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The SOHO device, which belongs to the European Space agency and NASA, captured the moment when a large comet crashed into the sun.
On August 14, a comet was detected by observatory sensors in the form a small glowing light, and the very next day the object was drawn by the gravitational field of the sun.
The video was made using a spectrometric coronograph (LASCO). This element closes our luminary in order to artificially create a solar eclipse and eliminate glare on the record. Above the sun you can see Venus, and on the left – Mars.
According to NASA scientists, this comet is part of Kreutz family (Kreutz Sungrazers), which was previously part of huge ancient comet. The remaining fragments of this family were destroyed as they approached the star.
The observed event confirms the fact that this cosmic objects somehow somehow manage to survive and go around The sun.
ESOREITER previously wrote that scientists recorded an unknown space object, which for several hours was on orbit the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Andrey Vetrov