Noticing tics on the eyelids, many people prefer to see a doctor to find out why their eye twitches. Sometimes the reason is hidden in the physiological characteristics of the body, nervousness and overwork. If medicine has not found any deviations, then in this case it is worth turning to folk signs.
Why does the left eye twitch
The first important factor that influences further interpretation is which side the eye twitches. Since ancient times, it was believed that the right half of the human body belongs to the 'light side', that is, the angels, and the left, on the contrary, to the demon tempter.
Most will take it from this fact. Therefore, superstitions about the right side most often promise positive changes and good events, and on the left they predict losses and misfortunes.
However, you should not immediately get upset, because other circumstances, for example, gender, also affect the final interpretation of the omens.
Let's take a closer look at when the left eye twitches, a sign of what it can be. The main superstitions say that the tic that appears in the left eye promises tears – unpleasant and depressing events in life. Most often, the meaning is interpreted by gender:
- A sign for men suggests that soon a strong 'shake-up' awaits him, rather in a negative way. It can relate to absolutely any area of his life: from love to business. Serious troubles and problems are coming for him, which will force him to abandon his principles, leave them in the past and find new life guidelines.
- For women, however, superstition takes on a positive color. If a girl's left eye twitches, then she can expect a monetary reward – a profit from a planned event, a salary increase or a nice gift. Another interpretation is impressive purchases, the acquisition of which will change their whole future life. In special cases, this can also mean an upcoming romantic date or good news from a loved one.
In some cultures, regardless of gender, eye twitching is interpreted in different ways:
- the Chinese are sure that this sign promises a person a great profit;
- for the Greeks, superstition says that tears of happiness are expected soon – a wonderful turn of fate, a good event that will positively affect their future life
- Turks, on the other hand, have a negative attitude to this situation, since they are sure that the tick of the left eye portends bad news and minor failures.
The meaning of omens is also interpreted by day of the week:
- On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, this will mean the coming of bad events and negative news. It can relate to any area of life: love (quarrel with a partner or even parting), financial losses, problems in a career or business.
- On other days of the week, the interpretation takes on the opposite meaning and promises positive changes in life: a renewal of relationships with a loved one, monetary reward or a promotion at work.
Why is the right eye twitching
If the right eye twitches, then the omen becomes, as a rule, positive. Most often, this superstition promises a person serious material profit. This can be accompanied by other positive events that generate income – career advancement, successful resolution of the event, positive changes in business, etc.
In men and women, the interpretation of why the eye twitches is different:
- If the eye twitches in a representative of the strong half of humanity, then he can count on early success. His efforts and work will not go unnoticed, and hours of hard work will be rewarded financially and emotionally – you can expect a financial bonus and well-deserved praise.
- For women, things won't be so cloudless. If a girl's right eye twitches, then soon tears of sadness await her. Most likely, she will be saddened by bad news or minor setbacks in life. Most often, superstition hints at the fact that she will have to come into conflict with people close to her.
- The general interpretation suggests that a tick in the right eye is a messenger of important news. In the near future, a person will be more than gifted by fate with positive changes in career, family affairs or love. Simultaneous tic of the left and right eyes enhances the influence of omens.
There is also a separate decryption depending on the day of the week:
- It is believed that twitching of the eye on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays is a herald of good events – news that will bring joy and peace.
- The teak becomes negative on other days of the week, when it means bad events, illnesses and disorders.
Upper or lower eyelid
Tremors in the upper or lower eyelid are treated separately, depending on the gender of the person and the side from which the eye twitches. Tics in the lower eyelid are deciphered as follows:
- On the left eye, it portends troubles and major troubles. This can be considered a warning against intervening in tempting adventures or events that ultimately end badly.
- The trembling of the lower right eyelid promises the owner the speedy fulfillment of his most cherished dream. His wishes will surely come true, and in a short time. If the lower eyelid of the right eye twitches, you can take it as a sign from above. The stars in the sky converged and gave the go-ahead for solving problems and solving old problems. Everything will definitely be fine.
The interpretation depending on the gender for the upper eyelid is as follows:
- If a man's upper left eyelid trembles, then this signals his early loss and failure in business. It can concern any area: from love to family and career.
- When a man's right eyelid twitches, it means a premonition of an important meeting that will change his situation in life. For example, for those representatives of the stronger sex who are engaged in business or trade, this will portend the conclusion of a large and profitable deal for them. Although even here one cannot judge only through the prism of work and material well-being. It can also mean positive shifts in your love life. Most likely, the man will have a whirlwind romance and strong love, which will make him forget about everything for a while.
- For women, the characteristic of omens, when the eye twitches, acquires a radically opposite meaning. For the left eye, it will mean improved welfare, material prosperity, expensive gifts and even higher wages. But a tick on the right eye can be a harbinger of a series of failures and sad events.
But do not immediately fall into despair. The effect of any omen can be quickly and easily neutralized.
How to neutralize the action will take
If superstition promises negative events and troubles, this effect can be easily and quickly prevented. For this, the following methods of neutralizing signs are suitable:
- Believers can go to the temple and pray for their health, work, family and loved one. Sincere and honest prayer has a very strong energy that can destroy the influence of any sign. It is also a great way to calm down and 'take away' the soul if a black streak has come and all signs indicate a further aggravation of the situation.
- You can also use the ancient way that our ancestors used for centuries. If the eye twitches, then it will be enough to smear it with a small amount of your own saliva and say: 'Save me, God, from possible misfortunes, sorrows, troubles and failures.'
- Another option for “neutralizing” the bad omen is as follows: you need to cross only the twitching eye, and then rub it intensively with your hands for several seconds. You can consolidate the action of the ritual by reading any known prayer from beginning to end.
Even from the point of view of traditional medicine, all these methods make sense. Spiritual recharge from visiting the temple (it is recommended to attend a full church service), as well as an intensive eye massage will help relieve unpleasant symptoms.
When the upper or lower eyelid twitches, the cause may be physiological problems. But folk signs give a broad interpretation of this phenomenon. Depending on the gender of the person, the side from which the eye twitches, superstition takes on a different character: from spontaneous success to failures in business and love.