they believed that the itch of the left eye portends an exit to the next level in all matters, the opening of new horizons.
  6. In the opinion of Westerners, if the named area begins to itch, this indicates the presence of serious health problems.

According to other folk signs, scratching on the left also portends a fun pastime, joy.

 scratching eyes on the left

At night or earlier, discomfort indicates an imminent receipt of unpleasant news. This will most likely happen during the day. If scratching started during a working meeting, the upcoming deal with partners will be obscenely profitable.

Why does the right eye itch

Itching on this side can be interpreted in several ways:

  1. Trouble, tears, disappointment. If an important meeting or major deal is planned at work, you should recheck everything. It is possible that the opponent will turn out to be an unreliable partner. At the same time, tears can be not only because of grief, but also for very pleasant reasons.
  2. Romantic meeting. Probably the person you have a strong liking for will ask you out on a date. If you already have a partner, it's worth spending the evening together. It is quite possible that it is on this day that the relationship will move to a new level, become stronger and more trusting.
  3. Luck, success, luck. This interpretation is also directed more towards a career. If there is an offer to raise or change jobs, you must accept it.

If the itching began to bother during the flared up conflict, it is worth stopping the quarrel immediately, since it will not end well. Family people can even go to divorce.

Why does the right eye itch

When the right eye itches, this can be interpreted as predicting positive changes.

Some people pay attention to the day of the week during which the discomfort appeared. The presence of the letter 'r' in the name of the day promises fun and joy, and its absence – tears and troubles.

The inhabitants of the East assumed that the itching of the indicated eye means the fulfillment of everything in their dreams. For the West, discomfort in this area promises an improvement in the financial situation. Perhaps, people will appear in the environment who will help you move very well up the career ladder.

If we talk about the time of day, in the earlier time the eyes may itch for the upcoming changes. During the day, you will have a chance to turn your life abruptly in another direction or to resolve a long-tormented issue. Sometimes this promises to receive news about any close people, which will make you radically change your opinion about them.

Both eyes itch

The main folk omen portends troubles, grief and tears to the person whose both eyes itch. To get rid of a bad omen, you need to perform a certain ritual:

  • Stroke both eyes at the same time, then cross them three times.
  • The eye on the left side should be rubbed with the right palm, and on the right with the wrist of the left hand.

Both eyes itch

Mood may be worsened if scratching is started during heavy rain. Before going to bed, discomfort in this area may indicate a long-awaited meeting. Moreover, it can be both with a romantic bias, and simply friendly.

According to another interpretation, both eyes itch if someone from the inner circle turns out to be a traitor.

The same omen indicates dishonest and ugly actions of friends and colleagues.

Interpretation by day of the week

The interpretation of omens can vary due to many factors. One of the fundamental is the day of the week when the discomfort arose.


On this day, the right side itches for joy and fun. It is worth waiting for good news, building relationships with loved ones. At work, too, everything is stable and wonderful. Itching of the right eye on Monday promises only positive changes.

If the discomfort manifests itself on the left side, there is a showdown with relatives.


If on Tuesday it began to itch on the right side, it usually bodes well. Conflict situations with loved ones are possible, which will end in quarrels and tears. In this case, all misunderstandings can be eliminated fairly quickly.

You can try to avoid prediction if you reduce communication with loved ones on this day to a minimum. For those for whom this is an impossible task, believers are advised to conduct a special ritual:

  • Cover your eyelids.
  • Read a prayer in a whisper.
  • Cross both eyes three times.

Then you should wash yourself under running water. Please note: Conversations (other than prayer) are strictly prohibited throughout the ritual.

Interpretation of the days of the week when the eye itches

A more pleasant prediction if your left eye itches on Tuesday. This portends success, joyful and good events, long-awaited changes. A person who is worried about itching from this side will have a good mood and good luck in all matters. However, you should not get involved in overly questionable events, since the losses from them will be several times greater than the acquisitions.


Did your right eye itch on Wednesday? Being a meeting with an old acquaintance, which can turn into a romantic adventure. Sometimes it bodes well for an interesting trip or a short business trip. In any case, it will not be burdensome, which means you should not refuse.

When discomfort arises in the opposite direction, you need to prepare for a romantic date. Itching on this side is also a sign of good luck and luck. To enhance the effect of omens, the old-timers advise to run the right hand over the left shoulder, after stroking the disturbing eye with the same hand. Tears on this day can be both from joy and from grief.


Itching on the right on this day of the week portends fun entertainment and a charge of positive emotions. Probably, the evening will be spent in the company of close friends at a noisy party.

If the left side itches on Thursday – be upset and cry. You also need to be careful and be as careful as possible. This is especially true of those who drive a car on the specified day.

itchy eyes on Thursday


Itching on the right on Friday usually predicts pleasant finds. Everything that was lost the day before will return to its owner. It is possible to receive a large bonus or other cash receipts.

Discomfort and itching on the left indicate a relationship with loved ones. If there were quarrels and conflicts earlier, Friday is the time to make peace.


On Saturday, itchy right eye portends the establishment of family life. In a romantic relationship, harmony will come, regardless of the age of the partners. According to another interpretation, one should expect profit, light flirting or love affairs.

Scratching the left on this day of the week usually bodes well for unexpected financial improvements.


Itching on Sunday indicates an upcoming business meeting. The prediction is the same regardless of which side of the discomfort manifests itself.

Sometimes the interpretation is different:

  1. Scratching on the left side is associated with finding money or an unplanned increase.
  2. Itching of the right eye is interpreted as an upcoming romantic date, the consequences of which will be stunning. If you already have a partner, there is a chance of getting a marriage proposal, coupled with a corresponding ring.

These interpretations are relevant for right-handers. People whose left hand is leading should take all predictions exactly the opposite.

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