A huge asteroid will pass near the Earth

A huge asteroid will pass near the EarthPhotos from open sources of

A huge asteroid will pass near the Earth on October 31. Asteroid received from astronomers the name 2015 TB145. Asteroid Arrival notable for what will happen on Halloween.

According to NASA, the asteroid moves at a speed of 35 km / s. The diameter of the cosmic body is approximately 280 to 620 m. For example, a meteorite that fell on February 15, 2013 in Chelyabinsk area, moving at a speed of 19 kilometers per second, and the size it was almost 17 meters. Can you imagine what would be the consequences of the meeting of this asteroid with our planet.

An asteroid was discovered in outer space about two weeks ago. It is also reported that the cosmic body will pass by Earth, not threatening it with any cataclysms.

Next time, an asteroid will fly to our planet in August 2027 of the year.

The last time an asteroid flew so close to Earth in 2006 year.

Asteroid Value

For those who attach importance to such events, then Pay attention to what happened in 2006:

– the beginning of the Israeli war with Lebanon (2015 – in Israel becomes uneasy), – in Irkutsk, in the region of Sochi and near Donetsk there were crash of passenger aircraft (Airplane Egypt-St. Petersburg A321), – the collapse of Yugoslavia, – an attempt on the journalist of the “Novaya Gazeta” Politkovskaya, – Saddam Hussein was executed (could Assad be in 2015?), – explosion (terrorist attack) at the Cherkizovsky market in Moscow (A321 airplane?), – a crush in Mecca, in which 364 pilgrims died and more than 300 were injured (2015 – crush in Mecca, the fall of a construction crane), – the summit of the heads of the G8 countries in St. Petersburg, – Election of the President of the Republic of Belarus (2015 – won again Lukashenko), – the opening of the World Cup in Germany (2015 – football championship), – conflict between Russia and Japan on the project “Sakhalin-2”, – the banknote of the BR in denomination of 5,000 rubles was issued (2015 – The Central Bank issues a new hundred-ruble note in December), – began function social network “Vkontakte”.

Israel Russia Aircraft

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