A huge crab “lives” on Mars

On Mars Photos from open sources of

The noise around the found broken ship did not have time to calm down aliens in one of the photos sent from Mars as virtual archaeologists found in the next pictures from the Red Planet new evidence of the presence of life or aliens there.

Now revealed a mysterious creature, very similar to a huge crab. Of course, the creature is not living, petrified, maybe it’s even some kind of sculpture, ufologists write in the comments on this “discovery”, however, such findings increasingly confirm the “fear”, that Mars is not as lifeless as it wants to imagine orthodox science. This is especially true for NASA experts, who constantly conceal something, retouch, cunning – in general, behave as if they know much more about Mars, and this knowledge of them even scare. But why? ..

Of course, many Internet users agreed, today’s find is clearly not a sensation, since the found “crab” may well be a simple stone. But in other way, almost all the pictures from Mars that you can see something remarkable and not quite ordinary, without fail of poor quality, as if NASA specially palm them Internet users and quietly chuckles at the same time simpletons. And, of course, does not react to all these “discoveries”. No, when the “broken alien ship” was discovered, NASA immediately fussed, hastily removed the picture, then posted it on another site already retouched, and even answered the ufologist, however, some nonsense …

The current “crab” is the American space specialists agencies will not comment, of course. Will not condescend to this …


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