Why lips can itch: popular belief by days of the week

Omens and superstitions are firmly rooted in modern life. For a long time people interpreted many events taking into account popular beliefs. Even the itching of the mouth was not ignored. The gift of prediction was attributed to this organ, which was explained by its high sensitivity. Let's take a closer look at what the lips itch for according to popular beliefs.

Why lips itch

A sign of what lips can itch for is usually interpreted in a romantic way. The main explanation is new acquaintances and quick kisses. Itching and irritation before a long trip may indicate a pleasant meeting with old friends.

itchy lips

If the lips itch at the corners of the mouth, beliefs give different explanations on this score. Discomfort on the right portends:

  • compliments;
  • joy;
  • good mood;
  • smiles.

According to ancient legends, there is a Guardian Angel on the right shoulder, which promises only positive changes.

If the irritation is on the left, it is worth preparing for upset and upset.

Itchy upper lip

Let's figure out why the area above the upper lip can itch. Usually, irritation that goes beyond the mouth warns of cases of ingratitude that a person will face in the near future. In family life, jealousy and groundless suspicions are possible. For men, irritation under the mustache promises pleasant surprises.

Itchy upper lip

If the upper lip itches, it portends long passionate kisses. Moreover, they will be initiated by the one who is worried about the itching. Sometimes such an inconvenience can be regarded as an early housewarming and other joyful chores.

Itchy lower lip

According to the signs, when the lower lip itches – be pleasant conversations and interesting acquaintances. Sometimes this malaise portends a large feast, the arrival of guests with gifts. The previously planned celebration will be held at the highest level.

If your lower lip itches, you should prepare for gossip and intrigue. Termination of all agreements, violation of plans is not excluded. In family life, disagreements will come.

Itchy lower lip

Let's figure out why the area under the lower lip can itch. Skin irritation in this area foreshadows imminent friendships or family gatherings with kisses and hugs.

Why does a girl's mouth itch

The itching in this area has always been explained in different ways, focusing on the time of day and other factors. Ancient signs predict the following events for a girl:

  • romantic adventures;
  • new acquaintances with the opposite sex;
  • kisses, sex drive.

A girl's lips may itch for a quick quarrel or long, serious conversations. For a woman, itching in this area portends not only love, but also sweet treats.

Belief for every day

In addition to the above, there is an interpretation of discomfort by day of the week.

Why lips can itch: popular belief by days of the week

Let's consider each case in more detail.


If your mouth itches on the first day of the week, it bodes well for a romantic adventure. The long-awaited date will be called by someone who has long been interesting. Benevolence and openness are needed today more than ever.

Another version of the interpretation involves receiving a sweet surprise (chocolates, cake, etc.) on this day.


If the specified area itches on Tuesday, you should take more time to yourself. A trip to a cafe, for a massage, just to visit relatives or loved ones will be indispensable. Then you can spend the rest of the week in high spirits.

According to another belief, this day of the week will be marked by an important conversation with the authorities. The results of the conversation will be quite favorable.


On Wednesday, the area of ​​the mouth and the surrounding area itches as a reminder of important things. Perhaps a serious project or management order has not been completed. It is worth straining your memory and doing the set as soon as possible.

In a friendly circle, it is better to keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, you can be considered a gossip peddler.


This day does not bode well for any changes or surprises. However, if your mouth itches today, Friday promises to be rich in romantic meetings and kisses.


Lips itch that day – the evening will obviously be successful. It is not excluded a love affair, which is accompanied by sexual attraction.

If the betrothed has already been found, today a possible quarrel and misunderstanding cannot be avoided. It is better not to escalate the situation, otherwise the showdown may be delayed.


Are your lips itchy on Saturday? More attention should be paid to family and relatives. Better to spend all day with loved ones. For women, this day promises pleasant acquaintances.


Combing the skin on your lips on Sunday portends a romantic mood for the next week. If itching bothers you before lunchtime, you should expect pleasant hassles about the upcoming trip. The afternoon will bring serious conversations with relatives.

Why do they scratch on their wedding day: signs

If the registration process or the feast is accompanied by the bride's mouth discomfort, the married life of the newlyweds will be long and happy. The passion between them will never subside, and the honeymoon will leave only positive emotions and impressions.

If the neck and décolleté itch along with the lips, you should expect a strong and passionate marital relationship.

Itching and discomfort not only in the mouth, but also in the chin testify to the imminent divorce.

The simultaneous itching of the bride's nose and lips promises her a husband who abuses alcohol.
You should not take any discomfort as a sign from above. Sometimes the mouth itches just from excitement and overexertion. Sometimes the cause of irritation is a deterioration in health.

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