Why pigs dream – interpretation from various dream books

The image of a pig often causes unpleasant associations due to its gluttony and uncleanliness. However, if you dream of such an animal, this does not always have a negative meaning. For an accurate interpretation of the dream, you need to pay attention to who exactly the pig dreamed about, try to remember the details of what he saw.

Why is the pig dreaming

Why does a pig dream – general signs

General meanings of dreams associated with the image of a pig, regardless of the sex of the dreamer:

  • live pig – to a profitable job offer or the successful purchase of the desired thing at an attractive cost;
  • small pig – empty chores that took a long time;
  • calm and healthy animal – success in all endeavors and positive changes in your personal or work sphere;
  • a thin pig – to illness, failures at work and conflicts with loved ones;
  • pure boar – to pleasant surprises soon, prepared by the second half, relatives or friends;
  • a dead animal – to the dreamer's illness or a deterioration in the well-being of someone from the inner circle;
  • lingering squeal of a pig – bad news, an accident or disappointment in a loved one;
  • a wild boar undermining the roots of a tree – a meeting with a person who will significantly complicate your usual life;
  • to ride a pig – to try an extreme sport in reality and feel at the same time dualistic sensations;
  • to cut a killed pig with a knife – forget about money problems for a long time and enjoy prosperity in all areas;
  • feeding the animal is a profitable investment and successful completion of business;
  • to sell a boar – soon luck will turn away from you, so it is recommended to refuse to conclude new deals, money investments, move or change jobs.

Animal behavior

The interpretation changes depending on the behavior:

  • the pig attacks – you will have to face your enemy, which does not appear in your field of vision for a long time;
  • a beast running from you – it will turn out to win in a difficult struggle with an ill-wisher;
  • scratching the boar behind the ear – in the near future, all business will be completed with a profit for yourself;
  • slaughter an animal and see its blood – in order to win the fight against envious people, you will have to take drastic measures;
  • a bite of a wild beast – one of the enemies will commit meanness, which will lead to negative consequences and significant financial losses.

Pig head dreaming

A pig's head for a sleeping person can mean:

  • making a good profit on condition of hard work;
  • the occurrence of problems in everyday life or the deterioration of relations with relatives;
  • a sneaky act from a close friend.

If you dream that the pig's head is smeared with blood, the dreamer's health may deteriorate. The head of an animal lying on the table symbolizes an upcoming trip or business trip, and on the counter it warns of trouble.

Seeing a pork penny sticking out of the mud is a sign of exclusion from a work project that required a lot of effort, or forcing you to participate in a case against which you are negatively disposed.

A pig with a crown on its head symbolizes the occurrence of a conflict with a leader, a job change or a long separation from its environment.

Expert Opinion Ilmira Derbentseva Parapsychologist If in a dream you tasted pork, it means that an enemy is hiding in the inner circle who will try to harm you or your loved ones. The white pig portends the imminent death of a well-known person.

For a child to see a pig in a dream is to experience favor from teachers, and for a teenager – to receive praise from parents for independence and good behavior.

Why does a pig dream of a woman

Dream interpretation pig for women:

  • a dead pig predicts that in life it will be possible to reveal deception in a timely manner and not get into an unpleasant situation provoked by envious people and ill-wishers;
  • pure cattle – luck will accompany you both at work and in family matters;
  • a large pig is a warning that there is an uneducated person in the environment, and communication with him will negatively affect the psychological state of the dreamer;
  • riding a pure pig – to a pleasant pastime with your soul mate;
  • a big boar freely entered the house – to an imminent conflict with a loved one;
  • to cut a pig – to get a profitable part-time job that brings moral pleasure;
  • an animal lying in the mud is the beginning of a relationship with a stingy man, in which there will be no shortage of money, but it will not lead to a happy family life.

Dream interpretation depending on the dreamer's marital status:

  1. For an unmarried girl, a hog seen in a dream predicts a quick meeting with a reliable man and a successful marriage. Also, the image of a boar warns that the chosen young man may be distinguished by excessive greed, so a relationship with him will not bring joy.
  2. For a married lady, this is a signal of the need to devote more time to her husband and children. Such a dream may indicate the betrayal of the second half or his negative traits, which he had not previously flaunted.
  3. A pig during pregnancy dreams of the birth of a healthy and smart boy.
  4. A pig slaughtered in a dream by another person symbolizes monetary losses in the near future or a victory over a longtime enemy.

Dreaming of dead pigs warn of the betrayal of a loved one – soon you will have a chance to catch him in betrayal. You should not forgive this person, otherwise in the future you will be deceived again.

A dying pig signals difficulties at work, which could lead to dismissal or bankruptcy.

A herd of pigs peacefully grazing in the meadow symbolizes a measured and happy family life, in which harmony, respect and mutual understanding between spouses will reign.

