A six-kilometer monster crawls on Mars

A six-kilometer monster crawls on MarsPhotos from open sources of

A resident of the United Kingdom recently considered pictures of the Red Planet and quite unexpectedly noticed on one of satellite photos are something amazing.

According to the British, on Mars is living or dead creature of enormous size. The author of the find determined that the length this creature resembling a giant sperm should be not less than 6 kilometers!

If you take a closer look at this image fragment, you can distinguish the combined head and torso of this alien creation. His eye, nose and open mouth are clearly visible, and you can also discern something like a fin in the lower abdomen of this monster. However, the most striking thing is the long, thin tail of the creature, becoming thinner at the end and getting lost somewhere in Martian sand.

But what is so strange creeping on Mars?

Many Internet users report that they are this monster somewhat reminiscent of Shai-Hulud – worms from the Chronicles book series Dunes. “These fictional huge monsters live in the sand and emerge. to the surface to feast on desert travelers. Maybe on The red planet has similar creatures, and these are the remains of one of them? Or maybe it’s not organic at all, but someone’s interplanetary ship wrecked on Mars? True, this ship the giant sperm is the least similar.

As for the skeptics, in their opinion, this is a major a funnel from which water once flowed, or a bizarre weathered rock. Maybe it is so, who will act as an arbiter in this already a long-standing dispute – is there life on Mars or not? NASA staff whose photos are used by virtual archaeologists in search of evidence of Martian life, no longer interfere in such discussions, but there was a time (it seems, yesterday) when they responded to every similar find on Mars. It was beautiful time…

Life Mars Monsters

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