A mysterious cubic structure was noticed near Of the sun

A mysterious cubic structure was noticed near the Sun.A photo from open sources

Wide-angle spectrometric coronograph on board “SOHO” – spacecraft for observing the sun – again caught a mysterious anomaly of gigantic proportions.

The observatory captured relatively close to the only stars of our planetary system an incomprehensible object similar to some cubic lattice. Many netizens have stated that the “grid” suspiciously reminiscent of the “Borg Cube” – a spaceship from TV series “Star Trek”.

A photo from open sources

True, before us is not a shot from the series, but quite real image obtained by the solar-heliospheric observatory and published on the NASA website. Many ufologists expectedly concluded that we are talking about a real megastructure of aliens, sizes which significantly exceed the dimensions of the fictional “Borg Cube.” According to researchers of UFOs and extraterrestrial civilizations, aliens are already have not been afraid for a long time that humanity will notice their starships and other objects, say, on the Moon, Mars, on some asteroids. However, with the same frankness, they are increasingly demonstrating to us and such anomalies are fantastic in size near Of the sun.

Note that the cube is one of the most common forms of such “solar structures” fixed SOHO There are also the so-called “petrels” (UFO in the form of birds), “fireballs” (in the form of huge meteors with long tails), “constellations” (clusters of bright balls or dots), etc. According to popular hypothesis, these objects belonging to representatives alien civilizations, powered by the sun energy, using luminary as a kind of space refueling.

However, there are other opinions on this subject. For example, according to one of the hypotheses, in our Universe everything has mind, including stars and planets, and, you know, how far the mind and possibilities of the Sun exceed our human. It is possible that the luminary itself sends us some signs, which we are not yet able to understand, to unravel, or even believe it all …

The sun

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