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A supermassive black hole was discovered by astronomers. Mass of this “instance” exceeds the mass of the Sun by 40 billion times, reported Science Alert Edition.
The discovered black hole is in the center of the super-giant elliptical galaxy Holmberg 15A, at a distance of 700 million light years. Moreover, this galaxy is in the center of the cluster galaxies Abell 85.
This black hole is one of the largest that have been discovered. astronomers lately. Traced her by the movement of the stars piled up around her. However, this black hole is not the most massive from the well-known, since in the first place is the quasar TON 618, which according to preliminary calculations of astrophysicists, it has a black hole in 66 billion times the mass of our luminary.
The black hole found by astronomers has a mass of more than 40 billions of suns. Calculation of the mass was carried out using the proven method based on the kinematics of stars, not just assumptions.
Given such a mass, a black hole will have an event horizon just monstrous – about 790 AU Now scientists are trying find out how this black hole arose.
Andrey Vetrov
Galaxy black hole