Rabbits are not only a symbol of fertility or wealth, but they can also warn of rumors and possible troubles. In dream books, you can find a more accurate interpretation, especially when taking into account the details of what he saw: the sex of the dreamer, behavior, appearance of animals or their number.
Seeing a rabbit in a dream – the color of the animal
Interpretation of night visions by the color of the animal:
- White Rabbit. In the near future, expect business prosperity and success in new projects. An animal of white color often symbolizes mutual sincerity in relations with a soul mate and respect for his personal opinion. For a lonely person, taming an animal with white fur in a dream means meeting your fate or getting married. Seeing a dead white rabbit in a dream means that hasty decisions can cause negative consequences.
- Black animal. There will be troubles at work, you will be disappointed in a loved one, learn about gossip from colleagues, which can cause a strong deterioration in relations with management. To survive a difficult life period with minimal losses, you should be as careful as possible when performing work duties and in communicating with people. A similar image in a dream can warn of unforeseen costs required to treat someone from relatives or friends. Eating in a dream a black rabbit cooked with your own hands – an unpleasant event will occur in life, which will negatively affect the psychological state of the dreamer.
- A gray rabbit promises a pleasant meeting with new people or unexpected monetary profit. Chasing a gray animal in a dream and not catching it means losing a large amount or completely going broke.
- An animal with a red color symbolizes an improvement in financial situation or an early acquaintance with a soul mate. Holding and stroking a rabbit with red hair is a sign of good luck at work or an unforgettable vacation with loved ones.
Multi-colored rabbits of natural colors predict the alternation of positive and negative events in the dreamer's life – the interpretation will depend on the emotions experienced by a sleeping person when meeting such animals.
If the fur coats of the animals have unnatural colors, such as pink, blue or green, it means that the dreamer is surrounded by ill-wishers who will try to ruin his life. To avoid monetary losses and deteriorating financial situation, you should carefully look at the people around you and try to keep new ideas secret from everyone.
Why do rabbits dream – animal behavior
Its interpretation depends on the behavior of the animal in a dream:
- animals that hide or run away from you – to nervous overstrain at work or serious conflicts with loved ones;
- animals grazing in the meadow – to costs that can significantly exceed the current income;
- rabbits ate – to improve health, you need to start taking vitamins;
- rabbits scattering in different directions – in an important matter, you cannot choose the right path to achieve positive results;
- an animal cornered – a close friend or relative is in danger, so you need to try to figure out this person and help him;
- treating the animal – to good luck in all matters started in a short time;
- an animal sitting quietly in his arms – to career advancement and improvement of financial well-being;
- rabbit bite – to the loss of an impressive amount or conflicts with colleagues;
- a wounded animal – in reality to receive an unfounded accusation from loved ones;
- a dead rabbit – to a serious illness or the death of a loved one;
- to see the carcass of the animal – in order to unleash the existing problems, you will have to show determination and use radical measures.
To see one dwarf rabbit in a dream is in reality to be unprepared for family life and to show frivolity, because of which the people around them will not be able to take the dreamer seriously.
To dream about the reincarnation of a rabbit into a familiar personality is to know the secret of this person in reality.
Advice! This information should not be used for profit, otherwise there is a great risk of making yourself a serious enemy.
If in a dream a living rabbit turns into a plush toy, you should change your attitude to life and resolve all conflicts with relatives. Such a reincarnation can warn that you are being manipulated by someone from the environment in order to achieve their own goals.
Dreamed of a rabbit – what did the dreamer do
The interpretation of night vision will vary depending on the behavior and actions of the dreamer:
- stroking the animal – to be deceived by a person mistaken by you for a friend;
- buying an animal means getting a good job offer;
- to receive a decorative rabbit as a gift – in reality to become the owner of a large inheritance or to make a long-awaited expensive purchase;
- catch a frisky animal – win the lottery, complete a lucrative work project;
- fighting a fluffy animal – to quick and unexpected problems that can lead the dreamer to a dead end and lead to impressive monetary losses;
- butchering a rabbit – in life to reconcile friends who have quarreled among themselves;
- kill an animal with a gun – in reality, make every effort to defend your point of view;
- to breed rabbits – to a calm and happy life in abundance;
- eat rabbit meat – for many years not to experience health problems.
If in a dream you kill a rabbit with your own hands – in reality, expect bankruptcy, dismissal, or large financial losses. Skinning a dead animal means making rash and senseless purchases in reality, which will subsequently entail large losses.
Why do women dream of rabbits
Interpretation of night vision according to the dreamer's marital status:
- I dreamed of a rabbit for a married lady – there will be a long-awaited replenishment in the family, and good relations with her husband will remain for many years.
- Sleeping with the participation of animals during pregnancy means easy delivery of a healthy and strong baby. A sick or shabby animal is a warning about the need to take care of your nervous system and be examined by a doctor to protect the health of the baby. A dead rabbit signals a high risk of developing diseases that can greatly harm the health of the baby or worsen the condition of the expectant mother.
- For a girl who recently married, such a dream indicates marital fidelity. If the rabbit runs away from you – to the cooling of the relationship with the husband or the appearance of minor difficulties at work.
- For a lonely girl, a rabbit in a dream predicts a quick meeting with her lover, a long-awaited move or journey. If the dreamer already has a lover, then such a dream promises a long-awaited marriage proposal from him. The animal looks scared – a dream indicates a complex and uncertainty about its own attractiveness, which prevents it from starting a relationship with a member of the opposite sex.
