A new stage in the search for extraterrestrial opens of life

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Recently, scientists have found within our Galaxy more and more planets similar to our Earth on which they can live aliens. For this reason, humanity is well to think about the necessary steps to search for alien life. IN Thursday April 18, scientists announced the discovery of three more potentially inhabited planets outside the solar system. These findings give the right to believe that in space there are many planets on which the development of life is possible. Now, having discovered these planets, it’s time for scientists to move on to more a detailed study of the planets on which aliens can live. But this task requires new and more powerful equipment. “To to determine whether there is life on these planets, you need to collect as much as possible more data about these planets that can directly to say about the presence or absence of water or even signs of life, ” says Harvard Center team member astrophysicists Lisa Kaltenegger. These planets were found using NASA’s Kepler telescope, over 3 years of work with which scientists also discovered another 2,700 planets. Consequently, researchers suggest that our planet is not so special. For example, using the Keplerian telescope, scientists found that 6% of the 75 billion red dwarfs are stars, which are smaller and weaker than the Sun – are able to give heat and energy to quantities sufficient for the emergence and development of life on the planets. It turns out that in the vastness of the Milky Way there are 4.5 billions of potentially inhabited planets, the closest of which It is only 13 light years from us. By According to NASA research director Bill Borucki, a real breakthrough in research will only happen when a person will be able to determine the composition of the atmosphere of these planets, which is very difficult from a technological point of view. Boruki and others researchers want to study the composition of the atmosphere of planets outside the solar systems, because the gases contained in the atmosphere can do a lot say about the possibility of life. If researchers manage to discover carbon dioxide, water and oxygen in the atmosphere of the studied planets, it will significantly increase the likelihood of life on the studied planets.

Sergey Vasilenkov

Water Life NASA Solar System Telescope

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