Where in the solar system can there be life?

A photo from open sources

Of all the studied places on Earth, find life in a bubbling tar a lake located on the island of Trinidad (Caribbean), seemingly the least likely. However, on August 7 this year Researchers reported that as part of the bitumen of this lake were microscopic drops of water in which bacteria live have been found. Scientists are sure that this discovery can shed light on the search alien life in the extreme conditions of other planets. Here a few places in our solar system where there can be wisdom in one form or another. 1. Titanium

A photo from open sources

The discovery of life in the bituminous lake of Trinidad is spectacular an event for researchers looking for signs of life on Titan, Saturn’s largest satellite.

Titanium resembles Earth much more than any other celestial body in the solar system. But instead of the waters of the oceans, this moon is home to vast hydrocarbon lakes. Authors of a new scientific studies say that perhaps, as in tar lake, in the ammonia composition of Titan’s oil lakes may be present droplets of water with live bacteria. 2. Mars

At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, the astronomer Percival Lowell popularized the idea that the “channels” located on Red planet – the result of the activities of the Martians. However, as it turned out, the channels are just an impressive illusion, and the surface Mars is a desert without any signs of past civilizations. Neither less, the fact that there is a water ice, and the soil of Mars by its mass contains about 2% water, gives Scientists have serious hopes.

Since for the nucleation and development of any life form is necessary water, scientists are in no hurry to discard versions of its existence in those places of the solar system (including on Mars), where it is present. Moreover, the dirt samples of the Red Planet showed: billions of years ago, the climate of Mars was more humid and warm, which in itself implies its ability to maintain the life of bacteria. 3. Europe

If water is the key to life, then Europe may be the most a promising candidate in the search for alien organisms. It is assumed that under the thick ice crust this satellite of Jupiter contains in its depths a vast ocean of liquid water. In the last years, scientists have discovered the life of microbes in the most extreme Earth oceans. For example, in 2012, an expedition of scientists discovered 68 new species of bacteria living in the deepest ocean in the hollow. And last year, scientists found living microbes buried under the massive ice cover of the Antarctic lake. These discoveries give reason to believe that life forms may exist in a place like Europe. 4. Enceladus

This moon, like Saturn’s Europe, has a massive frozen shell that covers a deep and extensive underground ocean. Some researchers are confident that they will be able to explore the hidden waters of Enceladus without resorting to drilling its bark 40 km thick. Cassini spacecraft (NASA) recorded geysers of water vapor and ice eruptions in fractures near the south poles of Enceladus. If these plumes break out of the underground ocean planets flying over geysers a spaceship will be able to take samples, and scientists will have the opportunity to study the composition of the ocean of this mysterious moon.

Water Life Moon Mars Saturn Solar System

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