A photo from open sources
A mysterious cigar-shaped object with a length of kilometers was seen near the Sun last Friday, April 26, with a spacecraft NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory for our luminary. The dimensions of the alleged anomaly, of course, stunning as it covers nearly a quarter the diameter of our star, which is about 1.4 million kilometers.
Some users of the World Wide Web believe that the observatory captured the colossal megastructure of extraterrestrial representatives civilization. According to others, a cigar-shaped object or the clot of energy was thrown out by the luminary itself (but why such geometrically even and stable?) Skeptics expect as if we are only confronted by exposure solar radiation on a coronograph lens “Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. ”
Such anomalies near the Sun have long worried everyone independent space researchers, probably, and employees observatories leading world space agencies have long drawn attention to them. But an intelligible explanation of what it is, no one can give (at least it has not yet sounded from luminaries of science). And to blame in this case for malfunctioning equipment – not the best way to get away from the problem …
The sun