Why the big toe can itch

The big toe can itch to anything: peoples at all times interpreted this event in different ways. But usually this phenomenon is associated with long travels, and what emotions it will bring: positive or negative, depends on the side where the itching of the limb appeared.

Why the big toe can itch

Why does the big toe itch

The big toe can itch as a harbinger of travel or leaving the house. A more accurate definition can be given if we interpret itching by days of the week:

  • Monday – many meetings are expected, where you will meet useful people;
  • Tuesday – a business will soon appear that will bring you profit;
  • Wednesday – an unpleasant conversation with a colleague, friends awaits you;
  • Thursday – you will meet with a person who will fall in love with you, and if he already exists, get ready for a marriage proposal;
  • Friday – a long trip or the arrival of guests is likely;
  • Saturday is a harbinger of trouble;
  • Sunday – the weather will change soon.

Most often, signs come true from Tuesday to Friday. Even on weekends, you can judge the state of health. When your toe is combed on Saturday, expect to be cured if you are sick.

Why does the big toe itch

And when the itching occurs on Sunday, take care of yourself, as you may catch a cold. Equally important is the time of day when the finger itches. If the phenomenon happened in the morning, then this is a bad sign and the path to achieving your goals will be difficult. And when scabies appeared in the evening, then wait for good news.

On the left leg

According to the signs, itching on the left leg portends a long pleasant walk around the city or a trip to another country. In general, this is a pleasant phenomenon that will bring positive emotions. Most often, a person expects a walk along the coast of the sea, so the finger begins to itch. In some cases, it may not be a long journey, but a way out of your apartment, but on a very important matter.

If a woman's finger is combed, it means that she has become the object of gossips, bad rumors are spread about her. You need to be on your guard, as slander can ruin plans for the future. One should expect betrayal from the closest one: best friend, young man. Most often, unkind words will come from a man you trust, so you should not disclose your lover's secrets and secrets, even if you have been together for a long time.

Also, itchy toes can be associated with being invited to a party. But in order not to get upset from the evening and not become the subject of discussion, it is necessary to control the amount of alcohol consumed and not trust your secrets to the first person you know.

Signs on the left leg

On the right leg

Itchy right thumb can be a harbinger of bad weather. People have repeatedly noticed how wind rose or rained after itching. In other interpretations, this sign means the arrival of guests, and therefore you need to prepare in advance.

The big toe itches in a dream or after zero hours to the speedy fulfillment of desires – there will be a trip on vacation to where you have long wanted. Do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to travel.

An itchy toe does not bode well, but you will have to face minor troubles. However, if you behave carefully and be attentive, then these failures can be avoided.

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