A mysterious thing happened in the solar system energy flash

A mysterious energy outbreak has occurred in the solar system.A photo from open sources

Famous ufologist, conspiracy theorist and virtual archaeologist George Graham, the leading YouTube channel “Streetcap1”, discovered strange cosmic phenomenon. The researcher looked at the pictures, received in recent days by the American satellite “Stereo Ahead”, and I was extremely surprised to see them. The author of the find admits that even a little scared by the picture that opened to him and does not know to whom seek clarification.

NASA’s solar tracking device recorded on May 7 something very similar to a colossal energy flash. According to George, one would have thought that an entire planet exploded in the solar system. Alleged the shock wave created giant noise in the image, then spread to the rest of the space visible to the satellite. Graham and his colleagues suggest that soon this energy can reach and our “blue ball” – and for sure it will not be familiar to us sunny wind.

But what was that? What exploded in space with such force that led to the illumination of Stereo Ahead cameras? That’s how they understand it. Internet users:

  • ufologists, for example, say that the ship of aliens destroyed something in the solar system, dangerous to the Earth, and therefore to earthlings in in this case there is nothing to be afraid: the aliens know what they are doing;
  • other users are sure that what happened is somehow connected with solar flares, even if in this case not ordinary the activity of our luminary, but nevertheless, it’s okay, otherwise the mighty of this world would already in a panic rush to occupy their underground bunkers, but this is not happening;
  • still others understand it this way: not so far from Earth to form an amazing astronomical body unknown to us the type whose birth was recorded by the Stereo Ahead camera.

Despite the different views on what is happening in the solar system, everyone who accepted the discussion of George Graham’s amazing find, in basically agree that so far the Earth has nothing to worry about. Another thing, this given phenomenon is interesting from an astronomical point. view, and therefore it is surprising that for some reason astronomers themselves about this silent …

solar system

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