Will a dream come true in the afternoon?

Daytime rest is accompanied by dreams, often no less vivid than at night. We propose to figure out whether it is worth taking into account daytime dreams and how to interpret their meaning correctly. will a dream come true in the afternoon Day dreams come true as often as night dreams

Do daytime dreams come true?

All dream interpreters are sure that if dreams are dreamed during the day, they come true as often as at night. But their meaning is interpreted in a slightly different way, the generally accepted meanings of symbols are not applied here. In daytime dreams, a person dreams of everyday problems that worry him during this period.

The interpretation of dreams by day of the week clearly determines which area of ​​life this or that daytime vision belongs to:

  • Monday dreams are related to career or creativity.
  • On Tuesday, a dream will help you deal with everyday affairs.
  • Day dreams on Wednesdays allow you to deeper know your inner world and find ways to spiritual harmony.
  • Thursday's visions define relationships with colleagues.
  • On Friday, dreams are associated with the romantic sphere and material well-being.
  • Saturday dreams are often empty, meaningless.
  • The last day of the week corresponds to the Divine beginning, because it was on Sunday that the miracle of the return to the life of Christ happened. Day dreams on this day are endowed with a sacred meaning, knowing which a person will be able to cleanse himself of accumulated sins.

What does a dream in the afternoon mean?

The meaning of sleep is interpreted depending on the day of the week. Each of them has its own ruler planet:

  • Monday is a lunar day, the planet affects the emotional background of a person;
  • Tuesday is ruled by Mars, an aggressive planet with a masculine energy;
  • Wednesday is under the auspices of Mercury;
  • Thursday is the day of Jupiter;
  • Friday is under the influence of Venus;
  • Saturday is ruled by Saturn;
  • The last day of the week Sunday is under the auspices of the Sun, the planet that defines the personal self.

On Monday

The dream, dreamed on Monday afternoon, reflects the dreamer's pressing life problems and his emotional experiences. Often they contain the keys to resolving the situation, indicate the obstacles to the implementation of the plan, so special attention should be paid to the little things. The meaning of a dream that was dreamed on Monday afternoon is determined by the emotions present in dreams.

do daytime dreams come true The dream, dreamed on Monday afternoon, reflects the dreamer's pressing life problems and his emotional experiences

On Tuesday

Sleep on Tuesday afternoon will warn of impending trials. At the same time, you should not take images and situations literally, fights or military conflicts – these are just images inspired by the warlike Mars. The meaning of dreams on Tuesday afternoon correlates with pressing problems and the energy state of the individual.

Light and cheerful daytime dreams indicate that the dreamer is overwhelmed with energy, which is directed in the right direction. Such dreams indicate that the dreamer has chosen the right path and will certainly achieve what he wants. He has enough strength to reach the end.

A fantastic vision that evokes pleasant emotions symbolizes a streak of luck. The time has come for active action, the most daring dreams and plans will come true, you just have to show perseverance.

On Wednesday

Dreams on Wednesday foreshadow only good events, bad visions on this day do not come true. However, in the middle of the week, in the afternoon, we get reversed dreams, which are interpreted the other way around.

  1. If you happen to cry in a dream, expect joyful events in the near future.
  2. In a dream, I had to dance and have fun, which means that in reality I have to work seriously.
  3. I saw an alarming event – it was time to reconsider my own life.

On Thursday

Sleep on Thursday afternoon, according to esotericists, does not carry much information. Jupiter is responsible for human social connections. Therefore, the meaning of a dream on Thursday afternoon is usually correlated with the professional sphere, education, papers, documents, business trips.

daytime dreams come true or not Sleep on Thursday afternoon, according to esotericists, does not carry much information

On Friday

Friday is considered to be a special day. Often it is during this period that prophetic dreams visit us. The dream, dreamed on Friday afternoon, comes true literally. If you dreamed about a negative event that featured a conflict, in real life, you should be careful. A pleasant vision promises joyful events, you can start implementing the most daring plans.

Friday visions reflect the fate of not only the dreamer himself, but also the participants in the dream. If friends or relatives have become involved in daytime dreams, it is worth delivering the information received to them. It is worth considering that Friday dreams often carry information related to doing business, investing money. Using the tips of higher powers, you can avoid serious financial losses.

Romantic dreams on Friday afternoon deserve special attention. Feminine Venus patronizes love and marriage. To find out what sleep means, you need to consider the plot in detail.

On Friday, you can get important information, as the patron planet activates our subconscious.

On Saturday

The seriousness of Saturn does not contribute to oversensitivity. We can say that under the influence of this planet, the subconscious mind works unproductively, therefore, many dreams that were dreamed on Saturday afternoon turn out to be empty.

However, vivid scenes that made an impression and were well remembered should be considered as warning. Saturn is predictable and straightforward, therefore Saturday dreams do not require special interpretation, they will mean exactly what you dreamed about.

sleep on sunday afternoon Many dreams on Saturday afternoon turn out to be empty

On Sunday

If you believe folk omens, then the dream that you had on Sunday afternoon is fulfilled before lunchtime or does not come true at all. But most often, Sunday afternoon dreams are a reflection of the experiences and concerns of the sleeper, without carrying any meaningful information.

According to the dream books, the dream that I had on Sunday afternoon is interpreted in accordance with the lunar calendar. On the full moon, there are upside-down dreams, the new moon gives clues in difficult life circumstances.


Esotericists are sure that in a dream a person's soul can travel to other worlds, contact the information field of the earth and draw information about the future from there. Daytime nap does not give the dreamer such an opportunity, during which the soul remains nearby, therefore daytime dreams have a short incarnation period.

If a prophetic dream had a Friday afternoon, it will come true in the next ten days. In other cases, the script is executed within one or two months.

Knowing in what time frame come true and how daytime dreams are interpreted, you can use such visions to improve your life. In order to solve the problem during rest, you need to focus on it before falling asleep. The main thing is that the rest proceeds in complete silence, without the TV on. Otherwise, the plot of the dream will be formed under the influence of external stimuli.

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