A rabbit with offspring often dreams before friends with children come to visit. The fleeing animal warns of the presence of a strong rival, capable of taking away your lover or legal spouse.
Why do rabbits dream about a man
Dream Interpretations will tell you what these fluffy animals can dream of for the stronger sex:
- single guys – to an early, but happy and long-term marriage;
- young people in relationships – to dissatisfaction in communication and life in general with a partner;
- for an adult man – to a long-awaited move or a successful job.
Dead animals can warn of a bad job deal that could lead to serious losses and even bankruptcy. To see rabbits in a dream is to develop your own business or get a more promising position.
Many rabbits indicate promiscuity in sexual relationships, which can lead to loneliness in life or the occurrence of problems that will be time-consuming and costly to solve.
An escaping animal indicates the presence of serious competitors in the work. If you don't make an effort, you can lose a very profitable and promising project.
Why do many rabbits dream
A large number of rabbits in a dream have the following interpretations:
- Seeing a lot of rabbits in a dream means wanting to have an affair on the side in real life or have a child.
- Bunnies in the house – you are surrounded by real friends whom you can completely trust.
- A large number of healthy and clean dwarf animals – to the speedy fulfillment of the dreamer's innermost desires.
- If the animals are in cages, you will have to make an important decision under the pressure of influential people.
- To release an animal from captivity – in reality, take care of a family member or close friend.
- To be surrounded by rabbits is to get into an unfamiliar society, and feel uncomfortable in it.
Seeing in a dream many rabbits fighting among themselves means the end of the black stripe in the dreamer's life. In the near future, you can safely take on new projects – this will lead not only to great profits, but also become an impetus for getting a new position. In relationships with friends, relatives and family members, peace, harmony and complete mutual understanding will reign.
Why is the big rabbit dreaming
The image of a large rabbit in night vision indicates a subconscious desire to occupy a leading position in all areas of life. Another large animal in a dream symbolizes the financial well-being of not only the sleeping person, but also members of his family.
An expert opinion Ilmira Derbentseva Parapsychologist A large rabbit jumping into the fire – soon you will have to sacrifice something valuable to make your dream come true.
Interpretation in different dream books
Each dream book explains the image of a rabbit in its own way.
- Miller. A living and healthy rabbit – the dreamer expects career advancement and a significant increase in income. A white animal for family people symbolizes the loyalty of the second half, and for single people – a meeting of true love. Playful rabbits – all your undertakings will lead to the desired result. To see a fluffy animal before a wedding or after this solemn event is in reality not to be mistaken in choosing a partner.
- Lynn. Rabbits in a dream symbolize not only wealth, but also a subconscious fear of new acquaintances or disorganization at work. The dreamer rushes about in business, which is why for a long time he cannot receive confessions from his boss and colleagues.
- Freud. The rabbit indicates self-doubt and the manifestation of indecision in communication with the opposite sex. For people in a relationship, such a dream means uncertainty in the sincerity and loyalty of a life partner, which contributes to the manifestation of groundless jealousy in reality. Failure to gain confidence and change your attitude towards your loved one can lead to a breakup.
- Wang. A snow-white rabbit is a harbinger of a meeting with a loved one, the offensive in life of a white stripe, or recognition at work from management, which subsequently led to a well-deserved promotion. If, at the sight of a white animal, a sleeping person experiences negative emotions – in reality, he is afraid of changes in life, which prevents him from moving forward in work or improving his personal life. An animal of black color portends a deterioration in health, a discord in a relationship with a family member or financial difficulties.
- Loff. The black rabbit warns of a possible accident. It is recommended to abandon extreme rest and long trips for a while. Hunting rabbits – in reality, afraid of change.
- Hasse. A rabbit seen in a dream warns of the presence of false friends surrounded by who are trying with all their might to harm the dreamer.
Nostradamus. Seeing a healthy and calm animal in a dream means getting a good position or an additional source of income, as well as meeting interesting people. - Stepanov. The image of a rabbit that came in a dream, which caused positive emotions – to receive good news and the onset of a white streak in life. To see a lot of frolicking animals – to the appearance of children.
In most dream books, to see a rabbit hole in a dream means in reality to try to protect yourself from the world around you and try to build your life in the created reality. Such a condition can not only lead to the loss of a job or a loved one, but also cause serious mental disorders.
Day of the week value
Interpretation of dreams about animals, depending on the day of the week:
- from Sunday to Monday – problems at work;
- from Monday to Tuesday – unreasonable fears that prevent you from concentrating on an important matter;
- from Tuesday to Wednesday – successful completion of the accumulated cases;
- from Wednesday to Thursday – in communication with the authorities, the dreamer shows uncertainty and this prevents him from getting a well-deserved promotion;
- from Thursday to Friday – smoothing out a conflict situation at work or with a person from the immediate environment;
- from Friday to Saturday – receiving a significant amount or a lucrative job offer;
- from Saturday to Sunday – a pleasant meeting with friends, good luck in all new things.
In most cases, a rabbit seen in a dream predicts imminent positive events: pregnancy, making a profit or a long-awaited position, a pleasant meeting with real friends or meeting a soul mate.
If the dream has a negative interpretation, it is recommended to pay attention to your health and be careful in making decisions – this will save you from losses and other negative consequences.