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The Universe is full of mysteries, and the further it penetrates its limits man, thanks to powerful telescopes, all the more fantastic objects and phenomena he meets. For example, recently an exoplanet was discovered that successfully disguises itself as comet.
This disguise is that the planet GJ 436b leaves after itself a huge loop of gases, which makes her a comet. Discovered with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory and telescope Hubble, the planet rotates near the red dwarf in the constellation Leo (thirty-three light years to Earth). GJ 436b at about twenty times larger than our blue planet, in mass it is comparable to Uranium, however, the orbit of rotation around the star in her thirty times less than Earth, and even thirteen times less than that of Mercury
But the main feature of this planet is to throw it out of its the atmosphere huge clouds of gas, mostly hydrogen, which are three million kilometers in diameter and stretch tail comets fifteen million kilometers long. GJ every second 436b loses from the atmosphere at least one thousand tons of gas, which, however, makes up a fairly small fraction of the total stock – so much this planet is huge. Therefore, even for a billion terrestrial years, the atmosphere GJ 436b loses no more than one percent of the atmosphere, but for all the time the existence of the planet, according to scientists, these losses did not exceed ten percent.
In conclusion, we can only add that about comet-shaped planets people knew in ancient times (how, it’s not clear, but references to them in ancient manuscripts are available), modern astronomers managed to discover such a unique for the first time. But how researchers suggest space open spaces, such miracles in The universe is quite a lot.