Wooden cross discovered on Mars

Wooden cross discovered on Mars

An amateur astronomer, I'm sure that the structure that appeared in the recently published image of Mars is actually nothing more than a wooden cross.

A YouTube user who goes by the nickname Truthseeker discovered the anomaly on Saturday and created a video explaining why he believes it's not a spontaneous natural formation on the surface of the red planet.

“I am overwhelmed, there are simply no words.” There is definitely a cross, I mean, everything is clear … everyone can see it, and you don't even need to edit the snapshot in any way. ”- quotes the words of the user cryptozoologynews.com.

He then points to a rock to the right of the alleged cross, which he believes has artificial carvings.

“Then it looks like a table here, with a chair,” he explains, aiming to point the mouse at the breed on the right side of the screen, perhaps the place was part of some sort of religious structure.

According to the author of the video, the anomaly could be a gravestone. He claims that this is not the first cross that he noticed in the images of Mars, which were published by NASA.

'Everything is very strange in this picture, look at this, it looks like a different cross. It's beautiful, I'd love to see what the unedited photos will look like, but I guess it's the best we can get right now. If not a human being, aliens must be on Mars … how could nature create something like this? ', – he said.

Original photohttp: //mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00563/mcam/0563ML2278000000E1_DXXX.jpg

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