A call from space to an Earth telephone is common a business

A call from space to an Earth telephone is a common thingPhoto from open sources

Today, astronauts on the ISS can not only call home, but even make a mistake with the number is a common thing for earth telephony.

This is exactly what happened to British astronaut Tim Peak, who recently called his wife Rebecca, but could not “find” her. Not he managed to contact his parents, but Tim accidentally got to someone else’s phone number, and instead of greeting, hearing an unfamiliar a voice, for some reason asked: “Is this Earth?” As if by chance connect with Mars or, say, Venus.

This is not a hoax, wrote a resident of Misty Albion in his Twitter, he himself was surprised at his stupid question, but, on the other parties, I was amazed how easy it is today to be in space on the ISS and it’s as if to remain among ordinary inhabitants of the planet. Basically, you can even call strangers and talk with them …

Major Tim Peak became the first of the British to become a member scientific research taking place on the ISS. Here he went under sponsored by ESA and arrived with American Tim Corp and Russian Yuri Malenchenko, joining the three astronauts who are already work at the space station. Tima is waiting for a six-month stay at the ISS, he will participate in educational projects on attracting young people to scientific research, as well as in some experiments in which all crew members will be involved ISS.


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