Animal color

If the fairer sex dreams of a black pig, this symbolizes:

  • the appearance of a rival, trying with all her might to spoil your relationship with her lover;
  • acquaintance with a person who is preparing meanness against you;
  • kill a black pig – easily deal with all the backlog;
  • to feel the bite of an animal of a dark color – to the appearance of an envious person in a close environment.

A pink pig dreams of imminent joyful events, a red pig dreams of an unexpected but very pleasant meeting. The brown boar symbolizes a loss of interest in his soul mate – without adding variety to the relationship, they will soon break. Spotted animal – the appearance on the horizon of new relationships, saturated with vivid and memorable events.

Why does a pig dream of a man

The meaning of sleeping with a pig for the stronger sex:

  • to see a thin pig in a dream – to receive an insignificant monetary reward;
  • a well-fed animal – to big profits in the near future and getting a promising project;
  • black – to scams with documentation on the part of employees or a manager, while you will have to be responsible for it;
  • in manure – to a difference of opinion with the boss, which led to problems at work;
  • dead – a signal of imminent dismissal or bankruptcy;
  • aggressively disposed – in life you have a serious competitor whose actions can contribute to a worsening of the financial situation for a long period of time;
  • kill the attacking beast – defeat competitors or become the head of a profitable project.

To hunt and miss a wild boar is to fail in a business that you have done your best to solve. If in a dream you managed to fend off an animal – in life you will have a fateful acquaintance with a person who will support you for many years.

Why do many pigs dream

Many piglets or adult pigs in dream books have the following interpretations:

  • with offspring – an unexpected inheritance, a successful financial investment;
  • a tired pig and restless piglets – there are people in the environment who use your achievements for their own selfish goals;
  • piglets without a mother – significant expenses and troubles, delivering a lot of positive emotions;
  • newborn babies – to an increase in family income;
  • feed the piglets – you have leverage over others, which you will use for your own benefit;
  • stroking piglets – to indulge the vanity of the leader or other authoritative people.

If in a dream you saw dirty pigs, be on the lookout, because they are intrigued against you at work or in a circle of friends who will make you look unpleasant. A dream where the baby clings to the mother's tail and thus moves forward warns of an imminent meeting of a shameless person who will worsen the opinion of you in the team.

Many pigs dream in the pen – in life, many people judge your lifestyle with condemnation. In order not to spoil your reputation, it is recommended that you do not give reasons for gossip in the future.

Interpretation by day of the week

Sleep value depending on the day of the week:

  • on the night from Thursday to Friday – promises a quick meeting with former classmates or classmates;
  • from Tuesday to Wednesday – recognition from the management;
  • from Sunday to Monday – reproaches related to indecent behavior during a general vacation with friends;
  • from Monday to Tuesday – the presence of an opponent or rival, which your acquaintances will soon tell you about.

Interpretations of various dream books

Interpretation of the image of a pig that arose in a dream according to various dream books:

  1. Aesop. The image of an animal indicates a quick meeting with an arrogant and unprincipled competitor or a conflict surrounded by an uncultured unfamiliar person. Seeing a dirty pig in a dream – rumors will be spread about your person in a circle of friends or at work, which will ruin your reputation.
  2. Freud. The pig dreams of a lack of harmony and mutual understanding in a couple, as well as insincerity in relationships with a loved one. A dreamed pig is often an omen of an early replenishment in the family.
  3. Miller. Well-groomed pig – soon new opportunities will open up in front of you that can increase not only wealth, but also credibility in the eyes of employees. Emaciated boar – the need to cut costs and avoid deals with unverified partners.
  4. Wang. A well-fed boar indicates positive changes in personal life and in the work field.
  5. Nostradamus. According to the dream book of this predictor, a herd of pigs dreams of improving the financial situation of the sleeping person and his family. Piglets are also a good sign indicating a positive outcome of even the most risky financial transactions.
  6. Grishina. A pig walking around the house dreams of curing an existing illness and good health for many years. A few boars – to the discussion of your personality with friends behind your back.
  7. Furtseva. The pig is dreaming at work – in reality you suspect one of the employees of hypocrisy and a desire to take your place. Fight off an attacking boar – learn about your character traits that friends, colleagues or relatives do not like. By getting rid of laziness and selfishness, you can reach new heights.
  8. Hasse. Being the owner of a pig in a dream is fortunate in life. To slaughter an animal is to get a lucrative offer that you should not refuse. Feeding offspring – on a subconscious level, feel anxiety about the future of your family. Dreaming of a pig smeared with mud is a misunderstanding between spouses and a tense situation in the house.

Despite the fact that for many people a pig is a symbol of sloppiness, shortsightedness and laziness, the image of this beast can prophesy quick happy events in the family or positive changes at work.

Therefore, having seen pigs, a pig or a wild boar in a dream, drive away bad thoughts and make every effort to resolve existing issues, as well as to resolve old work or family conflicts.

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